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3-Gun Nation Episode 1

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Wow! I was really impressed with the presentation. Even the commercials were interesting!

They did a great job of introducing some of the portions of the game. I was really hoping to see some of the head-to-head shootoff, though. I guess I *have* to watch it next week, :)

(I scheduled my flight late enough this morning so I could stay home to watch it, even though I set the DVR to catch it)

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I saw it this morning, wasnt bad. I would like to see them have a little more coverage .... maybe possibly a competitiors view point of the stage instead of just behind them. I am sure that someone would be willing to put on a camera and run a stage after everyone has shot it.

But it is also the first time something like this has been on TV I am sure that it will change over time and evolve like everything else does with feedback.

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How long before Hulu usually gets something up? I don't have a DVR... :(

If anyone can find a link to the episode on line, I'll give them 2 attaboys!

I'm pretty sure Hulu doesn't carry Versus.

I'm hoping someone recorded it though.

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How long before Hulu usually gets something up? I don't have a DVR... :(

If anyone can find a link to the episode on line, I'll give them 2 attaboys!

I'm pretty sure Hulu doesn't carry Versus.

I'm hoping someone recorded it though.

NO :( not fair.

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The show was really first class, featuring a professional presentation. It is definitely aimed at displaying 3-gun as a legitimate sport and displaying shooting sports in a positive light. Hopefully enough positive feedback is received by the Versus network and the sponsors to continue promoting action shooting.

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I think the show was great. Fast paced, some good tips from the AMU, a montage of people shooting... I think it was a good primer to get people interested in the sport.

Having said that, those of us that shoot 3 gun know what we would like to see: First person view of stages, aerial fly overs of the stages, maybe a segment of the good people / friends you make in the sport, an average joe segment, etc... However, how much interest would that hold for the average non-competeing viewer? I think that positive feedback will allow more sponsorship for the show which will mean more cameras, angles, tricks, etc...

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I thought episode one was good. It was a little slow for those of us that know the sport but it was only 1/2 hour and they gotta introdue the game to the non shooters. Plus they aren't trying to get our attention and $. We are already buying and shooting. They are trying to get the $ from the guy's that like shooting but never shoot competitively.

I think the commercials were just as cool as the show. The sponsors did a great job of making their products fit in with the show's theme. I would think the big name companies that aren't sponsoring the show would want to do so now. Hell I just about ordered a SCAR, SLP, and FNX9 during the show!

I like outsydlookingin75's idea about a shooters POV of some stages. How cool would it be to see a stage from the compettiors eyes, get their thoughts and comments while they shoot and see the targets fall. Hell it may be more fun to see someone like me shoot it as you get a lot more shooting and you get to feel the pain of too much shooting. :roflol:

I think my favorite part of the show was Taran Butler's interview when he talked about the video gamers out there comparing them to 3 gunners. That guy cracks me up!

I hope there are some interviews with the average Joe shooters to show the audience that the majority of the shooters at the match aren't professionals or even sponsored. I'd also like to hear form some military guys like Daniel Horner and non AMU guys like Ben Fortin to appeal to that genre of viewers. You gotta get the LE guys on their too.

I thought the music was awesome!

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Overall I liked it. I thought the segments about teaching the country singer how to shoot, while technically valuable, really slowed the pace of the show.

I'm looking forward to the next one.

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Fiddler, You may be interested to know that that country music singer, always a firearms enthusiast, is now a bona fide competitive three-gunner- probably as a direct result with his involvement with this show. If you check the results for the Larue match this year you will find him 59 spots above last place. Not bad for a redneck guitar picker! Joe

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Fiddler, You may be interested to know that that country music singer, always a firearms enthusiast, is now a bona fide competitive three-gunner- probably as a direct result with his involvement with this show. If you check the results for the Larue match this year you will find him 59 spots above last place. Not bad for a redneck guitar picker! Joe

Mark Wills has actually been shooting for awhile now. He really dumbed it down when he was learning from Travis. I've seen him shoot and he knows better than some of what he was demonstrating.

He was actually behind me in line at registration for the Bianchi Cup, texting back and forth with Robbie who was way ahead of us in line. Seemed like a good guy. I think it was a good idea to have someone with name recognition hosting the show. Makes for a bit broader appeal.

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I couldn't remember Mark Wills' name when I made my earlier post. I meant nothing demeaning about him personally of course, I just thought those segments were a bit slow. I recognize him from some Shooting USA episodes.

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I thought episode one was good. It was a little slow for those of us that know the sport but it was only 1/2 hour and they gotta introdue the game to the non shooters.


Hell I just about ordered a SCAR, SLP, and FNX9 during the show!

How cool would it be to see a stage from the compettiors eyes, get their thoughts and comments while they shoot and see the targets fall.


I think my favorite part of the show was Taran Butler's interview when he talked about the video gamers out there comparing them to 3 gunners. That guy cracks me up!


I thought the music was awesome!

Agree x1000 :cheers: I just about fell off my sofa at Taran's comment! :bow:

For the first episode its as exptected, longer on intro, shorter on shooting. But, I did enjoy it and will watch more.

Edited by Rob Tompkins
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