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AR15.com/ Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Championship

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does anyone know if the guy that sells the load two shotgun shell belts is there ?????

Benny Hill and yes he was there today

Benny is using one, but it is being made by Mark Otto, but he is not here.

Could one of you guys get a picture of the one Benny is using and post it? Really am trying to decide if i want to give one of these load 2 belts a try.

Jim M.

the one i saw was new and for sale i do believe and on his display table, i have seen one in use and the shooter said he loved it. not sure if we got a picture so far the wife is around 700+ on pictures. i wish i khew how to post pic's we have some good ones

Hey, track me down if you can. I got my idea for a limited M&P from you and it's been great!

I'll send you a PM.

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I would like to say thanks to all the sponsors and match staff for a great and fun match! I shot in the AM div. and had my best finish out of the four three gun matches I have attended. The biggest surprise was the free food from Larue, that brisket was like crack.....kept going back for more. New strategy follow that truck! :cheers:

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TRYING to post these results on the ARFCOM site. Cannot figure out how to add the attachments. Anyone with advice, please send a PM.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2011 AR15.com-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician

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Well, since the 2nd name called has posted, I will bookend it with mine- DEAD LAST in the random drawing. That is an all time new low for me and my luck with drawings :surprise: Hell, they almost did not even call it! Oh, well- maybe next time. Gotta thank all the sponsors, match officials, ROs and Rockcastle. More thank yous later, but HUGE one to LaRue for a great chance to shoot from 30 to 1000 yards and great food!

Like said above, lots of good food, plenty to do between stages and everything running on time. Even had time to get my rear window replaced after it shattered on Fri. and still shoot all of my stages, get in a 1000 yard shot (hit on shot 4 of 5) with LaRue and other things. Still inconsistent with my stages though. Ended up 30th overall, way better than my only other large multi-gun match. Surprisingly, 2 of my best stage finishes were in Stage 6 (shoot from and get out of a car sitting down on its chassis) and Stage 3 (shoot rifle, run up steep hill, shoot some more rifle and pistol). Both not considered "big" guy friendly!

More later, time to get rolling.

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we had a great time lots of fun and lots of laughs, the best one was the rear window shot! Wanda took right about 1,500 pictures that she's working on to try to get them all on one disk for the squad, 1st AM.

The worst part for me was the scores thatwere posted. i know i sucked on shotgun, but shot clean 0 that's zero point down, no no-shoots, etc. but came in 95th out of 145 damn i knew i was slow heart sank some but no top 50% for me.

but Vortex made me so very happy again! thank you Vortex!

Edited by RWF
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Outstanding match!!! More than just the competition and the unbelievable prize table you lead a match that has taken our sport to a whole new level.

Pro shooters as ROs for AM, great range master, great vendor recognition, side matches, a friend of mine said it best " this is going to be hard to top!".

You put a lot of thought and effort into the match and really created something special

Special thanks to all the Pro ROs as you guys all ways make me feel safe as a shooter as well as always fair and friendly with the shooters


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Jeff and Crew,

That was a great match. I've never been to a big match; I will now have VERY HIGH expectations! We plan to be back next year for more fun. I would like to thank the RO's for giving their time and the sponsors for all of the gear. I can't believe how much fun I had...


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Even had time to get my rear window replaced after it shattered on Fri.

Tim, i told you that was a stage, not a parking lot!!! :cheers:

I guess the cars without tires or wheels should have been a warning!

Still no idea what happened, just one of those things. Even the guy in Glascow went out of his way to help me out. He went Fri. night to get the window in some other town and bring it back so that he could put it in Sat. morning (when they are not normally open) and I could finish the match.

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Thanks guys :blush: I had a blast at this match.

A monster thank you and :cheers: to Jeff for organizing this match!!! Might be the best match I've been to! :goof:

Another huge thank you to the ROs who volunteered their time to run some very fun stages.

And finally, but not def not last...Thank you to all the sponsors who donated to this match. :cheers:

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The prize table was unbelievable! And to my suprise, they call my name second. Thank you to Colt, this is an awesome rifle!

I was lucky enough to win the other one. :goof:

I guess us "Ohio Bobs" took home great rifles. :cheers:


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Congrats everyone, what a great match and an awesome way to enter the 3gun world. Does anyone have the Name and fax# of the FFL guy? He gave me his card but it seems to have fallen out of my pocket...he wrote his fax# on it, i have to fax my FFL info to him to get the gun i won... please PM me if you have this info thanks!

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Congrats everyone, what a great match and an awesome way to enter the 3gun world. Does anyone have the Name and fax# of the FFL guy? He gave me his card but it seems to have fallen out of my pocket...he wrote his fax# on it, i have to fax my FFL info to him to get the gun i won... please PM me if you have this info thanks!

There is some info for him on the homepage for the match. No fax but this is the email listed nbnoble@pmresort.us

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