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S N O W is a 4 letter word


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Hate the stuff. When in Illinois, we had a slope to the driveway. Played the game of setting uphill attack speed to make it into the garage with the hope that there were no frozen puddles on the floor. :surprise: The day the snow piles at the end of the drive got taller than me, I decided on a permanent fix. Now snow is something that looks pretty on the mountain peaks as I view them from the beach ;)

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You guys just gotta learn how to play in the snow. Skiing, snowmobiling, sledding, etc. It is a part of life in Montana. My wife was just giddy at the first snowfall this year. She can not wait to hit the slopes.


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That's one of the reasons I love Texas. We have 4 seasons.

Almost Summer


Still Summer



It's snowed here once in like 103 years. I'm over it. ;)

I've been to Texas...I'd rather take the cold & snow for a while, than the extreme heat. I really don't like death heat.

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We had a TOTALLY UNSEASONAL touch of snow (didn't last long) just before Thanksgiving. It got really cold very suddenly and the rain turned to white stuff. Mostly it's just wayyyyy early for snow here in the Willamette Valley. White stuff (if it happens here at all) is more a December-January kind of thing.

Mostly we are just gloomy and cool-to-cold this time of year. Tend to miss the sun after days-upon-days-upon-days of NO sun, though. That's the curse of this place--grey skies. And very high humidity with a tendency toward fog. Bleh.

You know, I spent three winters in Anchorage, AK some time back, and though the days were obviously short in winter, it was SUNNY all the time and no one noticed the mere 4-5 hours of sun thru the depth of winter. We just hung out and played around in the sun as much as possible (and there was almost no humidity) and never thought much of it. :)

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That's one of the reasons I love Texas. We have 4 seasons.

Almost Summer


Still Summer



It's snowed here once in like 103 years. I'm over it. ;)

I've been to Texas...I'd rather take the cold & snow for a while, than the extreme heat. I really don't like death heat.

Tomorrow's high in the upper 60's. Its gonna be great weather for a 3 match weekend starting with a night match tomorrow.

You can always find some shade and drink more water but you can only put so many clothes on a still be able to shoot and be able to move.

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