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Friday Flamer (8/13/2004)


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So here we are....Friday the 13th. We haven't had a good flamer in weeks.

Let 'er rip!

I hate that I "get" to work all weekend. I hate that I am salaried so I can work 10 hours or 110 hours in a week all for the same paltry salary. No comp time, no over time. No shooting, no fun and it's gonna be nearly 100 here both days. Blech. Oh...but I get a free t-shirt. Get real. Another gun cleaning rag...

I hate that my lotto numbers didn't hit, again, so I can't eliminate the above problem by singing a particular Jonny Paycheck tune....

I hate ranges that schedule work days closing parts of the range without telling ANYONE except the three people doing the work...especially people that drive 90 miles each way. You want me to support this club and you treat people like this?

I hate that my wife, also salaried, gets to work all weekend and work 16 hour days all next week including on my birthday. I hate "celebrating" my birthday without her. At least she gets comp/over-time.

I hate that the folks in Florida are getting the double-whammy. (I also hate that they named one Bonne and DIDN'T name the other one Clyde but I suspect the Floridians don't see the humor there)

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I hate that I started the day in a good mood, and now I am REALLY depressed.

I hate that my business is still going down the crapper, and I have such a hard time in saying F*@^ it and closing the doors.

I hate that i missed making Master in L-10 by less that a half of a percent.

I hate that I have to work with my brother all day tomorrow, HE depresses the hell out of me.

I hate that from the time I wake up, to the time I go to sleep I worry about $$$. "People say that money isn't everything, but I would like to see you live without it!"


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I hate that my fax software finally crapped out--it was a pain ever since it was installed last December. However, since I seldom use it any longer, I guess I'll just discontinue the fax service and be glad it wasn't something worse. Sometimes we just have to move on, embrace the 21st century and forget it. I'm just sorry the software cost me $50 at the time. :angry::angry:

I, too, hate that all I do is worry about money anymore. It's taken over my life. Connected to that is the social stigma of being an 'older worker' with talent/skills that no one seems to want. :unsure:

I also hate the fact that the American Workplace has turned into such a shambles for so many of us... I sympathize, too, for people far worse off than me, I assure you. We've returned to the days even before labor unions, as far as I can tell. The same level of abuse, the same level of exploitation and unfairness. Not to mention preposterously low wages for many. WTF??!!......... :wacko:

I think I'd better stop this rant right now before it gets boring for all of you.

Carry on.

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I hate that last week I smashed (blood spurting, screaming curses) my bad big toe and had to wait a day to see my doctor so that he could send me to a specialist so that I could get the crushed remains of the toe nail removed. I get the appointment the next day to see the podiatrist, but before I can get there I get a phone call that my Dad has passed away!

So far 2004 has really sucked!


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I hate that my Dad got sick last Thursday, admitted himself to the hospital at 11:30am and I didn't find about it until I went to his house at 6:30pm. I hate that he had to hang out in the ER until about 8pm when his room was ready. I hate that they didn't have cable for him (gotta have standards :P ).

I hate that after 7 years since he contracted hepatitis that it came up and necessitated the removal of his gall bladder.

I hate the emotional wreck that I turn into any time my father gets sick and it gets worse when I saw him after surgery with tubes and IV's, etc. hangin' out of him.

My father is a retired Chief Master Seargent and has loved and taken care of us every day of our lives. And I hated seeing him in that pain.

He's home now and like all good post-operative patients, he insisted on going to In 'n Out Burger for his first real meal (he bought, so who am I to pass on it).

I hate that good men have to grow old and get sick but as much as I hate it, I'm equally blessed to have a great man like my Father in my life.


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I hate pieces of sh@@ that suddenly want custody of a child that they abandoned years ago.

I hate trying to find a f'n job with no help from my school's career services.

I hate that a friends of mines dog had to be put down.

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I hate martyrs, especially range martyrs.


EricW.. Did I miss one of your stories? They usually have me rolling... :D


I'm witholding this particular story for now to protect the guilty. ;)

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Nolan, Rich - sorry to hear of your troubles.

