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Everything posted by ParaJoe

  1. Wow I haven't had any problems with my factory 10 round Para mags, yet. I have the two original that came with the pistol and 4 Mecgar mags. The Mecgar basepads go on completely different from the Para's though. The only problem I have had with any of my mags is me assembling them wrong and the last round being hard to get and thus causing the mag to not want to stay in the gun.
  2. I got the DirecTV box with TIVO in it and can't watch regular tv now. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread. DirecTV called me and told me that since I was with them for a year they wanted to send me a free TIVO. I jumped on it and will never go back.
  3. I got the DirecTV box with TIVO in it and can't watch regular tv now. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread. DirecTV called me and told me that since I was with them for a year they wanted to send me a free TIVO. I jumped on it and will never go back.
  4. Yeah I got the pimpin gold one because it was the only one left for 75 dollars. I guy I work with whipped up a strap for me like the one on the Burner's website in yellow polyweb and it matches perfect. I really like how adjustable the holster is. JOe
  5. Well as of last weekend I believe there were 60 shooters signed up. Hopefully some more people show up. See ya there. JOe
  6. Just got my Safariland 012 from Holsters.com. I ordered it Sunday night and I recieved it today at about 2:15. Paid 91 dollars and recieved it in 2 days. This holster is awesome. JOe
  7. I learned this weekend to always press check the gun to MAKE SURE there is a round chambered before starting the stage. After I watched the Burner's tapes I did this religiously and then fell out of the habit. It bit me in the ass hard last match. Never again. Take your time on the steel. I shot a stage recently where an array had 4 small steel plates at about 15-20 yards and then three papers. I watched everyone hose the papers and then attempt to hose the steel and miss quite a few times. Allow yourself to get the correct sight picture and hit them the first time.
  8. Well I shot a match yesterday and my reloads went well. The ones that stayed in the pistol did anyway. Last time I took them apart to clean I failed to realize that the follower must be put onto the spring and then the spring slid into the magazine. As a result of this the last round was really hard to get into the mag and the mag wouldn't stay in the gun without a really hard smack. And since this has never happened to me I was smacking them in like a normally do. I didn't figure out what was wrong until I got home. My usual shooting compradres did say that my reloads were getting a lot faster and smoother though, then I caught grief for not keeping them in the gun. Oh well, lesson learned.
  9. I'm not discouraged because the other shooters can do it faster than I, it's a little discouraging because I have been practicing the reloads like it's going out of style and I didn't get the times I was looking for. But it's ok, more practice. I have realized that this is the place where shooters that wear out guns come. Right now I'm a struggling low C but by the end of the year I will be a solid C. I'm stepping up the pace to 2-3 local matches a month. I'm going to shoot the drill again tomorrow. Post some more times, JOe
  10. I figured out what it was that you were talking about XRe and I gave it a try. I have found that bringing it back in towards the chest, not much, but enough to break the triangle, I don't get as tired. As the gun is coming back up to the NPA I aquire the front sight and line up my shot. Thanks for the help/clarification on this issue everyone. JOe
  11. I shot some 200gr LSWC's in both moly and non molycoated this weekend. I didn't really notice any more or less cleanup with either. The moly's did run an average of 50fps faster than the non moly's. In a Para P14 LTD I was shooting 200gr LSWC's loaded with 4 grains of bullseye. They were running about 800 fps. JOe
  12. tl, I have been dry firing like mad but not this drill. I think I'll incorporate this into my dry fire routine to get a little faster at it. JOe
  13. As a relatively new shooter in USPSA I don't know anything about IPSC or what it was like in the glory days. I know this though. The people in my club are great. They have answered any question I have had, no matter how mundane it may be. I think the mentor idea and the new shooter intro is a great idea. Get the people out there and show them what it's about. I will have to suggest this idea at our next club meeting.
