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New 1911, but what caliber..?


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Going to put together a new 1911 soon, just can't decide what caliber to go with: 9, .40, or .45..?

I've got lots of experience with the 9's and .45's, absolutely zero with the .40's...

Of consideration: currently I am not reloading, I plan on buying a 550 or 650 and getting a bench together in the winter, but until then I'll only be shooting factory stuff.

I'm leaning towards a .45, as I've fought with getting the 9's to run in the past and IMHO getting a .45 to run 100% is a cakewalk in-comparison, plus, while I'll be hitting more IDPA matches than USPSA SSTK, would be nice to be scored major. That said, 9's are super fun (when they're running correctly) and ammo is WAY cheaper.

I had gotten rid of most of my 1911 stuff so I'm going to be purchasing more or less a gun + holster rig + mags. Since I'd like to stay close to around $1500 or so, I've been looking for what's out there used, and also at the STI Spartans (going with a Spartan would mean I could pick up a case or two of ammo right off the bat), if I go .40 I'll be going with a new STI Trojan.

One of the biggest things I'm trying to take into account is the power factor and OAL of factory ammo that's readily available.

Here's what I'm thinking: If I go 9mm, then factory stuff is about minimum PF no sweat, and getting the shorter OAL's to run can be done, but it won't be as good as it would if the OAL's were just a little longer. In .45, getting it to run isn't a concern, but seems the PF will be higher than what's needed, putting me at a slight disadvantage. In .40, I have no idea how the factory stuff will run, I could get longer OAL stuff from Atlanta Arms to run, but pretty sure their minor stuff (for IDPA) is shorter and might be a PITA...



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Keep in mind that if you get a .40 for IDPA, you are shooting in ESP, not CDP so you'll be going against the powder puff rounds(if you are not reloading your own). I have heard that the .40 single stacks are the toughest ones to get running consistently. The .45's and 9's are pretty easy. If you go 9, then make sure you get Tripp mags, I have a stock STI Sentry in 9 that has run flawlessly from day 1. Good luck in your search

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I am a .45 guy, and am very invested (money-wise) with .45 equipment. But, IF I was starting out, I would go with .40 for pure cost of components reasons. There are tons of people running .40 1911's that have done all the hard work for you, just use the search button, head over to the SSEC thread in the humor section where many of the hardcore SS'ers hang out and there are answers to every question you might have about SS's.

That said, I love my .45's and they do make B-I-G holes in targets :)

Edited by zhunter
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Just had to make the same decision always shot a .45 before I satrted competing, I was worried about all the feeding issues with a .40 in SS. After shooting a friends .40 and the recoil difference I was hooked. I shoot .40 in my STI limited gun and that also made the decision alot easier. Waiting on all of my parts to come in to get it built.

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Thanks for the input so far... still not sure though so the more input the better.

Something to add to my above questions: anyone run a 1911 in .40 and "survived" off store-bought factory ammo (not ordering stuff from Atlanta Arms or other match ammo sources) for any length of time..? What could I expect..? I ask because I notice those that run .40's seem to use 10mm or .45 mags and that has me thinking that running any short OAL factory stuff could be problematic..?

My general feeling right now is that I could go either 9 or .45 and run without reloading for a while, not to mention start with a more affordable base gun. That said, .40 is intriguing as I could shoot major in SSTK and bunny-fart loads in ESP with the same gun and a recoil-spring swap...

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I also have the STI Trojan in 9mm. I currently don't reload but saving up to soon. Biggest part of the caliber selection was the cost factor. I can run over to Wally World and pick up Winchester or Federal bulk ammo and go.

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Go with the 40. You can shoot lower powered loads in ESP and still shoot major in SStk. I have a Kimber that will accept factory lenght or long loads. Still econmical to shoot yet makes major.

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real men shoot 45s

That said, I've had 1911s in 9, 45, 22, and shot them in 38 super and 40. I run in 45 because I carry a 45, and like CDP rather than ESP. I also had 45s before I started shooting limited. If I was starting over and was going to shoot limited, 3 gun, IDPA, etc with one caliber? I would shoot 40. Minor for 3 gun, steel challenge, and IDPA. Major for USPSA. But too late for that. Although, to be fair, I took my highest OA finish with a 9mm Spartan. Had to sell to fund my 3 gun addiction, but will own another one eventually...

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I think everyone should have at least one 1911 in 45ACP. After that, its fair game. I'm a big fan of 9mm stuff. I'd say get a 9mm. Cheaper to feed and there always seems to be a market for them used that is pretty firm.

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I have the STI Trojan in .40 and run the Tripp mags. That being said, it ran rough at first, but a quick visit to Tripp and the gun runs perfectly. The only thing I would have done differently was use the Tripp 10mm mags in stead of the 40 mags to load a little longer to match my Limited load.

What I love is that my wife can shoot the snot out the 40 where the 9mm was too snappy. The Trojan is one of those guns I will just keep forever.

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