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The Clinton gun ban, passed 10 years ago to prohibit the sale of some firearms, will end next week, and Congress will not move to extend it. "It will expire Monday, and that`s that," House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, Texas Republican, told reporters yesterday.

Clinton Gun Ban.com

Hello unpinned muzzle break!!!

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Bring all your shooting friends here.  We'll swap you 2 hippies for every one of 'em.


The one who's name I cannot mention should be good for at least 3 or 4 shooters then.

Hell, I'd trade all of Sri Lanka for the one whose name must not be mentioned.

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The head line box for AOL sayes it all, Gun makers ready their sales!! When reading the page it tells us that almost all america is for the ban but it is just political scullduggery that is allowing this to happen.......and yet.... this is the part I love!!! when you vote in the little poll offered up in the article it sayes 53% ( it may be higher now) are willing to let the ban DIE and this out of a data base of 18,600 some odd :D:D:D mean while the article quotes all sorts of polls with a less than 1% error, that say 73% support the ban, I love the fact that even now they just can't get it right!! Sorry got to go....the lathe is calling to me!! KURTM

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When the Texas CCW passed one of our local politicos was on the 6pm news predicting that blood would run in the gutters, same idiot was on the 6pm news today predicting that blood would run in the gutters next week because all the gang bangers will have AK47s with huge magazines by thursday. Never take it for granted that we have seen the last of the ban. Larry

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I got lucky and found one SV 170mm tube.

Was supposed to be an ST so I bought it anyhow, turned out to be an SV.

Don's suspect prices of those mags will drop much at all.

I remember when the standard capacity mags ran rampant on ipsc ranges. Everyone had them and it was no biggie. I also remember when the 10rds were first reffered to as reduced capacity mags or throw away mags. Now its turned around high cap vs. standard(10). Kinda funny how things go

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I'm trying to avoid the urge to go on a post-ban spending spree, but so far I haven't been altogether successful. After using every available AR mag in this years ITRC, I've ordered 10 more 30 rounders (still won't have as many as Zak...dammit) and a Beta C Mag.

I went back and forth on the Beta. I've heard that they are unreliable, they are expensive (even at 250 instead of 600!), they are bulky and ugly. But, who knows if or when the ban is coming back? I look at the Beta like the Jack Handey line (paraphrased), "When you die, if you get to choose between regular Heaven and Pie Heaven, choose Pie Heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, mmmm boy!" If it the Beta runs, mmmm boy!

I may buy a bayonet lug and a collapsable stock, even though I hate the snag inducing SOBs (I prefer the less snag prone A2), and don't own a bayonet.

I may get some more STI mags just to make shooting the only match in the world with a 3-500 round count (on a single stage) a little easier.

I may get some 15 rd. Glock 19 mags to replace the hard to load 10 rounders.

I've got some 20 round SR-25 mags for the Tubb 2K in the works.

Part of me says that the spree is silly, but the other part thinks of November and fires up the credit card! :huh:

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