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Parents Taking Control


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It is frustrating when parents allow their kids carte blanche when it comes to the internet...I see the damage of this lack of control on a daily basis.

The gentleman in the linked video below decided to take control. I'm not saying that his solution is the proper one in every situation, but at 6:50 in the video he makes his point exceptionally clear.

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It is frustrating when parents allow their kids carte blanche when it comes to the internet...I see the damage of this lack of control on a daily basis.

The gentleman in the linked video below decided to take control. I'm not saying that his solution is the proper one in every situation, but at 6:50 in the video he makes his point exceptionally clear.

I don't think I will elaborate here. Let me just say . . . :cheers:

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He acts as immature as his idiot kid.

Really? Shooting your kids laptop? What a douche bag. <_<

agreed...I would have at least put it out at 50 yards or so it at least would have been a challenge.

Edited by brandrum
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Friend of mine found the most effective strategy for his daughter was not grounding, it was taking her bedroom door off the hinges.

Grounding she could handle. The loss of privacy drove her crazy. She behaved much better.

Shooting a laptop? Posting it on Facebook? If the kid hasn't used that as an issue with some state child services organization yet, she's missing a good chance to make her parents' lives miserable.

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Surprised C.P.S. has not been called yet. Failed parenting led to a wasted laptop. Shoot an object because you can't raise yer kid? Unbelievable.


Friend of mine found the most effective strategy for his daughter was not grounding, it was taking her bedroom door off the hinges.

Grounding she could handle. The loss of privacy drove her crazy. She behaved much better.

Shooting a laptop? Posting it on Facebook? If the kid hasn't used that as an issue with some state child services organization yet, she's missing a good chance to make her parents' lives miserable.

That is most likely what this particular situation could have used more effectively. Removal, not destruction, of all cell phones, computers, Facebook, etc. and finally a removal of the bedroom door might have changed things. Now they are just going back & forth at each other. <_<

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I've seen this video floating around Facebook for the last week and I gotta say, I personally don't see anything wrong with this. Yes, he may have been able to handle himself differently, but the route chosen certainly wasn't out of bounds. I'm sure he paid for the laptop at the start so really he's only destroying his own property. It's no different than going out and shooting a bunch of holes in a cardboard target in my opinion.

IF there's any sort of punitive action taken against him in response to this that only shows what's wrong with today.

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I think that he was expecting more out of those "explodin holler points". He kind of hesitates after the first shot.

This reminds me of a guy that lives near me. He took his sons ps3 away after the kid started failing classes at school. The kid found it and would come home after school hook it back up and play some before dad got home from work. He got caught up in a game and his dad caught him. The dad unhooked it threw it in the driveway and ran it over with his truck. Gave it back to the kid and told him he could play it as much as he wanted.

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Love your kids by keeping them VERY busy, and let them understand you are not their friend, this is YOUR house and their home, but they should expect no more than the minimum as far as privacy is concerned. This has caused me to miss things as I am constantly at band and dance and sports now, but hey, my kids seriously know next to nothing about things they shouldn't,(unlike me whho at their age was into drugs, and what have you) and for the most part excel at school and peripheral activities. Not saying I am anything close to a perfect parent, but I've just found that keeping a close eye on things is very important with kids. That really means that you have to be on them like a hound from sun up to sun down. You lose sleep, because you have to be one leg up, OH WELL you are raising human beings! It's not about taking control folks, it is about never losing it in the first place. THey are not supposed to like you all the time. IF you attempt to be their friend you will lose their respect.

Rant off. JZ

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