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World Shoot XIV Information

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Guys, sorry for the heavy hand here, but I did pull some post that were furthering the controversy that happened at the WS.

I don't think anything positive will come of this, and it just doesn't feel proper here.

I'll talk it over with the moderators and with BE, but...until further notice...let's keep the talk off the negative.


Kyle F.


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Thanks, I was really surprised to finish as well as I did. This was a very difficult match. It was also a lot different than other matches that I´ve shot since they´ve all been in the US. I definitely want to try some other international matches though.


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How about those cheesy trophies? None of Kay and Jerry's even made it back in 1 piece. Constructed of injection molded brittle plastic I think. Team gets 1 trophy :wacko: Ladies team decided who got to keep by the person who had space in their luggage. Did anybody's trophy make it home in 1 piece?

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I'll see what I can do. My wife has told me it is so ugly that I cannot display it in the house unless I rebuild or "de-uglify" it.

"de-uglify" it rotfl2.gif .........but after having a view on it, I can understand her!(Specially love the blue stand) :rolleyes:

Best regards & DVC

Hans (The Rock)

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I would like to suggest that the next World Shoot treat the display of match results on the web, both interim, and final, as something worthy of attention.

The World Shoot site was very attractive and nicely organized, but the quality fell apart in the display of results. A decent result system should:

1. Be so easy to post to that the stats staff does not need the help of a webmaster, or do any manual upload.

2. Publish stage results, and overall results when appropriate, in a nicely organized fashion. Putting them all in one file, or worse, a zip file to be downloaded, is not user friendly.

3. Include a "summary by competitor" - enter a competitor number and get all info about that person's published registration info, current scores, etc.

4. Include a "leaderboard" by stage and division so visitors can quickly see who is winning a stage and what the high hit factor is.

And, ideally, mirror this to a second system just in case there are problem with the server.

We're talking about the WORLD SHOOT here folks - the biggest event that our sport has to offer. It is simply not good that some sectional and area matches in the US have provided more timely, and more conveniently viewable, data that the biggest and best event going. It's time to raise the bar.

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3. Include a "summary by competitor" - enter a competitor number and get all info about that person's published registration info, current scores, etc.

The verification sheets were nice, but as you said-- you had to search to find your name, then check your scores.

Not-posting the scores until after awards is a silly anachronism. It's not a secret who won, and if that's what it takes to get shooters to the awards, well.. fix the awards so people want to go.

It won't take too much more of this before some irritated shooter creates a program that imports final stage results or verification lists and outputs overall results.

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I think that no results should be posted until after the ceremonies, no stage results, nothing. We don't need to know who won until the ceremonies. Simply post verification lists and that's it. Using the simple search function allowed a person to find their name pretty easily so I don't know what the problem was there. all this bantying about worrying who was winning what takes a lot of the emphasis off of why we are there, to shoot and have fun.

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I think that no results should be posted until after the ceremonies, no stage results, nothing. We don't need to know who won until the ceremonies. Simply post verification lists and that's it. Using the simple search function allowed a person to find their name pretty easily so I don't know what the problem was there. all this bantying about worrying who was winning what takes a lot of the emphasis off of why we are there, to shoot and have fun.

So, how do you verify your score? What if there is an error in the scoring? I think it is imperative to post scores so that a competitor can verify his/her score.

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I think that no results should be posted until after the ceremonies, no stage results, nothing. We don't need to know who won until the ceremonies. Simply post verification lists and that's it. Using the simple search function allowed a person to find their name pretty easily so I don't know what the problem was there. all this bantying about worrying who was winning what takes a lot of the emphasis off of why we are there, to shoot and have fun.

Why? What does it hurt to let the people that, in the case of the WS, put six long days of hard shooting in only to tell them "screw you, you don't get finals until late tomorrow night (if you haven't run for the plane by then), even though we have them right now"?

Knowing where you finished and bantering about it is part of the fun of the match.

It makes determining shootoffs a whole lot easier too. What's the big surprise in needing to withhold if you finshed 63rd or 76th until after somebody announces the top 3 that everybody has known, in order, for the past day and a half?

If the game was only "shoot and have fun", we wouldn't keep score.

