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Coach's 2012 Shooting Log


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I will break this down later on when I find the time. Shot well for no practice this week or last. Tried to call shots and see the sight lift and not be stupid. Worked pretty well. I had a good day of calling shots. 1 mike in the hard cover that I backed out of a position on, which was being a little aggressive. No extra shots on steel that missed. I had an extra on the texas star because it caught on one pin and got hung up. Last match before nationals went well. Someone had to have a great match in Limited to beat me. We shall see. I test some magazines that I bought early in the year and just got new followers and springs into them. They all worked. Plenty to do this week before flying out to Las Vagas.

Overall I was pretty happy with the way I shot at South Central. School and volleyball and training classes have eaten up every waking minute, and I have not been able to practice at all with the Limited Gun. I had a good run of dry fire over the long run and live fire as well. I am hitting a taper here in my activity which is not all bad. The taper is just bigger than I had planned.

Stage 1:

-I was about 2-3 seconds slower than I should have been and I did not understand it on the range on Sunday, but it is clear in the video.

-Slow draw and bad reaction to the beep.

+ Steel went really well, but it was big. I was seeing the sights on each shot all day long and even here on the first stage.

-Did not shoot very aggressively on the move at all.

-I missed my spot after the reload. Shot the targets in the left hand port in the wrong order.

-There is a long pause in the last position before the first shot over there.

Stage 2:

-A good overall time and some very good shot calling, and the steel went well.

-Had a mike into the hard cover in the first postion. I thought I had backed out on the last target much better than I really did as well.

+Extra shot on the star only because the plate did not fall.

+Two extra shots in the last position was because I called mikes and one of them was and the other was a delta. I took this as good shot calling.

Stage 3:

+Classifier calculator calls this Master class run.

+Got all of the hits and nailed the reload.

+Called them all on the targets as well.

Stage 4:

-Video sucks here, probably a fat thumb on the camera.

-Went well except for the two deltas on from the last position.

Stage 5:

-Easy stage to break down, and even shoot.

-Swingers were fast but close. At nationals they will be at 17 yards or farther and that changes things.

Stage 6:

-Shot the no shoot with the third shot. Reshoot was helpful in that regard.

-All A's through the port.

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I have the guns cleaned. Ammo was ordered by USPSA. Made arrangements for some extra. Have printed the TSA regulations and I think I am squared away on that. Hotel reservations have been confirmed, self squadded finally (which promises to be a story by itself). Made arrangements to get dropped off at the airport. I think I have the order of the stages I shoot figured out. Don't shoot until Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately I shoot the same schedule as the Super Squads so I will not be able to see much of them shoot in person, which sucks.

Still need to get packed.

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Back at the airport for the trip home. I am ready to be home. This has been a great trip so far with one long flight to go. Shooting was tough. If you don't think so look at the results for all the GM's and see how many penalties they all had. I finished 86th out of 260, which is the top third and I will take it. I had one crash and burn stage on day 1. I got off to an unusallly good start and over a bit overagressive on the third or fourth stage of the day. 2 mikes and a no shoot. Day 1 was not caught on video, and was not everything I was hoping for but it could have been worse. We finished in the dark and had to report early on day two to shoot our last stage for Day 1.

I was clean on day two. Slow but with the points, and survived some tough stages. I have this on video and will post tonight or tomorrow. I shot the stages more conservatively than I would at a club match, and in hindsight I think that was the way to go for me at this time.

Day 3 was some of the toughest shooting. I groved three no shoots on the day, which was not the plan but much better than many of my squad mates did. I shot with a bunch of strangers and they were almost all A class and above. I have video which I will get posted from home as well. We ended with the sunin our face on a very tough stage with two max traps activated by a door. Not very many people could get the hits on them. I shot one and then heads on the other. Half at head at about 13-17 yeards, and picked up my final penalty there. It was still a decent run. I finished strong for the match which is pretty typical for me.

It was a good time, and a challenge and I learned some things. Next seasons live fire session will be somewhat different. I did many things in preparation correctly but can do a few things extra and improve a ton.

