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Goodbye, flat footed reloads!


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A very veteran MD once responded to a question regarding a stage that had more non-threat targets than the RB allowed, and required strong hand only shooting at a range beyond 10 yards. He simply stated "IDPA club affiliation means I have to hold 6 IDPA rules matches each year. This isn't one of them."

Must have been a surprise to the people who showed up to shoot an IDPA match, since I'm pretty sure that was how they advertised the match.

I think I know that MD and it was a surprise. A very pleasant one.

A lot like the stage with more poppers than I had ever seen assembled at one place and time before. A lot of fun.

There a only so many ways to arrange six threats.

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I'm glad this rule has been done away with. However, I will not be celebrating too much until I see the new rule. IDPA has a way of screwing up things like this. I fear that the secret six will somehow make a few new rules to make us wish the FFR was still around. Time will tell....

On a positive note, I'm glad that HQ acknowledged their error and corrected it. Thank you!

Edited by sirveyr
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Hey Chad... they only admitted one error and corrected that. There's a more few to go. And, I agree with you - now that they have had to eat crow on this one, what new rules will they be serving up next to "get even with all those who voraciously complained".

One should not fly above 10,000 feet without wearing an oxygen mask. The adverse affects are cumulative... see IDPA World Puerto Rico website . :sick::goof:

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Suggestions were taken from IDPA members that used the comment tool. Not bitching on the internet.


Airing of suggestions and solidifying anything must have been buried in all the bitching and complaining. The announcement of the last rule set, they also announced they would be taking member input in the fall. They took the input and listened, to at least one particular loud input. The process worked as it should have. But, there will be always those that must find fault in everything.

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Glad the ff reload is gone, but there were a lot more good suggestions made. Keep going HQ. Now's your chance to show us you're really listening to the membership.

Edited by johes
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A very veteran MD once responded to a question regarding a stage that had more non-threat targets than the RB allowed, and required strong hand only shooting at a range beyond 10 yards. He simply stated "IDPA club affiliation means I have to hold 6 IDPA rules matches each year. This isn't one of them."

Well said. Good for him

Edited by johes
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A very veteran MD once responded to a question regarding a stage that had more non-threat targets than the RB allowed, and required strong hand only shooting at a range beyond 10 yards. He simply stated "IDPA club affiliation means I have to hold 6 IDPA rules matches each year. This isn't one of them."

Well said. Good for him

Bad sign when IDPA clubs don't want to hold IDPA matches.

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Sorry that you object to my opinion. I, however, have equal objections to your blindly defending everything IDPA does, and denigrating those whose opinions differ from yours... which I find unattractive. I would say folks could 'politely disagree" but your admonition that I "stow it for awhile" tends to cast doubts as to whether you choose to go down that path.

But, you keep on keeping on - as will I. :roflol:

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Your bitching is not attractive. Why not stow it for a while?

No one needs to "stow it for a while...."

Here it is in a nutshell Brooke. Like an idea, contribute. Don't like an idea, offer an alternative view. Someone gets under your skin...avoid 'em but one thing is for certain, those of us who "ad nauseum" stated the FFR rule was a divisive issue were proven correct in an undeniable fashion. The "go along to get along" crowd needs to understand that and come to grips with it.

IDPA corrected a problem and ADMITTED they made a mistake which is a FAR CRY from prior policy. It's a step in the right direction and I not only recognize the effort but I applaud it as well.

I hope this marks a turning point for ALL parties what have a vested interest in IDPA's growth and success.

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A very veteran MD once responded to a question regarding a stage that had more non-threat targets than the RB allowed, and required strong hand only shooting at a range beyond 10 yards. He simply stated "IDPA club affiliation means I have to hold 6 IDPA rules matches each year. This isn't one of them."

Well said. Good for him

Bad sign when IDPA clubs don't want to hold IDPA matches.

That it is...":outlaw" defensive pistol matches siphon off shooters, workers, club locations, and of course capital.

If the customer base isn't happy....success certainly will not follow even the best of efforts. The World Shoot location is a prime example.

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I'veshot all over and clubs that people go back and forth to don't shoot under the same guide lines.

By the way it is a game , a poorly run one, but a game

My current bash is idpa is possibly going to get rid of ESR. sure am glad I bought a new 625 this year

Edited by jcc7x7
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Hooray! :cheers::cheers::cheers:

This is starting to give me the scary impression that IDPA actually listens to their membership :surprise: My CDP gun and I will be back in the saddle this season. We took the year off to play 3 gun and wait for the new rule dust to settle though I kept the membership current.

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Excellent! I don't know who thought that standing still and loading in a "gunfight" was a good idea but they obviously had a brain fart that day. LOL For a sport that tries to keep itself tethered to some sort of concealed carry reality it was the stupidest rule I had seen.

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Excellent! I don't know who thought that standing still and loading in a "gunfight" was a good idea but they obviously had a brain fart that day. LOL For a sport that tries to keep itself tethered to some sort of concealed carry reality it was the stupidest rule I had seen.

Right?! I often wonder what IDPA would be like if the only CoF rule besides safety was "If you perform an act that would lead to a conviction in the real world you get a penalty. If your actions are defensible in court then you may continue without penalty." Of course we would all be up a creek with a large number of scenarios putting us in seek and destroy mode.

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LOL and +1. I have often looked at scenarios that start with "You're shopping in the mall when the BG gang pulls their guns and come after you to steal your new clothing purchases. Defend yourself!"

Then I look at 9 threat targets and figure " Heck, I'll just give them the clothes!" (Especially when I'm shooting SSR... :sick:)

If IDPA stages were realistic and relevant to the "Real World" (sorry kitten) then they would be over in under six seconds with two or three targets. Or, they'd only need 3 or 4 rounds, but would require a 50 yard sprint to the rear (not a good thing, since a whole bunch of IDPA dues paying members are well over 40 years of age... I've seen some where if the SO yelled "Haul ass!"... the shooter would have to make two trips).

IDPA is a pistol match. Accept it. Let's not try to pass it off as a way to save your new jogging suit from 9 handgun toting members of the BG Gang.

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Now they just need to straighten out the rules for the SO's so people will actually not be afraid of being sued. I already seen one of my local clubs drop IDPA because of this. It seems like they keep trying to dumb this down and make everything ultra safe so "anyone" can compete. If you are 70 yrs old, have bad knees and weigh 400 lbs you might not be competitve. You could still shoot and have fun (and maybe a heart attack). I think the sport would benefit from removing rules, not adding more.

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