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Everything posted by ParaJoe

  1. I finally got around to making a dry fire reload video. Let's hear what you think about it. My Dry Fire Reload JOe
  2. I almost forgot, I threw in a reload between each target to really punish myself.
  3. L-10 B/Limited C G22 from CR Speed Rig Best 3.08 down 1, 1.36 draw 3.16 down 2, 1.25 draw 3.19 down 3, 1.40 draw This one separated the men from the boys. Get a few people shooting this and it gets pretty vicious. I'll be doing this one again. JOe
  4. ParaJoe

    1 And 1 Drills

    Ok the fastest I could rip this one off keeping them both in the A zone was 2.28. 1.02 draw. Sounds pretty crappy in comparison to others' scores. It's all good. JOe
  5. I gave this a shot today and here's what I came out with. L-10 B/ Limited C , G22 from a CR Speed Rig Short to Long 2.84 Down 2 Long To Short 2.88 Down 0 Almost the same time on both. I don't know if that's how it's supposed to be or what but that's all I could manage. I ran it about 3 times both ways. JOe
  6. I set this up in the garage this evening but I used tape on the ground for boxes. The boxes were 5 yards apart and the targets were half sized IPSC targets at 12 feet. This is a good drill. I have been trying to work on the crossover and roll ala Dirtypool and this really helps. Reloading within the first two steps seemed to be more consistent for me. I like consistancy. Once I can get that then I will work on the speed of it. I couldn't really move the boxes too much further out. I tried to just lower my freestyle platform to a more relaxed state when moving but if it were any further I would be dropping the platform and running. Again, space was limited so instead of moving the targets to the outside of the box, I just shot the opposite target. This was hard for me as I had my momentum going one direction and needed to shoot the other way. I learned I need to work on the entry a lot more. Good Drill. JOe
  7. Wind. I hate the damned wind. It is windy everydamnedday. Can't shoot too much in it because it blows the targets away. If the targets don't blow away, the sticks break.
  8. No mag reloads on a "red" gun. They are solid. But, they can be used for drawing. That's about as good as it's going to get unless you go to an air soft. Air Soft's are BB guns.... What about the blue gun? I have seen the blue magazines in a P.O.S.T class that I was taking but we were putting them into real Glocks. Thanks for the help as this is great info for people who have hours to kill but no access to real firearms. JOe
  9. From what your describing and the stage discription it sounds hard but why should you make everything easy? Make them work for it or have them come out and set the stages themselves. JOe
  10. I hate that... I have to get to watch tomorrow and sit in a duty office, answering a phone for 8 hours, in a 100% wool suit that looks like it should be on a clown. The government can't take out the right amount of taxes throughout the year and then I have to fork out money. My slum-lords that can't do simple things such as replace a busted piece of fencing, lattice work, or fix my oven. And when I call they keep acting like it is the first time I called. Shooters in my local club complain about everything, and then when you tell them to do it themselves, they say "I have a life." And I don't? WTF??? My shift completes 10 times the amount of work that the other shift does and gets zero recognition. Ok I think I'm done. What a crappy week. JOe
  11. I hate to word it this way but the people that are complaining are the old guys in the club that have been there forever. They did all the setup and tear down and I guess since it's my turn to setup and tear down it's my turn to hear the bitching. I'm taking the advice given here and making myself happy.
  12. Ok so here's the deal. It's a little bit of a rant but doesn't really belong in the hate forum as I would like some feedback. It seems as though everytime I set up a classifier for a local match I get a few people complaining that the classifier (doesn't matter which one) is either 1. too easy 2. they've shot it before, 3. you'll never move up shooting this one. So let's review these. 1. It's too easy. Well then you should smoke it and problem 3 shouldn't be a problem. 2. They've shot it before. The people that say this are mainly the folks that have been shooting for 3-5 years or more. I guess they are expecting that more classifiers are going to magically appear and they well never shoot the same one twice. 3. You'll never move up shooting this one. This one really gets me fired up. To the point of beating skulls until the white meat shows. I makes zero sense to me. Put up or shut up. If everybodies shooting it I guess you'll just have to work harder and do better than everyone else. What's that word that I'm looking for......ACCOUNTABILITY. If you want to move up, you must do the work, it won't be given to you. Let me note that before I set any classifier up, I peruse the classifier forum and see what hasn't been shot in a while. Please tell me that I'm not loosing my mind. Am I looking at this the wrong way? Thanks in advance, JOe
  13. Shot this one on Sunday, did alright. 63 points in L-10 and 69 points in Limited. The snow started to come down right before we shot it and I could barely feel my hands. JOe
  14. I made one of these to remove the lead in my Para barrel and have never looked back. The stuff just comes right out. I usually find my lead build up right after the chamber and a little in the barrel. JOe
  15. I use the plastic Folger cans also. I put masking tape on them and write on that, makes it a little easier to change if needed. I store non-tumbled and unsorted brass in a 5 gallon bucket. JOe
  16. I hate that it is Friday night and I'm sitting on watch waiting for a damn phone to ring. Nothing like wasting 8 hours out of my time. I also hate that I have been through 3 different formulas trying to figure out which one won't give my newborn gas and let her sleep. JOe
  17. I've got the pictures covered with Photobucket but what about the movies? The movies are my main concern. JOe
  18. I just recently had a baby and I'm looking to keep some pictures online so that the Family and Friends can jump online and see them at will. I would also like to keep movies on there not over 10 meg. I have a vague idea of how web hosting works but I'm not for sure enough. I was thinking of starting an FTP service (my computer is always on anyways) but it would be easier to just pass out an web addy instead of FTP'ing. I've been looking and have found a few places but just wanted to see what everybody likes. I have a Photobucket account for the pics but they don't host movies. I don't really want to design a webpage so even if it's a white screen with folder access that is fine by me. Thanks for the help. JOe
  19. The people that I see who's Glock's run a muck are the people that play with the gun too much. I have a few friends that do this and can't seem to get things to work reliably, and eventually put everything back to stock. I started shooting my Glock because it has never had a malfunction on me over 2500 rounds and it's within my price range.
  20. Yes it is going to be hosted by Five Dogs this year. Sage doesn't have the man power to keep it this year so they are going to host it. I'm not positive but the dates will more than likely be close to the same. You can shoot Lisa (Five Dogs President) an email for more info. Lisa Reinsch: wldrowz@hotmail.com (661) 746-2438 This info is from the Area 2 Website so I'm not sure how accurate it is. JOe
  21. I'm not sure exactly why but I have to use 4.6 gr of TG to make major in my G22. It's actually a lot cleaner in the Glock than in my Para. For my Para I load 4.6 gr TG over a 200 gr LSWC and it gets really nasty. I guess the higher pressure of the .40 helps it stay cleaner. YMMV JOe
  22. This info makes me even happier that I'm in the 30 MPG club. My old car (1962) with a carbuerator gets 25 MPG and I'm constantly trying to lean it out to get better mileage. JOe
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