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Could it have landed? To be used another time? Switching transponders with another aircraft?

No wreckage...no trace...flown towards known Indian country....

Just sayin.

Edited by whitedog
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It sounds more and more like a Hi-Jacking than anything else..

That was acknowledged today. The transponders were switched off manually and the plane pinged satellites for 3 - 4 hours longer. Either a hijacker with extreme knowledge of aircraft systems or the pilot did that. Hijacking is possible, pilot suicide probably higher probability. The senior pilot has some major flags on him as a profile: seems to have no life outside of flying, has a home built 777 simulator and hangs around forums with other flight simulator fanatics. No mention of wife or family or other interests or any kind of a real life beyond his job. Age of 53 so his pilot career is ending pretty soon. Obviously not proof, but does lean towards the profile.
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Could it have landed? To be used another time? Switching transponders with another aircraft?

No wreckage...no trace...flown towards known Indian country....

Just sayin.

With the type of sat coverage that we and many other countries have, I doubt that it could have landed without somebody knowing about it. Also: the automatic transmitters would have still been pinging the satellites. The only way that stops is if the plane loses total electrical power or goes under water which would block the signals.

I think highest probability is the plane is in the sea and I suspect that they already know that.

Edited by bountyhunter
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The pings were from the Rolls Royce engines. Somewhere back at Rolls Royce HQ is a data center that collects all this info on their engines. They know about problems or little hicups with the engines before the pilots do.

The pings at the 3 to 5 hour mark may have been a result of the climb to 45,000 feet and then the sudden dive to 23,000 feet.

After reading the wiki on Air France 447, I am under the impression that the airplane's brain got geeked out by the stall horn warnings, the air speed reading of zero (the pitot tube had frozen up), and the rapid vertical speed downward. So AF447 appears to have sent out this blast or flurry of ACARS data. Which was a good thing because the black boxes were found two years later in like a 20,000 foot dep part of the ocean.

I can't remember the exact acronym, but IIRC, the standard ACARS data transmission cycle is called OOOI.

Something like:

Out of the gate

On take off

On cruise

In back at the gate

The latest is that the satelliteswere getting pi ged with Rolls Royce engine data 7 hours after the transponder and the ACARS system was shut off.

The pilot might have been burning both time and fuel to make a daylight landing at some rough abandoned, unlit runway.

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All theories at this stage are possible. Most probable is Pilot Suicide, next most probable is Hijacking by well preparred terrorist in cahoots with member of flight crew, next Serious Malfunction and loss of aircrew control then subsequent loss of aircraft (not my bet).

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"The pilot might have been burning both time and fuel to make a daylight landing at some rough abandoned, unlit runway."

That was pretty much MY guess. Early on. :ph34r:

That and no ILS to fly an instrument type approach, so it would basically have to be a postcard perfect weather day at whatever airfield he landed at. It would also have to be dry. And the airfield would have to be long enough to take off again. If it was raining and the runway was short, he would literally hydroplane off the other end of the runway. Somebody has probably driven a tanker truck of JP4/JP8 there in order to refuel.

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You don't have to have perfect daylight conditions to land. Even in rain you can see the runway. Almost every runway has lights that can be activated by keying the mic three times on the right frequency.

You would only need old in imc (can't remember if that is the right acronym). But people land at night in vFR all the time.

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It was reported in the news that the plane might have made it to Kazahkstan, Turkmenistan, or Thailand. ASSuming there are several abandoned military bases left in the former Soviet state of K-stan or T-stan, I doubt they maintained the runway and kept the lights working or supplying them with electricity.

I was stationed at one American base with a 7,200 foot long runway. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) thought it was a good idea to make a "composite wing" of different airplanes at one base. So this one base had C-130's, A-10's, and F-16's. The F-16's need 7,000 feet of dry runway. So any time it would rain or sprinkle with F-16's still up flying, they would divert and land at either Seymour-Johnson AFB or Shaw AFB. Typically, the pilots ended up spending the night there. They would fly back the next day.

I guess it beats the alternative of a 20 million dollar on up jet hydroplaning off the end of the runway and slamming into the businesses in town.

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The latest I heard was that they know the plane executed course changes that were pre programmed into the flight computer so it had to be the pilot. Looks like the pilot set that course and switched off the transponders to make sure they couldn't track it. He did not know that the plane kept pinging after the transmitters were turned off, so it appears his plan was to not be tracked. As to whether he planned a remote landing at some abandoned field? Don't know but sounds next to impossible for a night flight to land on visual. Hard to say what he was thinking, my wife speculated that maybe he wanted to be famous and go down in history as the one that disappeared and was never found.

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It would seem that if a Govt. knew/knows from satellite they would not have their ships and planes out searching, unless they think it's good training or have some ulterior motive for keeping silent.

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It would seem that if a Govt. knew/knows from satellite they would not have their ships and planes out searching, unless they think it's good training or have some ulterior motive for keeping silent.

IMHO, the problem is that the gov knows exactly where the plane is, knows the people are dead (it's in the ocean). Problem is, they don't want to compromise the classified sources they have that generate the info. I suspect they will send ships into the area and let them "find" the plane to prevent disclosures. Edited by bountyhunter
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Here's a theory that makes the most sense to me:


But it has a glaring flaw:

"There was most likely a fire or electrical fire. In the case of fire the first response if to pull all the main busses and restore circuits one by one until you have isolated the bad one. If they pulled the busses the plane indeed would go silent. It was probably a serious event and they simply were occupied with controlling the plane and trying to fight the fire. Aviate, Navigate and lastly communicate. "

That has already been ruled out: location transmitter and data transmitter were turned off separately about 6 minutes apart.

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Or it may be sitting on an airstrip somewhere and they want to get to it first ??? I'm sure somebody knows and are not talking yet.

Theoretically possible, but astronomically unlikely.

I just watched the news: they know the west-southwest turn was executed via input to the nav computer and there was verbal communication afterwards with zero stress heard. That plane was full of people with cel phones, if it has not gone down, I think we would have heard something.

I still think the pilot's personality profile looks like an odd duck and the hijacking coincides with the day that one of their political figures was jailed.

read this:


'Democracy is dead': 'Fanatical' missing airliner pilot pictured wearing political slogan T-shirt

Investigators speak of his 'obsessive' support for opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim

Police officers fear Ibrahim being jailed could have left Shah profoundly upset

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