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Do you bring a replacement gun?


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I have two identical guns for competition. Especially if you fly or drive a day to get to a match, it would completely blow to have the match end because your gun failed.

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I have two identical guns for competition. Especially if you fly or drive a day to get to a match, it would completely blow to have the match end because your gun failed.

Same here. I have two guns set-up exactly the same for SSP. If I travel more than an hour, I bring them both.

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I always take a backup with me along with some spare parts, whether it is a local match, or sanctioned match. I have two M&P Pro's setup identically, and the same with 686's and 625's and 1911's. Only once have I needed to swap out guns, but as some others have said, if you are investing a lot of money on traveling, hotels, match fee's, etc. I want to be prepared. I even bring a backup holster and a couple of mag pouches.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went to a big match and a guy that was on my squad was shooting a 1911 with adjustable sights. on one of the stages he lost a screw and could not find it. he ended up finishing with just the front sight. The close, point shooting distance ones were not much problem, but the long distance ones were a harder.

If its a big match bring another gun if possible. Or spares parts

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I take spare parts and some tools to every match, but have taken a spare gun only once. Had a new barrel fitted, and though the gun ran fine during a 50-round test session the day before heading to the airport, a little voice told me the gun might not work. Sure enough, three malfs on the first day of a major match. With the new chrono procedure, I'd bring a spare, 5" gun to any match out of my local area, as I often shoot a 3.5" gun that won't make power factor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I compete with a CZ 75B in SSP / Production and I carry a CZ 75 Compact daily. Right now I do not have a back up CZ so I bring my carry piece to the range for an acceptable back up competition piece. I always have a parts box with me as well to do minor repairs.

I am hoping to pick up a new CZ 75 Shadow T for my primary competition and keep my enhanced 75B as my backup then.


Edited by Pensfan
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Big matches, always. Local matches, rarely. Had an extractor break during one string at the 2004 (I think) nationals. Ran to the car and grabbed my backup. Finished the stage. Killed my match but, $#% happens. Shot my carry rig the next day and had a lot more fun anyway.

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I worked the New England Regional match over the weekend. One of our shooters sure wished he had a backup -- he was DQ'ed when his Ruger SR9 doubled. If he had brought a backup, he could have switched to the backup and continued.

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When I shot IDPA, I would bring my 1911 and a G-21.... I had a Fobus setup for the Glock just in case something "happened" to my 1911... BUT, also... if someone came with a shooter to watch.... I would ask them if they wanted to shoot, I would loan out my 21 and would get euff ammo from other shooters for them to shoot the match.... I did that MANY times.... :cheers:

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I have two identical guns for competition. Especially if you fly or drive a day to get to a match, it would completely blow to have the match end because your gun failed.

Same here. I have two guns set-up exactly the same for SSP. If I travel more than an hour, I bring them both.

Pretty much the same here. Glocks are inexpensive, and parts, even most aftermkt parts, just drop in. For most matches close to where I live, I bring one gun and a spare parts box with everything except barrel/slide and frame. For major matches, I bring an identical second G34/G35, plus the spare parts box.

My guns have been reliable enough that my own use of the spares was only to replace a broken aftermarket striker and trigger return spring. The second incident happened at a major. After zeroing the stage, I switched to the backup until I had time to diagnose the problem at a break a couple stages later. That, and I've helped others out with replacement sights/FO inserts.

Edited by kevin c
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yes, i have two Glock 34's i bring to every match. They are identical to one another....i.e. sights, trigger, grip tape, etc. Just in case, stinks to drive all that way and pay entry fee and leave the spare at the house.

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I have two identical guns for competition. Especially if you fly or drive a day to get to a match, it would completely blow to have the match end because your gun failed.

Same here. I have two guns set-up exactly the same for SSP. If I travel more than an hour, I bring them both.

Same here.Two Glock 35 set up for ESP.

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I have two identical guns for competition. Especially if you fly or drive a day to get to a match, it would completely blow to have the match end because your gun failed.

Same here. I have two guns set-up exactly the same for SSP. If I travel more than an hour, I bring them both.

Same here.Two Glock 35 set up for ESP.

I have 2 guns set-up the same for the 4 divisions of IDPA I am classified in. Whatever I'm shooting, I always bring the backup, since they are the same there is no need for extra mags/moonclips, ammo or holsters so bringing both is easy. I've never had to switch guns in a match, but like the peace of mind. Before a major match I will shoot one or two stages at a local match with my backup.

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I was kind of surprised when you wrote that you would shoot one or two stages with the backup gun. That would mean that you are swapping guns in the middle of match. I'm not that familiar with the IDPA rules, but doing a quick scan through it, I don't see anything illegal about swapping guns during a match. So as long as I have two guns that satisfy the division requirements I can pick and choose which one to use for a particular stage?

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I was kind of surprised when you wrote that you would shoot one or two stages with the backup gun. That would mean that you are swapping guns in the middle of match. I'm not that familiar with the IDPA rules, but doing a quick scan through it, I don't see anything illegal about swapping guns during a match. So as long as I have two guns that satisfy the division requirements I can pick and choose which one to use for a particular stage?

In IDPA you do have to use the same gun for the entire match unless the gun becomes unserviceable. Here's the section copied from the rulebook:

C 12. In any single contest, a shooter must use the same pistol

in all stages of the contest. If the pistol he started with becomes

unserviceable during the contest, he may use another pistol of

the same type, action, and caliber. Such a shooter may resume

the contest at the next scheduled “start signal”, but previous

stages may not be re-shot. For example if a shooter starts with

a Glock 34 and the gun breaks, the shooter may finish with

another Glock 34, a Glock 17, a Glock 19 or a Glock 26. (All of

these are 9mm and of the same action and type.)

The once or twice a year I do this I usually do it a "defensive pistol" match a small local club has. They follow most of the IDPA rules, but are not an IDPA club. If I can't do that I may shoot an IDPA club and I shoot for no score and get the MD approval.

All that said, since I started shooting Revolvers, I haven't shoot my backup in a match.

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So far I have needed a backup rifle when I had a KABOOM with blown case head, a backup pistol when I broke an extractor, and a backup shotgun when I stupidly left the gas piston in a 5-stand/trap barrel. None of those times did I have a backup with me. I now have near-identical 1911s, SSP/Productions, & Revos. I have similar AR rifles. I lack a proper backup shotgun & backup LTD gun. I usually take a substitute and also spare parts that stay in the truck, including parts that I really wouldn't want to mess with at the range. Taking 6 guns to a 3-gun match can be a genuine pain.

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