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Being powerless....


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We've had our dog Daisy for 11 years. This time yesterday she was jumping and playing around with my daughter. Around dinner last night, she suddenly went completely blind...and I mean totally. Within hours she went from normal to sightless, but at least she could walk. We took her to the Vet ER and they gave her hypertension meds, steriods, and pain meds and was told to let them work and let her rest. Wake up this morning and she can't move. She has no control over her body at all. I hate the fact that our other child is like this and I can't do a thing to help her. My little girl is taking this hardest. It's cute that she keeps taking her toy stethoscope and checking her. I'm afraid to take her back to the vet for fear of them recommending that we put her down. Ugh!

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Please get the dog back to someone who might be able to help continue treatment. You can always decide later on whether or not you need to euthanize her. You may not have to. This way you at least have all the facts, and the dog is getting the best of care. She already is getting the best of love. Prayers inbound.

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Sorry to hear.

I had to put down my Brittany last summer and I'll always wonder if she might have enjoyed another month or two sleeping on my lap or if I jumped the gun, putting her down too soon.

All the best to your family,


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Sorry to hear of your loss of Daisy. Treasure the good times you and the rest of the family had with her as God put dogs on this earth for a very speacial reason!


Don't have any regrets, and be sure what you did was the right thing to do.


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  • 2 weeks later...

My condolences. I know the feeling, we lost my Brittany when my son was 4. He took it very hard.

He's 11 now and we have a Blue Lacy who is a perfect dog for us. She's a hoot. Very protective of the family and still playful as a puppy at age 5.

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So sorry man. Been there, done that, got tears in my eyes now. I am sure it is of little consolation but how much this hurts is but a reflection of of how lucky you were to have had such a great friend in your life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very Sorry for your loss and hug your little girl. My daughter (Not a little girl) lest her best friend a couple years ago (left Corgi in my avatar) and still crys at times.

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep.

I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
"It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,
You were thinking of the many times your hands reached out to me.

I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care.
I want to reassure you that I'm not lying there.

I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said "it's me."

You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there.

It's possible for me to be so near you everyday.
To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."

You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew ...
In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.

The day is almost over... I smile and watch you yawning
and say "goodnight, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."

And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side.

I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out ... then come home to be with me.

Author unknown

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