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Everything posted by ParaJoe

  1. SON OF A B#%$^&%!!!! I knew I forgot something. Tightened the set screw and everything is kosher. I like the internet, solves a lot of problems. Thanks guys, JOe
  2. I can get through about 15 rounds and after indexing the shell plate that many times it tends to tighten up. I can't seem to figure out why it is doing this. I have taken the area completely apart, cleaned and reassembled with no joy. When I had the thing apart it looked as if the bolt that secures the shell plate and runs through the indexing handle has some gouges in it at the indexing handle doesn't seem to be very smooth. Maybe this thing is catching on the bolt as it turns and screwing it in? I was thinking about taking a file to it and removing the burrs, but should I call Dillon first, before I start filing? Thanks for the help, JOe
  3. That's the one. I was just using that stage as an example. The second position where there was two targets is the one I couldn't decide which to shoot first. There were a couple of similiar situations to this and I'm trying to reduce my times the best that I can. JOe
  4. I'm liking this idea here. I've been working on the entry and exit a lot here recently, especially the setup. Matt's video's have been very helpful along with the posts on the forum. If I'm taking the easiest target on the way out I can be doing the "leaning" method. Makes pretty good sense. JOe
  5. This section of the forum has really awesome ones. To find them just hit up the topics. The majority of the topics are pretty much self-explanatory as to what the drill is. I'm a nerd so I get them from here, and make up an Excel Spreadsheet to keep track of my times and scores. I try to keep them to see progression. JOe
  6. OK it looks as though I'm on the right track. Sharyn, I don't like entering or exiting on a steel. I shot a stage this weekend where we entered a box and there were seven poppers and then moved to another box. That really showed me how much practice I need coming into/leaving shooting a box with steel. JOe
  7. I've had a couple of situations here recently where I'm just not sure of which targets to shoot first. For instance, coming into a shooting position or box from a run, and there's 4 or 5 targets at various distances, 3-15 yards. As I'm coming in, I get the gun up and in both hands, I'm just not sure which targets to shoot first, the close ones or the far ones. Now I know various circumstances will apply as to how far they vary from left to right, but is there some sort of general rule. It seems to me that getting the closer ones as I'm settling into position immediatly after getting into the box would be faster and I can already be slowed down enough to shoot the far ones. Any ideas or ways to go by here? JOe
  8. Heaven forbid you have epilepsy and want to troll the internet. Ever where ya go those tings are going. Have you gotten the pop-up that flashes like that. Nothing like a midnight stroll on the net and then BANG, there it is, flashing, making all kinds of noise.
  9. Oh and you have to show up 2 hours early to get through the mess that they call security, maybe loose your baggage, get treated like crap in the airport and on the plane. Flying is rediculous.
  10. Dealt with this so many times with my guys....in my case, I had several stellar E-5's and they all reached that level very fast because they were very good. But that 'stellar rise' severely slowed them in obtaining E-6 because of their LOW points in the seniority section of the calculation - several even had NAM's and etc., but still fell short. And especially in a tight rating, the point threshhold gets even more tough.....as you evidently know too well. Here is my problem. I made E-5 in less than two years, so I don't have hardly anything in the Time in Rate category for scoring. I have two NAMS, and two Good Conducts, a 3.8 eval, cut a decent score on the test, but didn't advance because I haven't been in long enough. It's crap but oh well. My rate is pretty tight right now for E-6 advancements, so tight that people are getting out left and right and just working in the private sector. Sounds like a plan to me. JOe
  11. Found out today that I missed being promoted to E-6 by 16.13 points. I actually studied this time but since I haven't been in the Navy as an E-5 for ten years and taken the test 10 times I didn't make it. I guess it's another 6 months of waiting to take the damn test again. I was wanting to make it in less than 7 years now it's gonna have to be 8. JOe
  12. Here ya go. I snagged it a while back when the website was up. This what your looking for? JOe
  13. Eddie was smokin' fast. Even shooting minor he was rockin. AZGunut, is this Tony? I thought that Eddie is going to go Open with the frame that he won? Overall great match and the staff made it quite enjoyable. JOe
