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component shortages


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ok, i get that some companies make ammo, some only powder, some only bullets, some primers and other stuff.

but wtf is with powder only companies being so short? say VV or even accurate arms. are they also selling all their powder to ammo companies and not to retailers? something seems strange in that regard.

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Guess where us reloaders are in line? Third at best.

Military suppliers would be first. Commercial ammo makers next. Stick in police suppliers somewhere in there too.

A surge in reloaders in the USA and panic buying is all it takes to tip the balance.

What is 'strange' is the surge. However in light of the politics and the known predilection of the progressive -socialist- Marxist wannabees- in the WhiteHouse and

in Congress, the panic is justified. Given the now majority of Americans are sheep willing to be enslaved .... yes.

So, nothing is really that strange. What is strange is the willingness of Americans to be enslaved and the collapse toward socialism and ever increasing central government authority.

This 57 year old feels like a 'Stranger in a Strange Land'.

Feel free to panic.

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People living in those states, where they're talking about taxing the hell out of reloading components, or limiting them severely, I don't mind if they grab up supplies for a short term.. it'll return to normal

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I read an article a few weeks ago reporting that manufacturers (specifically primers) were putting the ammo companies first and the home reloader last on their list of priorities. Which I can understand as most of their money is made from the manufacturers. Still sucks, but not much i can do about it.

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Personally I don't think this shortage will last as long as the last one..... Seems that there is a little easing off even now,..... We will know in a few months when the political trash talk comes down to actual voting....

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Here is an interesting E-Mail I received recently, make of it what you will.

You may not know this, but George Soros owns most of the ammunition

manufacturing companies and many arms manufacturers as well.

He's selling ONLY to the government right now, per WH & DHS orders.

My son works for ATK , which owns just about all the rest of the ammunition companies that

Soros doesn't own. He tells me that ATK has been ordered by the federal government to curtail sales of ammunition, primers and powder to the retail market. What you see currently on the shelves is old stock, and what's left in the warehouses since the CT shootings and new stock will NOT be appearing anytime soon.

ATK and Soros ' companies have more than enough government contracts to keep them going for years to come. Like

Soros ' companies, ATK is a huge defense contractor and they've been told to sell ONLY to the DOD, TSA , FBI, DHS and local/federal law enforcement agencies. This is VERY scary and VERY ominous for what's coming down the

pike in the future.

My son has seen the proposed pricing schedule for Federal, CCI , Hornady , Remington, Winchester and several other ammunition manufacturer's lines of ammunition, components, reloading equipment ( ATK owns Outers, RCBS , Hoppe

and a host of others) and he's flabbergasted!

As an example, when the sales of .22 LR bulk ammo resumes, the pricing will be over $50.00 for a

535-round Value Pak ! That's nearly a dime-a-shot!! They're also going to raise the prices by 300 - 400% on dies, presses, powder measures and the like. He's in management there at ATK in Salt Lake City and they're NOT happy with it at all! They firmly believe this will basically shut-down the civilian market while leaving the government as the only purchaser of

their products. He saw the government pricing for the centerfire ammunition they've been stockpiling and their prices have actually dropped from a year ago so the feds are buying this stuff REAL cheap while we can't even get our hands on it at all!

Something I've always said since Obummer came onto the scene in 2008 is that, even if they can't actually ban the weapons themselves, the government will make it nearly impossible for us civilians to feed them

with ammo, reloading components and the like. The WH doesn't HAVE to actually ban the guns, as Biden said in one of his many faux pas, foot-in-the-mouth, Freudian slip speeches he's famous for making. " All we have to do is to make it too expensive to use them and the public will eventually give them back to us if we offer an attractive price for these

weapons". What's an "attractive price" - a $10.00 Walmart gift card for a $3,000.00 custom hunting rifle? Those were his EXACT words in one of the speeches he gave to the freshman congressmen last week!

Remember, Biden was one of the architects of the Clinton gun ban of years ago. I think he's as dangerous to the Second Amendment as Obozo is, maybe more so, because he's so stupid and doesn't know the muzzle of a gun from the


Feel free to pass this on so gun owners will be aware of what we're up against. I doubt the NRA can do anything about it, IMHO. La Pierre can get on all the talk shows he's invited to and cry the blues about the assault weapons laws that are forthcoming from the WH but the real crux of the matter will be whether or not we'll ever be able to purchase ammunition (at all) or, if we can, what will we be paying for it?

As an aside, here, I deal a LOT with Midsouth Shooters Supply for my reloading components. Two weeks ago I ordered 500 cases each of .45 Casull , .44 Magnum, .357 Magnum and 9mm Parabellum . I was told everything I had ordered was out-of-stock and no in-stock delivery date was being forecast. They wouldn't even accept a backorder for this stuff!

If you think the Federal Government isn't manipulating this market… You'd better think again, my friend!

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Check out snopes.com (a website dedicated to debunking rumors) and you'll see that the Soros rumor has been shown to be baseless.

US ammo and component manufacturers have consolidated and streamlined over the past several years -- just like almost every industry. One need not subscribe to a conspiracy theory to explain the current shortages. There is simply a limited manufacturing capacity facing a surge in demand.

No offense intended.


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I only said I received the E-Mail, didn't originate it. There are a lot of conspiracy theories about, a few might have some basis in fact.

One thing I'd imagine is that with the consolidation of many of the companies and the parent organization trying to do business with the Govt./military it seems reasonable that they would want most production to go toward large contracts and not in small sales to individual dealers or small gun stores.

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Manufacturers dont generally deal to the actual stores or individuals most of the time. Generally, they would sell to one of the fewer than 10 big wholesalers and then the wholesalers would get stuff to customer outlets.

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Anytime you get one of those sensational conspiracy stories in your email box or Facebook feed please check snopes.com or truthorfiction.com before forwarding, reposting, or "liking" anything that smells like this. As much as some would like to imagine that this is the result of a vast government conspiracy the facts are that it I a result of the mad rush on guns and ammo out of fear that restrictive legislation will make it through congress. Ironically the spreading of myths and hysteria are making the problem much worse for everyone.

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Thats exactly what Im hoping for!!!

Everybody chill out so that I can get a few thousand primers to get me through this current debacle and then I will restock in the fall or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know who to blame, all you'se guys.

Really! First we buy up all the stocks in a paranoid frenzy and then turn around and blame the govt, Soros or some other occult cabal. We done it to ourselves. Let's take responsibility for our own actions.

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" / Hanlon's Razor.

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I was under the impression that many (all?) of the "powder companies" actually buy their powder in large batches from manufacturers and repackage/portion it for consumer sale. Anyone care to clarify if they know?

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Don't forget, there's still the PIRATE option; everything you need is still readily available from Cabelas, shipped to your door:

Pirate flintlock pistol: http://www.cabelas.c...80;cat104503680

Flints (who needs primers!) and BP substitutes: http://www.cabelas.c...80;cat104701680

Projectiles: http://www.cabelas.c...80;cat104701680

Or you could go "open" with a 6-shot percussion revolver, if you happen to have some percussion caps on hand.

Think about how much you'd save on components, given the time between reloads!

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