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DQ Video, all sorts of scary


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my stomach sank like three times on that video.

Why have a submerged start? Good point to all stage designers to have boxes/fault line nailed down. The shooter then gets up with using the gun to aid standing up with the barrel in the dirt.

Not much of a reaction by the RO. All I heard was "no.no.no" after the shooter tried to continue.

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I RO'd a competitor this weekend that also fell pretty hard sliding around in the mud. But he had remarkable muzzle and finger control, that's all I saw in slow motion as he fell. He was able to hop up, limp to his final position and complete the course on his last stage. Looking back at it, it was pretty crazy how I recollect the situation. I was tempted to yell stop, but he had not done anything wrong, and the both of us were in complete control of the situation.

Something to note is, this competitor whom I am talking about, is relatively new. Whom I had conducted a safety check for only a few months ago. And this was a pop quiz he passed with flying colors.

Edited by Aristotle
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I'm all for bringing new shooters out to try the sport and doing some handholding for their first match or two to be sure they understand the game, but has that shooter had *any* sort of safety training? I can understand losing control during a fall. It takes some pretty focused attention to be aware of muzzle direction while you're falling down, but to plant the muzzle in the dirt and use it as a support while getting up? At least his finger was off the trigger so he didn't get a blown up gun for an added bonus.

And a submerged start? I think I'd take a DNF on the stage before I'd try that.

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Holy Toledo Ohio Batman!!! :surprise::sick::blink::sick:

I am with everyone else that the person that designed AND *set up* that stage needs to be DQed. It is the job of the MD and all of their RO/SO's to point out where there could be a safety issue....and there were a LOT of safety issues there before the shooter even started!! :(

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If that was a local match, I would have packed up my gear and hit the road, not before giving the MD the reason why.

This match looks like it's over seas. It looks like the same bay that I saw in one of my Eric G. videos, I'll have to look it up to recollect.

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ya know those blue collar comedy guys...the one guy who says "here's your sign!"

well, if the RO has to wear 5 buckle boots like he"s been out in the barnyard or in the stables mucking stalls....here's your sign that you should either cancel the match or modify the stages so there's is no running involved.

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If I would have watched that on youtube without being directed there from here- the first inclination I would have said was "fake" and then I would have thought "it's an airsoft kid match"... Freakin' scary - and yea, the submerged gun thing - I'll take a 0.

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I don't know what to think of this. I agree it is dumber than dumb and dangerous even if done without incident.

Show of hands everybody, Who would put their gun in a bucket of water? Even your $5k open gun? Are Cmores waterproof? Too what depth?

Not only is the box not nailed down it appears to be overlapping 2X4s and he tripped on the top board. Has to be a bb gun match or something.

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holy nikes batman!

So who is at fault here more? competitor or the MD? Stage Designer?

I could see that as a lawsuit waiting to happen. You just have to bolt/stake down those fault lines.

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Show of hands everybody, Who would put their gun in a bucket of water? Even your $5k open gun? Are Cmores waterproof? Too what depth?

Yup, if I were shooting production I'd entertain putting a Beretta in a bucket but there ain't any way in hell I'm intentionally putting a 2011 underwater. :roflol: :roflol:

Give me a procedural or a DNF!

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That had to be in some foreign country, listen to the RO when he stops(?) the shooter.:blink: I've been told that in the early days of USPSA/IPSC here in the states that shooters would have to start a stage with their hands in a bucket of water but not the gun.:surprise: Everything about that video is freekin scary and wrong! Hold the stage designer and the MD's head in that bucket of water for about a 30 count.:angry2:


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Youtube profile of the person that uploaded the vid, states Hungary/ Not sure if that means anything though. It is like a car wreck, I dont want to watch it, but I keep going back. I ask "what if I was the RO", "what if I were the shooter"

I think if I were the RO, I would not have run the stage with the start box not staked. I also think I might have stopped the shooter when he was shaking the water off/out of the gun. It appears that he may have broken the 180 before he tripped. I also would not have started on the left of the shooter.

If I were the shooter, I wouldnt have shot the stage! If I did shoot it and I fell like that, I would need a change of shorts, and I would stop to buy a lottery ticket on the way home.

Is this why officials don't like instant replay?

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That was pretty f-ed up. I've been in the RO's boots before. There isn't anything that you can do when something like this happens. By the time you register something is going wrong, it's too late to yell "Stop!" let alone actually do anything. Glad to see that no one involved has any new holes in them.

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I'm not sure which face best describes my reaction to this one........TALK ABOUT STUPID ALL AROUND.

Stupid MD - H20 is good for drinking, putting out fires, cleaning off after a match, etc etc etc.....NOT GOOD FOR SUBMERGING WEAPONS IN BEFORE A STAGE. Failure to the most epic proportion

Stupid RO - I think as a spectator I woulda been screaming my head off to cease all movement and then clear the weapon...we get a "ehhh you should stop now" from the RO...really guy...

Stupid Shooter - really....using the muzzle end of a sidearm as a crutch? Are we serious? Completely asinine. Shooters need to pass a basic firearms IQ before we let them shoot

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