  14. Wait, Brian has a Vdub?? Right on. What model and year?
  15. Well I went to the range today for some live fire practice after a week of dry firing. I dropped 2 tenths off of my reload time. 1.6 average to 1.4. It was nice to look through the timer and find that my reloads were where I wanted them to be. Now off to work on the 1.2's. Thanks for all the tips and help getting my time down. JOe
  16. I've been using a full weight mag the whole time. It really sucks when your not paying attention and drop that one on your foot. L2S, I figured out by watching the video that I'm tense during the reload. Which, from what I've read on here and in books, is where I shouldn't be. I try to stay relaxed but firm when practicing transitions and the like. JOe
  17. That's a pretty nifty thing they have there but here's my dilemma. I don't have all Para mag tubes. Mine are all Mec-Gar mags. The bottoms of them look different from factory Para tubes. So far I'm up to about 380 to convert. This is the new tubes from Para Pro shop and the mag guts from Arredondo and then the mag well from Dawson. 5 mags ready to go. JOe
  18. Holy crap that's a lot of repsonses!!! About the magwell, I can't seem to find one that I won't have to modify the gun to use, and I don't want to have to spend 70+ bucks a mag. A friend let me shoot his 16.40 with a magwell and all the kickass magazines last match and I will admit, reloading was a lot easier. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. Here's what I found dry firing in front of the camera. I'm slow. At everything. I suppose it's wanting it to be smooth, but everything is slow. Everything y'all mentioned is the problem. So I took my time and broke it down into sections and am noticing improvement. I also caught myself not slaving the eyes to the magwell and looking for the mag. Then I'd have to find the hole again. XRE, When I dry fire I start with the first fourteen in Steve's book and then pick some throughout the rest of the book at random. I tried what you said and it seems to be working for me. When I'm doing Steve's drills, I drop the mags on the last two "reps" of each par time so that I can retain the feel and inputs that the gun is giving me. Also, I think I have downloaded just about all of the videos that I can find on the internet and watched them all in anticipatio. Rockclimbg, I had to tell myself to get to it. Get moving pokey. John, when I practice the drills in live fire everything is at 10 yards. I have found that most of the matches that I have attended locally everything is within 1-15 yards so ten just seemed right to practice at. I'll be stepping up my dry firing routine for the next two weeks until the Area 2 Match in Arizona so hopefully I will be able to drop some time off of this. Well, it's back to work. Does anyone know of a cheap(free) video hosting site? Then I can post the video and get some feedback. Thanks again, JOe
  19. DP I'm not making a .8 second point to point, just point, beep, grab new mag and bring it up to the edge of the magwell. Yes, I am using a Para, without a magwell, and I'm shooting L-10 so this only adds to the importance of getting the reload nailed. I'll work on getting the left hand down faster to the new mag and getting a GOOD grab on it. Merlin Breaking out the camera here. I'll do this tonight and then head out to the range tomorrow and see what I come up with. Crusher Your probably right about burning it in. More practice. Thanks folks, I'll keep working at it. JOe
  20. Here's the deal. I have consistent standing reload times of 1.60 to 1.70 seconds. These are with A zone shots and since A's are all that matters that's all I record. I've been sitting on this time for about 2 months and can't seem to get any faster. When I dry fire doing the Matt Burkett reload drill from Steve's book I am comfortable having the par time at .8 seconds. It doesn't seem hard but in live fire I just can't seem to get myself relaxed enough or focused. Can someone give me some direction here? It seems as if I should be seeing improvement but I'm just falling short somewhere. JOe
  21. I ran into the same thing that you are and basically just went the grip tape method. I went to the local skateboard shop and bought enough to do one board and it's lasted me quite a while. I used a set of Hogue wrap arounds as a pattern. Here's how it looks.
  22. Those are excellent prices Eric. At the top to of the page it says those are the delivered prices. What kind of shipping do they use? Thanks for the point in the right direction, JOe
  23. I just got me a new G22 and I can't bring myself to pay for factory ammo after having reloaded for my 45 for so long. I'm not going to be putting an aftermarket barrel in the gun for a while so it looks like I'll be shooting jacketed bullets. So, I'm going to go with 165gr bullets and Tightgroup powder. I can't seem to find my Speer or Lee book right now so can someone hook me up with some starting loads for major and minor please. 165gr Bullet Tightgroup Powder Stock G22 TIA, JOe
  24. I recently took over the scoring position in my club and I need the address to send the Classifier Report and Activity Report along with an enclosed check to USPSA. Is there anyone that can help me with this? I can't seem to find it on the USPSA website. Before you ask, we can't do it online yet but I'm working on that. JOe
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