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Classifieds pricing


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I think the OPs question was about the [deleted] that were priced higher than MSRP on the classifieds. Well, i saw that too and I just hit the back button and its all good. Now youre asking why.. well because the seller can. You can price an item more than msrp, mark it firm price and bump it everyday if you want to. Not sure if its gonna sell but afaik, its not against the forum rules.

So yeah, if you dont like the price, back button is your friend.

not just that one, there have been others. I get the market, and if the market will hold it, then you get the good price. I am more talking about stuff that is readily available through other sources for much less. used glocks, m&ps, other equipment, ect. of course i just hit the back button, its no skin off my back. i know what the value is and won't over pay.

i guess the point of the post was, why are guys/gals over pricing their items, not that I have to buy them, but just why - are they just ignorant to the real value or do guys on here just "overpay". i guess like i said before, to save $100 on a used gun (what i can buy a new gun for plus the price of the extras they have, and yes i write out a detailed list and figure out what the costs are), is not worth it to me. heck, most vendors offer a 10% mil discount (i know not everyone can get it), so saving 12% is not a great deal.

again, more of an academic discussion of why they are overpriced

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Actual over-priced examples and real-world availability of those items would help to further this discussion...

As I said earlier, a Brazos gun with a few thousand rounds through it would be a steal at a few hundred dollars less than new $4k+...reason why is because not a lot of people want to wait the 6-24+ months for a builder to build one. Same thing goes for custom plastic guns too. I'd snatch-up a Salient/Taran/Zev glock in a heartbeat for a few hundred less than retail... Supply and demand. I could have bought my new shotgun for $600 more than anyone else had it, cuz it was in high demand...BUT I waited, and I paid less than those previous dealers had it. No tax and free shipping... WOOHOO!

Edited by chowellacsbd
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Bringing up specific examples from the classified will get this thread closed. Talking in generalities is fine, but please don't start mentioning specific items for sale in the classifieds (I've cleaned up a couple of posts already.)

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My school FUBAR'ed UPT slots, down from 600 to 800 to just 225, for the classes of 93, 94, and 95. Be glad you graduated/commissioned when you did. So, yeah, I am a little jealous of you flying Hornets.

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Basic supply and demand. Anyone can ask any price here or on other forums. But - it will sell under two conditions. The price is at the market, or the buyer overpays the market either because they don't know or they are willing to pay a premium for one reason or another.

Like others have said, it doesn't bother me. Ask whatever price you want. Unless it matches up with what I'm willing to pay I move on. I've bought and sold a fair amount of stuff on this and other forums and the price has always been "fair" for both parties.

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My school FUBAR'ed UPT slots, down from 600 to 800 to just 225, for the classes of 93, 94, and 95. Be glad you graduated/commissioned when you did. So, yeah, I am a little jealous of you flying Hornets.

I spend a semester at Zoomie U, it was a nice break. I was in mighty Mach 1 fall sem of 94

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While most of the guys here seem to sell for fair prices there are still those that gouge. The rules being what they are on these forums, you can't call somebody out on high pricing.

Allow me to offer another perspective -- I don't believe there is such a thing as gouging -- except as an emotional response from some folks who don't completely understand basic business principles....

Every item has value, even value to the seller who puts it up for sale....

I have a toy fund that is stocked with both cash and products. As cash dwindles, I may put up some items I own, to generate more cash. Some I may want to sell, and will price those affordably. Others I may be a little on the fence about -- maybe I like the item, and while I'm willing to let it go, I'd also be willing to hang on to it. In those cases the price is set higher -- if someone wants to pay it, then the transaction happens; if not I get to keep the item. In either case I win, and if the buyer is as unemotional about the situation as I am then he wins too.....

If I need to raise cash in a hurry, I may offer items I'm happy to part company with at fire-sale prices -- oddly no one ever complains about sellers undercutting the market in those situations...