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What made Stage 7 so difficult? When you see Taran & BJ down -20 & JoJo & Vogel down -30 there had to be something going on you can't see from the videos - this stage probably caused Vogel the championship to Blake.

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What made Stage 7 so difficult? When you see Taran & BJ down -20 & JoJo & Vogel down -30 there had to be something going on you can't see from the videos - this stage probably caused Vogel the championship to Blake.

There were two max traps that were activated by the door. The opened very quickly and at nearly the same time. All that was left were Azone and above in the head once they closed. I would say they were at 13 and 15 yards. Many people were trying to shoot them both in the chest and most people were failing to do it. I saw two differnt people get it done, but many more than that not get it done. But everyone who failed was certain it could be done. I shot head shots at the left one and still managed to groove the no shoot.

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9th out of 141 in the combined results. Not too bad. I plan to break this match down further but some overall things jumped out.

1) I wanted one more major before the season ends and this was a fitting end. I started the the Production gun this Spring at the Battle in the Bluegrass and did not shoot it in a match until yesterday. So with little time on the gun the results were not too bad. I had hoped to do a little better but that is the way it goes.

2) I wanted to be penalty free. I shot zero no shoots (plenty of chances) and I had not mikes. I had one procedural from leaving my foot on the pad in the speed shoot. Rookie mistake that never should have happened and that pisses me off. I would have been one place higher and won B class without that simple mistake.

3) I shot steel well except for the speed shoots. The poor shooting on the two speed shoots was embarrassing. I blame a poor state of mind. The wind was affecting shooters on our squad and the activators and that was pissing me off and I did not have the good state of mind that I had on other stages.

4) I did not shoot well on the move. The majority, but not all, of my deltas were earned on the move. In the past I have been pretty successful shooting on the move. It allows me to overcome some of disadvantage of being slow on my feet. I did not focus on this skill at all this year, and it shows. It is something I plan to focus on in 2013 and make it pay off in matches.

5) My accuracy was decent but my alpha count was lower than it should have been. Too many charlies and too many deltas for Production for sure. I felt like I saw the sights well all day, and I felt relaxed most times and it seemed to show. But I have to get the A's. If I could have gotten 30-50 more A's at the same speed I would been much higher on the score sheet. I am capable of doing it. It will be a point of focus in 2013.

6) SHO and WHO went great. I was old school clean on that stage. All A's, and the time was great, and it was not a matter of luck I saw the sights lift on every shot. SHO and WHO has been a strength this season and I plan to keep it that way. I want to have this skill set as a strength.

7) Stage break down was fine but I did not think the stages were difficult to break down. On the stages that had multiple goods ways to shoot them I settled into a plan pretty quickly. Some stages were pretty straight forward and not many good options to choose from, or they did not suit my game. One stage on the back side was a mess. Very difficult to shoot and avoid standing reloads, but I settled on a plan early. Our last stage (3) took me the longest to develop a plan because I did not walk it in the morning before the match, and I forgot to walk it at lunch like I meant to do. I did not print the stages out, and only looked at them once online Saturday morning. So break down went fine.

8) Drop turners: I did not shoot a drop turner in the whole match. I decided long ago that in limited capacity division drop turners are stupid. If it saves me time and a reload why do it? Everyone forgets that the math used to figure drop turners always counts on Alphas. It is easy to shoot charlies and deltas on these targets and that is seldom taken into account. On stage three I only used three mags because of blowing off the drop turners. Alex Gutt won the match and had a time of 19.41 on the stage. I was 20.01 but with few points. I finished 4th on the stage. There was a huddle of people discussing my plan among themselves and they just could not see leaving 20 points behind. I would say it worked out for me and for Jake as he did the same thing in SS. Putting a drop turner up so that there is enough to shoot while on that array is tough. Many times blowing them off is the thing to do in Production and single stack. (uncertain about the Amish world of revolver)

