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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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SigLady alerted me to the fact that May will be (approximately) the Forum's 3th birthday.

Wow, time flies when you're having fun!

On a non-cliche note - The hugest thanks in the world to everyone - long-timers and newbies as well - for making this the coolest shooting forum in the solar system!!!


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........and a SUPER THANK YOU, Brian. Without your efforts we would have never gotten it "all together" into the neat group we have. You were and are the nucleus.

We are all indebted to you............. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Best as always,

Jeffro (Jeff)

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What about celebrating the event this way:

BE will define the "Birthday Date" and time (maybe something around 8 a.m. AZ time, that should translate into 4 p.m. for us europeans, around midnight for HK and Philippines, and could perhaps be acceptable for our aussie buddies as well), and then we will celebrate with as much on-line forum members as we could.

Sort of a virtual party.

This thread could be the joining point.

Your suggestions?

Edited by Skywalker67
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What about celebrating the event this way:

BE will define the "Birthday Date" and time (maybe something around 8 a.m. AZ time, that should translate into 4 p.m. for us europeans, around midnight for HK and Philippines, and could perhaps be acceptable for our aussie buddies as well), and then we will celebrate with as much on-line forum members as we could.

Your suggestions?

Sounds cool. I'm in...

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Wow, I still feel like a n00b even though I was the first member on the boards. And I still have "only" 999 posts. That's approx. 1 each day since the beginning :D

This board is the greatest. Without it, I don't even know if I would still be shooting. Thanks a lot Brian!

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I like the idea of a "flash crowd" on the Forum, but not to the level of denial of service as they have been used. Anyone remember the short story by Larry Niven that used that term? I have seen some of the internet driven events called "flash mobs" where a few hundred folks with no previous acquaintance will all appear in a specific place, all wearing say, a green hat, or similar to call themselves out. Then after about 10-15 minutes of milling around and just occupying the space, they all disperse. No real talking or socilaizing at least at the one I saw. I was standing in front of the St Francis hotel in San Francisco and watched 3-400 participants flow in within a 2-3 minute interval (kinda like a fast rising tide), all carrying an umbrella. Strange stuff! Here are some links on this.





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Wow...3 years...and I have only been here for about half of it. Given the amount of knowledge I have gained from being here it kinda makes those years in college seem paltry by comparison.

Thanks Brian and everyone else that make this place what it is. Life just wouldn't be the same without this place. :)

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Give me the place and time, and I will be online.

I have only been here for about 6 months, and the amount of knowledge and insight I have gained is AWSOME. Thanks to BE, and everyone else, who make this the web site I go to more than any other one.

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What about celebrating the event this way:

BE will define the "Birthday Date" and time (maybe something around 8 a.m. AZ time, that should translate into 4 p.m. for us europeans, around midnight for HK and Philippines, and could perhaps be acceptable for our aussie buddies as well), and then we will celebrate with as much on-line forum members as we could.

Sort of a virtual party.

This thread could be the joining point.

Your suggestions?

Okay, 8 a.m.'s a little early to start drinking - that's a tough compromise. But what the hell, it'd be a nice way to start a Friday. ;)

What about 8 a.m. AZ time May 7?


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Besides the benefit of the information and opinions on the Forum, it has been fun meeting people from the forum at matches, and seeing them progress so much faster than me (namely Jeeper and Bryant Chaffin)!

Thanks Brian, and everyone else.


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The original forums started more than three years ago. I saved BE's reply to my first post.

The forums have come so far since then.

                                  Brian Enos    []



                  Date and Time:

                                  Tue, 8/15/2000 at 18:30:20




                  I understand what you are saying about the match seeming not that difficult. I think

                  what is happening is the matches have become "easy" enough that the shooters who

                  have been around for awhile are so used to it that they say the match "seemed"


                  I was dismayed to see that few of the stages were revolver neutral. There was a

                  Virginia count stage that had 8 targets that required one shot on each, then

                  mandatory reload, then one shot on each. This was a Match that was going to Crown a

                  Revolver Division Champion!

                  Ans. I agree, that is totally ridiculous. How long is it going to take?

                  My local club has picked up a few new competitors in Production, who would probably

                  not have been happy stuck in Limited. We have also seen some of the old guard who

                  dropped out years ago, come back with their single stacks to shoot in Limited 10. It

                  looks like the new Divisions might be proving some worth.

                  Ans. I think the new divisions are great as is the old guard coming out to shoot.

                  I am concerned about the efforts to introduce new Match scoring systems. I

                  understand the old system, and why we have been told not to use it to score divisions

                  together. I personally have no problem with the high Open score affecting my percent

                  in Limited. I don't think its a big deal.

                  Ans. Personally, I have always preferred to see my Limited score scored against the

                  Open score. That way I can check my performance against the match winners.

                  I agree with you on everything on your Hate list, but there are some points I must

                  waffle on.

                  The problem with designing a stage that will challenge the shooting skills at Master

                  Class, is that you will probably drive away most of your D and C shooters. Its the D

                  and C Class that make up most of the competitors at Club level Matches. Without

                  them, most Clubs would not survive.

                  Ans. I've heard that argument a millon times. I think that argument only holds true

                  because of the evolution that the sport has undergone. The types of stages I was

                  referring to on the HATE page did not and do not need to require difficult shots to be

                  effective. The competitors (us) will screw it up easily enough because of our need to

                  GO FAST. Like I said in HATE, I can practice all day on ONE TARGET. A wide open target

                  at 15 yards. The difficulty is provided by the scoring system. Robbie and I literally shot

                  all day on a side match on an "El Presidente" - the winner came down to who shot

                  more A's. At the very end he beat me by one match point. I was one tenth of a second

                  faster, but he shot one more point. Even at the speed of an El Presidente it comes

                  down to points - if it's done properly.

                  I think the todays shooters have just gotten used to the modern day courses of fire.

                  They don't know how to trim down a course until it is not possible to squeeze out any

                  more score.

                  One thing I do hate is stages that have all targets in groups of 8 shots(or 6). Its OK to

                  have just one target in an area, or two targets taken from a port. It gives the

                  competitors more options, and makes mag capacity less of an issue.

                  I agree.


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