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What is your "Captain" Title


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We jokingly refer to each other as "Captain SoAndSo." The Captain Title being a word or phrase reflecting the person's prominant characteristic.

I'm known as Captain Best Way. (I always know the best way to do anything.) ;)

BigJoni is Captain Indecisive, or Captain Wishywashy (she can't make a decision to save her life).

Michele is Captain Obvious (she states, and restates, the obvious).

My buddy Benny is Captain Prepared. (He has a survial backpack with him wherever he's at, including a gas mask.)

So what are some of your Captains?


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My wife thinks I'm captain stinky, especially after some good tacos and burritos.

Used to be just Captain Kevin, I've still got a 100 ton Masters License. We met on a boat I was working on. I must have eaten better that day :roflol:

Awesome thread, everybody's the captain of something!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been called "Captain Obvious", plain old "Captain", and "CAPtain GILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!" (In your best Captain Caveman voice)- I used to have anything and everything you would EVER need in my old Jeep Cherokee, like Cpt. Caveman had in his club. Hatchet, yup. Crazy Glue, yup. Blue plastic tub to use as a kitchen sink, yup. Duct tape, several colors. The list could go on forever...

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