  14. I can't wait to shoot this match. Mainly I can't wait to get beat down by all the good L-10 shooters that are going to be there. I'm working the match so I'll probably see everyone there. JOe
  15. Well I only had time to shoot the seven and ten Yards today due to weather getting nasty but here's what I got. Unclassified L-10, P14, Blade Tech Holster, Safariland Mag Pouches 7 Yards 1. Time 8.31, 58 Points, Hit the wrong button on timer, 6.87 HF 2. Time 8.36, 58 Points, Draw 1.53, Reload 2.44, 6.93 HF 3. Time 8.77, 60 Points, Draw 1.76, Reload 2.11, 6.84 HF 4. Time 7.07, 54 Points, Draw 2.50, Reload 1.97, 7.63 HF 10 Yards 1. Time 8.49, 58 Points, Draw 1.59, Reload 2.22, 6.83 HF 2. Time 9.00, 58 Points, Hit the wrong button on timer, 6.44 HF 3. Time 8.89, 54 Points, Draw 1.65, Reload 2.24, 6.07 HF 4. Time 7.81, 49 Points, Draw 1.36, Reload 1.97, 6.27 HF (Last try, balls to the wall) It's not as fast as everyone else, but that just means more practice. My last run was going as fast as I can. This exercise can humble someone pretty quickly but I'm not going to let it get me down. I have all my runs saved in Excel and am going to document it as I go. Definite fun factor. JOe
  16. I thought moving the head was a no-no. I have been moving my eyes instead of the whole head. My wife has some of those weights that strap-on to ankles or wrists. I'll have to try that. Flex, how far from the face should the pistol be? I put arms out straight and then break them so that the arms are taking the recoil of the pistol and not my shoulders/body. A few of my friends have commented about how I have my arms bent went shooting but then I point out how it helps me and then they try it. Thanks for the help, JOe
  17. I shot this last Sunday and think I did alright. My third match and everyone I'm shooting with is noticing that I'm improving. Class U, L10, 58 Points, 1 No shoot, time was 11.35. 40.19% makes me a really low C shooter. I'd like to be a mid to high C by the end of the year.
  18. in response, First, I am relaxed before the draw and during, but it seems as though I am not when I am shooting. I'll work on that. Second, I'm not putting the death grip on the pistol, enough for the pistol to not fly out of my hands while shooting but not enough to make me shake. Firm. Third, My index is what I'm working on not moving. Like you said, I've found that moving the legs can move the upper body. Fourth, I have been thinking about going to the gym to work on the upper body muscles but time doesn't allow that for me. I have been thinking about using a full ammo can as a weight. Fifth, I don't really understand what you mean by my eyes driving the front sight and not the gun. I thought it was all in the same. I move my eyes to the target, and the sights into the picture that the eyes are seeing. See what I'm sayin? Sixth, If I move my head instead of my eyes I catch myself loosing my index so I try to keep it relativly solid on the shoulders. Seventh, You aren't the first person that tells me that I am practicing too much. I have been practicing after work and that's probably why I'm getting tired easily. I have to find a new time to practice. Flex, the transitions between the targets is about 90 degrees.
  19. I have been dry firing a lot more in preperation for a match coming up and I have been noticing something in my index. My shoulders seem to tense up a lot when I am transferring between targets. I set up some "targets" in the house to simulate swinging between targets and to practice letting my eyes drive the gun. It seems that since my shoulders are so tight that I am tiring way too fast. When this happens my body tends to want to let the gun drift down while I'm swinging. Any ideas on how not to keep my shoulders so tense? Thanks, JOe
  20. I don't have Steve's book yet but I have the trio that is sold on this site. I have put together a set for myself from the books and stuff from the forums. After I do all of it, if I can still hold up my arms I try other stuff.
  21. I have had lots of things powdercoated for my vehicles. I think it's far better than painting. It takes some abuse but I have no idea how it will handle gun cleaning products.
  22. The more that I practice the better I am getting at reloading on the move. I am going to load up some dud bullets so that I can practice with full weight magazines and that should help. TDean- The way you explain it makes sense. I'll give that a try. Sam- I do the same as you. Spin the gun and punch the mag button. I was thinking about getting the bigger button for it but I'm not really wanting to put too much more money into this pistol. I'm certainly not willing to spend the money on the magwell, and then invest the money into all of my mags. achard- I try to keep the pistol right in front of my face the whole time so that I don't have to spend the time bringing it back up. No wasted movements. I will have to try the dimlight area. Thanks for the help folks, JOe
  23. Right now I have the Hogue grips on the P14 and it makes it a little bigger but I like the way it feels in comparison to the stock grips. A question about the Dawson Precision magwell, can I still use the stock 10 round magazines without altering them? Thanks again, JOe
  24. The gun doesn't have a magwell on it. I would really like to get one but there are so many of them out there and I'm just not sure of which one to choose. I put filed the very bottom of the tube so that it is like a funnel. It helps a little. I also went to Wally World and got me a travel size bottle of Armor-All for the mag pouches. I have been practicing with the new gear and I suppose my times are getting better. I am learning to watch for the magwell and guide the magazine all the way home. I haven't been doing that for some time and it's kind of ingrained but I'm working that out. I haven't really practiced reloading on the move yet, I have just been trying to get it done within the first two steps. I have a few little courses that I run through the house doing it. I can see myself becoming smoother with it though. It kinda freaks out the dog though. My problem is I have to shift the pistol in my hand in order to hit the mag release button. So sometimes my grip doesn't come back the same everytime. If I'm thinking about it, it will, but if I'm not thinking, it does about 50 percent of the time. But I'm working the issue. Thanks for the help, JOe
  25. 5.0 grains runs an average of 975fps in my gun. 3.8 makes them hover around 725, which makes major so that's what I've been using. Pistol is a Para P14.45 LTD. JOe
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