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slavex Posted Yesterday, 07:45 PM

  I think that no results should be posted until after the ceremonies, no stage results, nothing. We don't need to know who won until the ceremonies. Simply post verification lists and that's it. Using the simple search function allowed a person to find their name pretty easily so I don't know what the problem was there. 

Actually there is usually no question about who won in every division, it's the rest of the order that everyone is interested in.

slavex Posted Yesterday, 07:45 PM

  all this bantying about worrying who was winning what takes a lot of the emphasis off of why we are there, to shoot and have fun

It is a competition right ? i can think of no piece of information more important. If good times was all i was after i would have just stayed home :)

Actually i understand withholding the final overalls until the award ceremony since it looks like ipsc spent a whole bunch of money on the event. What is weird is not making the info available during the event.


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"We don't need to know the results until the ceremonies." Uh-huh. And the moment Tiger Woods sinks his last putt, everyone keeps their mouth shut about the results until they can hand him the green jacket? Not a chance.

No, we shoot for results. I don't have to wait a day and a half to find out if that shot of mine in question is an "A" or a "C" why should I have to wait a day and a half after someone presses "Return" tabulating the final standings?

If we expect anyone to pay any attention to us as a sport, we have to start delivering like other sports do. You think any Pro sport would exist if the results were not only in doubt, but unknown until after it was over? Imagine golf, tennis, NASCAR, etc, sitting on the standings until the awards ceremony.

Besides the fact that this sport is not populated with people known for deferred gratification, what possible sense does it make to keep things a secret?

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Let's see, Jeff Gordon crosses the finish line first, but we make him wait two days till we decide he really won the race. Makes sense to someone, somewhere. (Not)

In truth, IF the sport were a bit better received we could have a wireless netwoork on the range with a laptop and the scoresheets as a mask, similar to, but not the same as ASS/Palm, the scores would be tabulated and saved as we move along, each competitor would get a PRINTOUT, not a hand written copy, but a printout of his scores, conplete with hit factor already calcuated as he moved along. As soon as the last shot was fired, we hit calculate and the match is done. Competitors need purchase no special equipment as they do now with Palm. Any Laptop could be used as opposed to now where only a few Palms work. Given the high cost of a Palm vs the ever decreasing cost of Laptops, I think this is the direction that we should be taking.

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Let's see, Jeff Gordon crosses the finish line first, but we make him wait two days till we decide he really won the race. Makes sense to someone, somewhere. (Not)

I get what you're saying - everyone can see the guy cross the line, and everyone knows who was first (unless it was a photo finish). Our scoring is a little more complicated, but there's still no reason not to publish scores right away.

The thing is - Jeff Gordon hasn't *officially* won the race after he crosses the line... Until his car passes inspection, they review the race tape for any stray penalties, etc, and declare the results official (note - I'm assuming that NASCAR has post-race inspections - most of the other auto sports do). This doesn't stop NASCAR from doing the winner's circle stuff, though.

Someday we'll have the technology to score this stuff live, and have some idea of who's doing what - and maybe even account for early match results where some shooters have completed more of the match than others. It'll get even more interesting then. This would also enable a real equipment inspection to take place, right after the top competitors finish their match - otherwise, you're trusting that they bring you the gun they actually shot with....

I understand wanting to have suspense, etc - and I could see holding overalls for a little while if the awards ceremony will be shortly after the close of the match. Otherwise, you have people travelling back to other places, and they won't know what the results were until later.... One should account for this....

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These are the revolver trophies (the others look the same, though the shootoff ones are a bit different).  Click the image to get a huge version


BWAHAHAHAH...If you look closely you'll see the medals cover the faces on the statues. All I could imagine was the little guy in the trophy thinking, "Whew, maybe no one will recognize me. It's almost like having a bag on my head...oh, the shame."

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having the wailing wall is a distraction as far as I am concerned. it also can lead to problems when a person is ahead one day, but not the next even though they think they shot better the next day. Remember the element of surprise? I suppose you all don't bother wrapping Christmas presents either? I mean what's the point right?

Our sport is not like Golf, or NASCAR, or any other sport out there. To post the results prior to the awards ceremonies, makes those ceremonies rather pointless. I wouldn't mind publishing from #20 down or something, but definitely not the top 10, make the top guys sweat a little.

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