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Hats worn in a restaurant


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I took MrsC out to The Keg last night for her birthday. It ain't truly fine dining, but it's a long way removed from McDonalds.

Across from me was a father and douchebag son. If I'd ever kept my hat on past the front door, my father would have slapped it off my head.

Thank-you, I feel better.

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I have lost alot of hats under tables all over the place because as I do this, I put mine on my knee. We weren't even allowed to put them on the table in our house, or my grandparents. But, I still do this to this day, though the advent of cargo shorts has cut down on my hat loss tremendously.

Cover off indoors there people! I can still hear my dad and grandfather saying that in my mind. :)

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I was raised the same way.

I also hate to see some dude wearing a stocking hat(or wanna be gangsta wear) when its 80 degrees. Or, they come indoors in the winter and sit there with it on for two hours. Yeah, you're F'n cool, we get it.

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I believe it began in medieval times as a sign of respect for the host or ruler of the castle - taking off one's crown or hat to show that you were not challenging the seniority or station of others inside.

I believe the military tradition is that if you are under arms you are on watch and ready, and holding or storing a cover (hat) would interfere with the possible use of arms.

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I believe it began in medieval times as a sign of respect for the host or ruler of the castle - taking off one's crown or hat to show that you were not challenging the seniority or station of others inside.

I believe the military tradition is that if you are under arms you are on watch and ready, and holding or storing a cover (hat) would interfere with the possible use of arms.

Both are correct as explained by my grandfather. In cases of correct etiquette, I never knew him to be wrong. He was a major stickler with table manners too. I received many a fork jab to the elbow from him.

Sure miss him too.

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So do you indignant souls all throw your jackets down over puddles for damsels to cross over too?

I don't go that far but I will give mine up if the bride is cold.

Edited by AWLAZS
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I've never worn hats, nor did anyone in my family, so I've never been taught hat etiquette. The only time I wear a hat is at the range, when the sun is in my eyes. Once I put it on, I tend to forget it is there, so I'm sure I have offended many people by breaking hat laws.

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While we are on the topic of hats.. what is with the wearing of ball caps sideways. The bill goes in front! I like to tell my kids, "straighten out your hat or I will straighten out your head under your hat."


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"While we are on the topic of hats.. what is with the wearing of ball caps sideways. The bill goes in front! I like to tell my kids, 'Straighten out your hat or I will straighten out your head under your hat.'"


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I believe it began in medieval times as a sign of respect for the host or ruler of the castle - taking off one's crown or hat to show that you were not challenging the seniority or station of others inside.

I believe the military tradition is that if you are under arms you are on watch and ready, and holding or storing a cover (hat) would interfere with the possible use of arms.

It was told to me the tradition did start in the medieval times but that it started with church's. The priests would require the removal of hats while inside the church, which then spread to, when you were a guest inside someones home, you removed your hat in respect. I have never had anyone give me a very good explanation of why it was okay to wear a cover when under arms other than the obvious common sense explanations.


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I'm pretty sure I've offended some folks when after matches at a restaurant or while eating at a match asking folks to remove their hat while at the table... it doesn't belong on the table either. Not a big problem for me they can remove their hat at the table with me or I can remove me from the table.

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Glad to see a few more. This drives my 27 yo son crazy when he sees it. Of course, older men with their hats on backwards tend to irritate me (a non hat wearing person)

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I wear a hat, an actual hat. Times have changed, roll with it. There is nowhere to place a hat inside these days. Hatracks are totally out of style.

The hat stays on.

Yes, I am bald. Live with it.

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