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Why do you shoot matches?


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This is going to be interesting. I think we are going to get different answers depending on how often people shoot matches or for how long they have been shooting. Either way, it should be fun participating on this poll. Please respond, and add any positive comments you may have.

Thank you!


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It is too bad you can't answer the poll with multiple answers, ranked in order of preference. I would answer the poll like this: (1) I like shooting guns (2) competitively (3) with guys & gals at the range. #4 doesn't mean much to me.

Might turn out to be an interesting poll, though.


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It is too bad you can't answer the poll with multiple answers, ranked in order of preference. I would answer the poll like this: (1) I like shooting guns (2) competitively (3) with guys & gals at the range. #4 doesn't mean much to me.

Might turn out to be an interesting poll, though.



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It is too bad you can't answer the poll with multiple answers, ranked in order of preference. I would answer the poll like this: (1) I like shooting guns (2) competitively (3) with guys & gals at the range. #4 doesn't mean much to me.

Might turn out to be an interesting poll, though.


good idea, I will try to modify the poll...

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It is too bad you can't answer the poll with multiple answers, ranked in order of preference. I would answer the poll like this: (1) I like shooting guns (2) competitively (3) with guys & gals at the range. #4 doesn't mean much to me.

Might turn out to be an interesting poll, though.


Yep, I agree with you.

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Enjoying to shoot is what has gotten me into it. I think what keeps me going is the challenge of trying to understand all the rules while learning/improving proper technique. The people have definitely been a big plus.

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I definitely got into the sport because I liked shooting, and thought that the varied courses of fire would be vastly more fun than shooting at a target at 20 yards in an indoor range. Since then, I have learned to enjoy the competition, as well as the people... I seem to learn something about shooting, or something about myself, almost every time I go out to a match. I equate this sport to golf: I am basically competing against myself... But I sure do enjoy seeing a long list of names below mine on the score sheet :devil: (or, as the case may be, a very short list of name behind mine :blush: )

Edited by HS101
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What?? No "all of the above"...?

Or, "for more trophies to put on my desk."

Or, "to show the guys I can outshoot 'em."

Mostly, though, I learned from the other shooters and, without a doubt, enjoyed their company in a unique social setting.

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for me it was that i liked shooting, was shooting bullseye informally, was lookingfor somthing new and different, and USPSA style shooting was IT....WOW....that was 21 yrs ago, then as it is now, i hang out atthe range, sometimes i shoot, somtimes i dont, I'll BS with friends that i only getto see at matches, which is fun, or set about fixing broken stuff on the range etc...helping outthe club,answering questions from newbies/lookie-loo's...its more social than competitive for methese days

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I need an all of the above option. :cheers:


(I haven't kicked much ass yet, mostly getting kicked, but I'm working on it.)

Actually, you can answer multiples. I checked the first 3 and it went through.

Oh, didn't know that. Didn't think to try. :blush:

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I love to shoot and I love to compete, mostly with myself. It's great to watch the hit factor and percentage go up.

So I checked the first three.

If I'm ever able to "Kick A$$" :blush: I'll be sure to come back and complete my vote.


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Well I do like it when I pull it all together and kick a little A$$, but that only counts when the a$$ that gets kicked is well above my skill level. Being a big fish in a small pond is not where it is at.


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No real perfect answer for me, but I'll own up to it...I like kicking @ss if it's against equal or better competition. If it's against solid competition and I kick some @ss it means I performed well, so I've won the bigger battle...the one between my ears. The difference between our sport and most others is that the folks I'm trying to beat are the same ones I will do anything to help. I want them to be better so that it forces me to get better. R,

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