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My school FUBAR'ed UPT slots, down from 600 to 800 to just 225, for the classes of 93, 94, and 95. Be glad you graduated/commissioned when you did. So, yeah, I am a little jealous of you flying Hornets.

I spend a semester at Zoomie U, it was a nice break. I was in mighty Mach 1 fall sem of 94

I was one floor below you, in four. They just started back up with the academic year. Only one SMACK out of the class of 2017 quit during beast. I guess maybe 29 others were medicaled out. Talk about weak sauce. C'mon, 50% attrition is a job half done. Beatings will continue until morale improves.

Yep, going to Camp USAFA for a semester would have been gravy coming from Canoe U. or Hudson High.

EDIT: I graduated 01 JUN 94. I returned in Jan 95 to visit a girlfriend in C-Springs. I stopped by my old squad. :surprise: They had deadbolts on the doors, and they could have their doors closed in the morning. WHAT? :goof:

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Sir after looking at your other post, some of the same questions come up like in this one, $$$$ to high priced, could that be , you already have a price that you will give and not a penny more, so that makes everyone over priced ? And all this mud slinging your doing calling people ignorant has got to stop ! This is a very good site with a lot of good info, but you do half to weave through it a bit at times. Mr. Enos will tell you that this site was not put here for classifieds only, and a few statements you said leaves me to believe you are here to buy and resale, why else would someone with only 24 post bring this up ? I am also guessing you may be one of our finest military personnel , if so I thank you for protecting our country. But in the end you do half to compare apples to apples and if you don't like the price, don't worry about it, they make this stuff everyday and you will eventually find what you are looking for at the price you want.

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Sir after looking at your other post, some of the same questions come up like in this one, $$$$ to high priced, could that be , you already have a price that you will give and not a penny more, so that makes everyone over priced ? And all this mud slinging your doing calling people ignorant has got to stop ! This is a very good site with a lot of good info, but you do half to weave through it a bit at times. Mr. Enos will tell you that this site was not put here for classifieds only, and a few statements you said leaves me to believe you are here to buy and resale, why else would someone with only 24 post bring this up ? I am also guessing you may be one of our finest military personnel , if so I thank you for protecting our country. But in the end you do half to compare apples to apples and if you don't like the price, don't worry about it, they make this stuff everyday and you will eventually find what you are looking for at the price you want.

well, i don't think its mud slinging, just a questions. and of course I have a price in mind - retail. why would anyone pay more than retail for an item, it doesn't make sense. no, i am not here just to buy and sell. I also read a lot of other posts and discussions, but I am new to some aspects of the sport discussed on here and don't feel I have the expertise to speak/comment on them. As I gain more experience I will then be able to contribute more to the questions posted, rather than just learning for them.

lots of people have posted in response to this threat, well just to buy it. gee, thanks. no kidding. that wasn't the point. i wasn't starting this to say, your too high for me and all of that. it was just an observation that i had made. this is not the only sport i am involved in that deals a lot with gear and buying and selling new/used stuff on a forum. but this is the only one that has recently gone through a "crisis". its starting to stop, so again my question was are people just ignorant (don't take that as bad, it just means uninformed) about the current pricing and availability? i mean a few months ago guys were buying Pmags for $50 a piece at the gun show. do you think that is a good price now? would you pay that? everyone has the back in stock for $13. so if a guy on here had a used pmag for sale for $45, wouldn't you call him a little ignorant on the current pricing and availability? i think thats a fair question to ask

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Its just economics, supply and demand.

As to prices, if someone is willing to pay a price over retail, then it is worth it to them, their perogative. There are some great deals in the classifieds, and those that are truly overpriced will not sell. Some sellers are unwilling to take much of a loss on equipment or guns, so their prices reflect what they are willing to accept. I am one of those people, most of the time. I have some magazines listed right now that havent moved, And might not move at my price. I accept that. Are they worth what I am asking, I think so but the "market" disagrees with me at this point. I accept that and will either lower my price (did it this morning) or remove the add and keep the mags. Are Pmags worth 50$? depending on the political climate and possible demise of future availability, it is possible. Will you regret buying them later? Maybe. If you pay the higher price and they are no longer available, then it is well worth it to some people. If you want a gun with no work or time put into it, buy retail. We love our blasters and equipment, and put a large ammount of money into both of them. Sorry if we dont want to sell them at the price you want to pay. Make an offer, there is allways the possibility that the item has to go and will move at a price you are willing to pay.

