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Breakfast of Champions.


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If it's a local match, I'm eating the same thing I always do. 5 scrambled eggs with sautéed onions and peppers. I cut back a bit on the coffee as well. If I'm on the road, I will try to get as close to that as possible. As long as I get a good amount of protein and fat in my meal I can reduce the mental fade. Don't make the mistake of loading up on carbs without plenty of protein and fat to hold you through. You'll crash and feel hungry half way through the match.

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scrambled eggs, with toast or brown bread, and cheese, cup of thee, glas of (chocolate) milk, no coffee, and i put a little lunch package in my range bag (with some fruit, and some bars) and a bottle of water, and when a match is a whole day, i eat on the range, most ranges have excellent possibilities to buy food, and some level 3 matches here a lunch is included.

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I'm the same way, but on match day I make sure to have breakfast. I've noticed a big improvement in maintaining focus throughout the day and having a small lunch or snack is important too. I'll have 2 eggs on toast, maybe some hash browns, a banana, cup of OJ and half my normal cup of coffee. I know people say coffee is bad, but I occasionally get headaches if I stop drinking my morning coffee and I'm definitely not a morning person so every little bit helps.

For lunch, I have made sandwiches before but now I've turned to just having a few candy bars, cliff bars and breakfast bars in my range bag along with several bottles of water when it gets hot. I do notice a difference when I take a minute between stages around noon to have a cliff bar and when it's hot, I try to drink about half a bottle of water after running each stage.

Edited by MustangGreg66
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Same as every day... 4-6 pieces of bacon (baked in the oven) or similar amount of sausage, 3 egg omelet w/ sauteed mushrooms, lots of water.

At the match I will usually have some protien in the form of jerky or nuts, and again lots of water.

Best tasting way to lose 100lbs ever.. :)

Edited by Pensfan
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I eat my usual 2 breakfast sandwiches, which includes high-fiber english muffins, turkey sausage patties and egg substitute with low fat cheese added. I will also eat two handfuls of granola and a peanut butter and sugar-free jelly sandwich during the match. I'm diabetic and if I don't eat, bad things happen. I went through one match last summer without eating anything during the course of the match and I was real unsteady by the end.

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3 eggs, oatmeal and water.

Throughout the day is fruit, jerky and nuts. The jerky is chewable protein and the nuts will keep you sated, but the fruit will give you some quick energy.

I only eat clean except for cheat meals. The cheat meal for me usually comes after the match.

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A mix of fast and slow carbs: a bit of orange juice, preferably lots of pulps, whole wheat bread or the healthier type of cereals, and lots of protein. Barely any fat. I use Egg Beaters or white eggs if I have the time. Sometimes 5 whites and 1 whole egg (my dog sometimes gets the yolks but even him can get fat if he has too many).

I grab a protein bar (I like Pure Protein) for a mid-morning snack.

Note: I work out pretty much every day for one hour, so the protein thing is based on that lifestyle.

I have almost banished junk good, deep fried nasty stuff, processed food, etc... I have no shame admitting I shop at the farmer's market and I do my best to eat things I know pretty much all the ingredients of.

But then, that's just me, it's a free country.

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3-5 eggs, any style, 4-6 pieces or bacon and/or some fresh country sausage, 2 cups of extra strong coffee, 32 ounces of water and possibly a protein drink made with coconut milk and/or a berry blend for the acutal drive to the range.

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16oz of water first then 2 pieces of bacon (preferably nitrate free), 1 fried egg in bacon grease(free range), fish oil, the rest of the plate is mixed fresh cut veggies and a cup of coffee(black) has been my mourning breakfast for about 1 year now, every once in a while when i catch some fish i will fry up some bass,crappie or catfish to replace my egg.

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3-5 eggs, any style, 4-6 pieces or bacon and/or some fresh country sausage, 2 cups of extra strong coffee, 32 ounces of water and possibly a protein drink made with coconut milk and/or a berry blend for the acutal drive to the range.

Sounds excellent and very similar to mine.

I need to add more coconut milk and oil to my diet as well. I love the effects of the coconut milk... but DANG it tastes nasty.

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I will usually snag a few pieces of toast and a granola bar out the door, but I have a lunch box with turkey sandwiches, apples, a couple of sweet things and some other fruit bars. I have to eat throughout the day or my blood-sugar drops like a rock. And water, lots and lots of water in the morning and throughout the day.

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Mac's Lounge for a couple of gut bombs!!!:roflol:(McDonald's and Sausage McMuffins)


don't for get the hash browns and large Coke!

Supersize on the hashbrowns so I get two. Large Coke hell... 55 gallon drum! YUM!!!! :wacko:


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