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Does your postman hate you


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my postWOMAN seems to handle bullet deliveries pretty well. The mail car is always parked in front of my house as I am the last house on a route i think. she just leaves them in the mail car til then end, then walks them across my front yard to my doorstep. about a day or 2 after my last 69lb box of bullets showed up, she said to me with a joke "just a couple of light envelopes today. not been ordering any heavy things lately?" haha. i just laughed and said thanks. she doesnt seem to mind them. Just hope she's that friendly on the next order (will probably be ordering 2 cases of bullets instead of then normal 1)

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lol i orderd 2000 124g bullets one time and they couldnt deliver it to my apartment via postal service, so i went to the post office to pick them up

the lady went to get them and then she comes back and says 'wth is in that box, lead?'

'ha. yeah.'

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My Postwoman will drive up in front a tap the horn if she sees my truck. She asks very nicely if I will give her a hand when bullets or really heavy boxes arrive....

When I am not there she may mumble - or not - but the bullets are on my doorstep. biggrin.gif

Never had to go the the PO to pick up anything.

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My mailwoman HAD long manicured fingernails and wouldn't pick up or deliver anything heavy... After asking the postmaster why my scheduled pickups weren't made despite the boxes being only half the maximum weight (brass), things started to run a little more smoothly with the heavy stuff...and suddenly her fingernails were gone :goof:

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If you have any problems, just call their supervisor. If you can't get the response you need, ask them for "their district's consumer affairs" phone number. Postal workers get paid well for what they are expected to do. If they can't lift a 70lb box, that's their problem, not yours. Part of being fit for duty is to have the ability to lift 70lbs. The shipper paid the postage to have the item(s) delivered, not to have the carrier leave a notice on your door/in your box to "come pick it up." You are a CUSTOMER, and should be treated as such.

I'm a postal worker, and I approve this message.

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UPS, Fedex, and USPS love me :D Usually get them each a Christmas card and throw in a gift card. My Fedex guy actually helps out part time at one of the local shops :D My USPS guy is retired USMC, and the current UPS driver has barely had time to get all the sand off!

I DREAD the day any of'em transfer/retire from their jobs!


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Haha, good stories in here for sure. My favorite is the "you need a new hobby". My wife offered to help the postman this last time and he laughed and said "aaaah, I don't think so".

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Once I had the note - it was because my normal guy was on vacation. He's a big, burly (i'm big - but he's bigger) baldheaded wrassling type looking dude that can pick up a 70lb medium frbox with his pinky fingers. He's REALLY good and never a complaint - then again, we give him nice things at the holidays as well. Might be the same dude that drops Boz1911's packages as well. I'm blessed :)

OH right, and the time I did go pick up the package at the post office, not only did they turn my wife away the first time she went (i was on a road trip) but they wouldn't even bring it out to me. I had to go back behind the counter and grab it off the shelf for them. Now, when I did this - they were like, you need some help? Need a cart? You think that cart will do it? I said, no, I'm fine, walked over picked it up and slung it on to my shoulder and walked one arm swinging out the front door. You heard their mouths drop and hit the floor like you'da thought lifting 70lbs was a miracle.

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post-22114-048658000 1288062946_thumb.jp

He might now that I don't share!!


PS Mail Man Chuck hasn't yet realized it's "Miss" Williams :rolleyes:

That's classic. I don't know if I would have been brave enough to ask that. I guess it depends on the relationship with the customer. I see NRA mags in the mail, Midway ads, etc etc in the mail for customers. I don't mention anything because it's my job to deliver the mail, not to be in someone's business..

I'm a postal worker, and I approve this message.

Oh , "Miss Jackson if you're nasty..." Janet Jackson (sorry, couldnt help myself.)

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Ha, you bet man. Last time they didn't even try to deliver my case of 124gr MG bullets. I had to pick it up at the post office.

I told them it was "lead", and they looked surprised. I told them "if you ship lead, of course you're going to use flat rate USPS. What did y'all think was going to happen?".

They then made me hoof it through the sort room and pick it up and haul it out myself. Oh well. At least I have a couple of nice USPS corrugated mail bins now!

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I've had mixed results. Most have been good natured but there have been a couple of let's say not so happy encounters. Our mail carrier seems to be different every month. It's pretty interesting when they have this bewilder look on their face and want to know what could weigh so much. If the limit is 70 lbs what does it matter, did they think no one would use the Flat Rate Boxes to their limit?

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I have several Mail people that deliver to my house. One is a man that leaves the said "note". One is a thin young lady that just delivers as asked. She is happy when I'm home and helps out though. Last is a big lady and won't even let me help her :surprise:. The guy hasn't came back sense I complained about him not doing his job and delivering my mail as he is suppose to do. Now I just have the 2 ladies that do their jobs :cheers:

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The interesting thing about this thread is the problems all seem to be at the delivery end, never at the shippers end. As I understand individual PO's are evaluated based on the amount of postage they sell. PO's that fail to bring in sufficient revenue are subject to being closed. If the shipping PO gets all the credit it would explain the lack of interest in the delivery PO to deliver packages that require more than a routine level of exertion.

I have a friend who is a rural carrier. He gets paid by mails counts that they do twice a year. More mail more money.

Yes when I had the last box of brass I had delivered the post woman complained about it being to heavy.

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I think my postman hates that I order stuff that comes in small but very heavy boxes, but appreciates that I meet him at the mailbox with a wheelbarrow so he doesn't have to lug them up the driveway.

When I order my lead bullets from MBC, I can very easily predict the day that they'll arrive . . . might look silly if I met him with a wheelbarrow every day :D

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A couple years back me and a buddy shipped 20,000 pounds of 2/6/92 alloy over a several month period, we dropped it off at the P/O, but there were several folks that their carriers wouldn't deliver it to their house

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't had any problems from my mail carrier. One day I get home and find four cases of MG's and one case of precision cast (about 70lbs a case) all on my deck still in the usps crates with handles. Almost 300 lbs of bullets in one day, yeah, my mail dude hates me... :D

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  • 2 months later...

Typically I notify my female postal worker that a heavy package is coming.

But honestly, it does not bother me to go an pick up my bullets at the main station. Sure it is a pain to call a number that is always busy for 10 minutes but they are pretty nice to me and let me drive onto the property to pick up my stuff.

I think the rule is a package has to weigh less than 50 pounds and they are obligated to deliver it. I just don't sweat the small stuff.

I am just happy when my Zeros arrive.

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