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If I need to raise cash in a hurry, I may offer items I'm happy to part company with at fire-sale prices -- oddly no one ever complains about sellers undercutting the market in those situations...

Funny how that works.

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If I need to raise cash in a hurry, I may offer items I'm happy to part company with at fire-sale prices -- oddly no one ever complains about sellers undercutting the market in those situations...

Funny how that works.

Yep, and you usually see these under the OP...

"This won't last long..."

"Crap, why did I buy ______ last week???"

"3 minutes, damn."

This is when the seller usually says to himself... "Idiot. Should've asked more."

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To the OP....

Damn,, you sure got jumped on this,

Yeah, it sucks.

The bummer of loving shooting sports is you will be ( if you don't plan way ahead) at the mercy of the twitchy masses of this country which are goaded by our inane political system. But....

For every one member you see on here who seems to be hi pricing stuff, there are 3 other guys who will help you out/ hook you up if in need...

That said, I hear ya bro... Just roll with the punches!

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To the OP....

Damn,, you sure got jumped on this,

Yeah, it sucks.

The bummer of loving shooting sports is you will be ( if you don't plan way ahead) at the mercy of the twitchy masses of this country which are goaded by our inane political system. But....

For every one member you see on here who seems to be hi pricing stuff, there are 3 other guys who will help you out/ hook you up if in need...

That said, I hear ya bro... Just roll with the punches!

jumped, really. i am having more fun than you can imagine. This has been one of the funniest threads I have seen in a while (on this and a lot of other boards). I started it just for a fun discussion, and it has been. I really don't care what people are asking for their stuff. like many have said, thats up to them. there are some great deals on here (and I have even been able to take advantage of them). and there are some guys who must think that rust on their weapon is gold. and everything in between. but, you have to admit, its been a great and fun discussion, which was my intent

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I'd say as a bare minimum he had to take FE 210 and FE 312:


So I know he knows what a supply and demand graph looks like and what a term like "inelastic" (in the short term) means.

There was a squid in my squad the fall of '92. I'll have to dig out the yearbooks, but IIRC, his name was Patrick Hooper, USNA c/o '94. My AOC was USNA c/o '78, literally a poster child for the Marine Corps: first Afro-American Cobra and/or Harrier pilot.

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I'd say as a bare minimum he had to take FE 210 and FE 312:


So I know he knows what a supply and demand graph looks like and what a term like "inelastic" (in the short term) means.

There was a squid in my squad the fall of '92. I'll have to dig out the yearbooks, but IIRC, his name was Patrick Hooper, USNA c/o '94. My AOC was USNA c/o '78, literally a poster child for the Marine Corps: first Afro-American Cobra and/or Harrier pilot.

I did take an econ class, which is why i posted the question. if the supply is back up and avail, why would you pay more than its avail elsewhere for less? unless you just like giving money away, and if thats the case for anyone, pm me for my paypal account, i would be happy to take some and put it to good use

i would imagine he was either a cobra or harrier guy, but not both. we don't swap platforms around like the air farce. don't know patrick. i was a 96 grad. i did know some of the 95 guys that went to a/f just since we had to interview and what not with them before we did the exchange

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I think it's sellers remorse. Before the panic ppl wouldn't mind selling stuff to new shooters, fellow shooting sports shooters or jr shooters at a good price. But then u hear or read about the a-hole who is ripping off people and flipping items for almost triple the return then u start to feel like u want in in the action.

I hate it too, as much as I hate in stock threads but u don't cry when u have to pay market price for produce, fish or lobster,gas,etc.

Edited by dukduk
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