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8) Drop turners: I did not shoot a drop turner in the whole match. I decided long ago that in limited capacity division drop turners are stupid. If it saves me time and a reload why do it? Everyone forgets that the math used to figure drop turners always counts on Alphas. It is easy to shoot charlies and deltas on these targets and that is seldom taken into account. On stage three I only used three mags because of blowing off the drop turners. Alex Gutt won the match and had a time of 19.41 on the stage. I was 20.01 but with few points. I finished 4th on the stage. There was a huddle of people discussing my plan among themselves and they just could not see leaving 20 points behind. I would say it worked out for me and for Jake as he did the same thing in SS. Putting a drop turner up so that there is enough to shoot while on that array is tough. Many times blowing them off is the thing to do in Production and single stack. (uncertain about the Amish world of revolver)

Interesting. I think that's a bit much of a blanket statement. There are times it's better not to go for it, but when they are right there beside something else you have to shoot anyway, and it only takes you ~.5s-1s to engage, I think you're better off getting the points.

The obvious example is stage 8, the stds w/ the drop turner. We were doing the math and some thought it best not to take it. I opted to leave it for last and transition to it, and if it was there go for it and if it was gone, oh well. I got two very quick shots on it, C/D. Everyone in the top 5 on that stage in PD at least went for it and got one hit. Theorizing that I skipped it, lost the 4 points, but saved .5s, my HF would have gone DOWN by .1. So I slightly improved my HF, even with crappy hits.

On stage 3, the D/T on the right should not have been NPMs. It was visible from the right port, and many on my squad were taking it from there. This stage would have been a good one to skip the D/T (on the left) to save the time going back and forth between the ports and I wish I had been smart enough to see that at the time. :) We discussed it on 8, I guess the smarts leaked out before we got to 3. The stage w/ the D/T behind the door (4 or 5?), I definately would take that one since you had to be there for the swinger anyway, and it was so quick and had no wait time. scratch that, that was a max trap


Edited by rvb
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8) Drop turners: I did not shoot a drop turner in the whole match. I decided long ago that in limited capacity division drop turners are stupid. If it saves me time and a reload why do it? Everyone forgets that the math used to figure drop turners always counts on Alphas. It is easy to shoot charlies and deltas on these targets and that is seldom taken into account. On stage three I only used three mags because of blowing off the drop turners. Alex Gutt won the match and had a time of 19.41 on the stage. I was 20.01 but with few points. I finished 4th on the stage. There was a huddle of people discussing my plan among themselves and they just could not see leaving 20 points behind. I would say it worked out for me and for Jake as he did the same thing in SS. Putting a drop turner up so that there is enough to shoot while on that array is tough. Many times blowing them off is the thing to do in Production and single stack. (uncertain about the Amish world of revolver)

Interesting. I think that's a bit much of a blanket statement. There are times it's better not to go for it, but when they are right there beside something else you have to shoot anyway, and it only takes you ~.5s-1s to engage, I think you're better off getting the points.

The obvious example is stage 8, the stds w/ the drop turner. We were doing the math and some thought it best not to take it. I opted to leave it for last and transition to it, and if it was there go for it and if it was gone, oh well. I got two very quick shots on it, C/D. Everyone in the top 5 on that stage in PD at least went for it and got one hit. Theorizing that I skipped it, lost the 4 points, but saved .5s, my HF would have gone DOWN by .1. So I slightly improved my HF, even with crappy hits.

On stage 3, the D/T on the right should not have been NPMs. It was visible from the right port, and many on my squad were taking it from there. This stage would have been a good one to skip the D/T (on the left) to save the time going back and forth between the ports and I wish I had been smart enough to see that at the time. :) We discussed it on 8, I guess the smarts leaked out before we got to 3. The stage w/ the D/T behind the door (4 or 5?), I definately would take that one since you had to be there for the swinger anyway, and it was so quick and had no wait time.


There might be something to this. The guys that beat you on 3 and 5 all took the drop turners as well.

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blowing them off on stage 3 was the way to go in single stack, eliminated a reload and position

there was not a dt on 5, it was maxtrap

You're right, I'm blaming RVB for the 5 thing. :roflol:

It would make more sense in SS to leave them. It looks like Matt Trout took them....I wonder how he pulled that off?

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