I dislike:

-people who drive like their's is the only car on the road

-people who feel the need to intimidate and bully everyone they come in contact with

-people who talk on their cell phone every waking moment, especially while they are driving or in a movie theater.

-schools that manipulate the employment statistics of their graduates, while at the same time turn a blind eye to alumni who are looking for their first job out of school

-people who don't use coasters :)

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I hate that I had my first wreck in my pickup truck on Wednesday.

I hate that the woman had enough time to either stop or swerve, but she just kept going.

I hate dealing with insurance adjusters even more than the two things above.

I hate chapped lips.

I hate allergies.

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I hate reality shows starring pop music stars

I hate that I don't have my own reality show.

I hate that I don't have my own pop music star.

I hate that Nolan and Rich have to deal with what they're dealing with.

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I hate that my boss of many years has began to loose touch with reality. This is a brilliant mind and real nice human but who was always a tad strange and now with age he has started to drift out of orbit and gentle nudges no longer bring him back on track. I hate that I find myself fighting with him more an more. I hate that he is getting slowly isolated by everyone in the organization. I really like the man but I fear that his mind is starting to slip.


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I hate those that constantly testify that a frigin STI in 40 S&W is the ONLY way to go in Limited/L10 Division.

For crying out loud are you THAT closed minded? :angry:

I especially hate those that discount the 45 acp caliber as a suitable alternative.

Might I remind those "blinded" by 40 caliber "hero worship" that the sport of IPSC was born and raised on the 45 acp round?

Might I offer an additional reminder that the #1 caliber offered for sale in 1911 style pistols offered from manufacturers like Wilson, Para, Kimber, Colt, S&W, Rock River Arms, Ed Brown, etc..etc...etc... is 45 acp ?

Food for thought for those unwilling to think outside the box.

What's right for you certainly ISN'T right for all...

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More flamin', less whinin'!

I hate that I can't seem to recommend or review a movie without it getting closed or deleted. I'm just counting the hours until the Hidalgo topic is shut down or axed due to political content. Maybe I just need to lay off the documentaries and dramas and only watch the recycled, regurgitated crap Hollywood tries to shove down our throats. Oh boy, another movie based on a comic book?!? (OK, I admit I am looking forward to Officer Vic Mackey as the Thing: "I'm a different kind of superhero.")

Damn you and your recipes! Now you are gaming it with sandwich recipes. Why do you mock me so?

Hey Vihtavuori and Kaltrone-Pettibone... adios, amigos. I love to burn your powder but it's 150% the cost of the competition. Does it really cost that much more to ship from Finland than from, say, Australia (Hodgdon)? Did the Laplanders unionize? Did the reindeer get hoof and mouth disease? I appreciate the match sponsorship and I realize the others don't do that, but... $150 for 8 pounds versus their $100, c'mon!

OK, more whining...

I hate that I smell like a smoker after retexturing a modular gun's grip.

I hate that I can't clean the plate rack at 25 yards in TGO's test but I can do it off the clock from 40 yards. I hate that feeling of missing my first plate.

I hate driving 20+ hours and spending two nights in a motel just to have my front sight break off in the middle of the match.

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I hate that my patient assignments for the past 7 weeks have been 'dead' babies.

I hate that the families are so selfish that they can't let the babies go.

I hate that each week my patient's story is worse than the one before.

I hate that other hospitals screw up so bad then send the babies to us for a "second opinion".

I hate that my years of education and experience as well as precious resources are utilized to care for these dead babies, solely to appease the families. However, my saving grace is if they find some solace in these moments.

I hate that tonight my patient is on maximum ventilator settings, is in kidney and liver failure, has developed disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, and is on drips of Insulin, Vasopressin, Dopamine, Dobutamine and Epinephrine with a blood pressure currently 29/19 MAP 22... whole blood lactate = 40 mmol/L. Two EEG's have been performed, both showing no brain activity. I'm sitting here waiting for the baby to code... and the parents refuse to sign a 'do not rescusitate' order.

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I hate Erik Warren for reminding how much I hate that feeling when I miss the very first plate. :P

Heh ... note how I cleverly turned my whining into a flame, as per Mr. Warren's admonition, "More flamin; less whinin'."

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