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Everything posted by ParaJoe

  1. Does anyone know where I can get A LOT of primers in the Pheonix/Tucson area? I need about 40k of them in different variations. My club is organizing a group buy from Billy Bullets and we are going to make the road trip rather than pay shipping. Contact info/websites would be great. Joe
  2. I am guilty of this. Usually the match is scored after the match so that everyone knows how they did before they leave and then they are posted online that night. Well my schedule has been balls-to-the-wall this week and I haven't gotten them online yet. I feel like an ass because of it but I'm trying. Joe
  3. I like this idea a lot but it's just not feasable as the landlords office is 150 miles away. I think that I will try to talk to them and probably give up in the end. It's just the principle behind the matter that really bothers me. Joe
  4. So I was renting a house from a company, let's just call them Company X. During my tennancy I discoved that Company X was very shady i.e: never paid contractors for work completed, delayed payment to me for repairs done to the house, and so on and so on. I paid a security deposit of 750$. Thirty days before vacating I let them know that I was moving by fax and phone. Nothing was found wrong with the house and it was clean upon the inspection of me moving out. Due to previous transactions with Company X and there track record I was pretty sure that they were not going to deliver my security deposit to me within the allotted amount of time. Sure enough, the 21 days set by law came and went and I had no check in the mail. So I phone Company X and to inquire where my security deposit is. They reply that it went out but are unsure of the amount of it and will not disclose the amount over the phone but assured me that I would be happy with the amount. I then ask the representative from Company X if she was aware that after 21 days, if I had not received my security deposit, that I was entitled to a full refund. She then tells me that I am incorrect and that it only has to be postmarked before the 21 day mark. Now, here is an excerpt from the Penal Code. (1) No later than 21 calendar days after the tenant has vacated the premises, but not earlier than the time that either the landlord or the tenant provides a notice to terminate the tenancy under Section 1946 or 1946.1, Section 1161 of the Code of Civil Procedure, or not earlier than 60 calendar days prior to the expiration of a fixed-term lease, the landlord shall furnish the tenant, by personal delivery or by first-class mail, postage prepaid, a copy of an itemized statement indicating the basis for, and the amount of, any security received and the disposition of the security and shall return any remaining portion of the security to the tenant. I don't see postmarked in there anywhere. I see that I should have received it by now, actually last Friday. So I beleive that since Company X has not furnished the security deposit on time I should receive a full security deposit regardless as per the Supreme Court decision in Granberry v. Islay Investments (1995) 9 Cal.4th 738, 745 [38 Cal.Rptr.2d 650. Now if I am off base here, please knock me back into line. I think I'm right but I would like some other opinions on this. I am getting all the info from the attached document. Any help is greatly appreciated. Sorry the post is so long and thanks for your reading/patience. Joe catenant.pdf
  5. I'll snap some pics of ours for you. It is basically a semiframed house with orange construction mesh for walls. It has four windows/ports and an entrance and exit. Joe
  6. Nevermind, I called USPSA and got the S/C number from them. Joe
  7. GunBomb, I understand. Joe Disgruntled Employee of the Month/Year
  8. Half of the guys I work with are former Tomcat guys. They are always telling stories. Sounds like it sucked. I work at the RDT&E portion of Hornets (all models A-F) and the "codes" are only right about 65% of the time. They kinda give you a nudge in the right direction. Joe
  9. Exactly. We have a few new shooters that would like to get classified and some that don't really like to drive 150+ miles to shoot out of town matches. So this would be perfect for them. I was thinking we charge our usual 15$ for the match, and if a shooter wants to run the entire thing over again we can just charge them the appropriate fees. Thanks for the info. Any more from someone who has done one of these would be great. Keep it coming. Joe
  10. Can someone give me a rundown of what we are supposed to do? I have read the part in the Fourth Edition Classifier book but I don't fully understand what is supposed to happen. Here's what I think. Pick 6 classifiers and fill out the paperwork from the classifier book. Mail said paperwork to area director for approval. Set up and shoot match. Send in reports from EZ Winscore and correspondance from area director. It seems cut and dry but I'm probably over thinking it. How much are we supposed to charge competitors to shoot the match? Do we have to shoot other stages or can it just be classifiers? Can someone shoot the match twice if he/she pays the fee? Like shooting it once in Limited, L-10, Open and so on so they can get a classification in each. I need help. No one to my knowledge has setup and run one of these so I want to give it a go. If this is in the wrong forum, please correct. Thanks for looking. Joe
  11. I'm kinda biased towards the Super Hornet (work on them). When we take our jets to Nellis we always mop up the Air Force guys. This could be squadron propaganda to get the troops riled up (probably is) but that is just what they tell us. Joe Fighter, Bomber, Refueler, Electronic Attack. 4 missions, 1 plane.
  12. I was sitting in my shop aboard the USS Enterprise in the gulf. On our way home heading to Cape Town South Africa. On my first anniversery away from home. We turned around. Joe
  13. On my first cruise our berthing (sleep hole) was near from the jet engine shop. The F-404 engine is so loud if you had something sitting on table it had better be tied down. Two deployments and one shore tour with F-18's and I'm not sick of it yet. That is one loud place to be. Joe
  14. Copy that!!! Please let us know. Joe Also, great avatar!!!
  15. ParaJoe

    Broke It Again

    I put the original back in on your statement and the trigger breaks at 2.5 pounds. It "feels" a little different but that might just be me. I'll keep it in there so I can shoot it until I get receive the replacement from Ralph. It will be send to the spare parts baggie on standby after the replacement comes in. Joe
  16. We had a .22 steel match this weekend and one of the guys had a tool pouch from a hardware store. It had separations in it for screwdrivers and he put his 5 mags in it. The bigger pouch he just dumped a box of ammo in it. He didn't have to carry anything because it was all around the belt. This is what I'm doing next time. Joe
  17. I as hit right above my right eye while shooting a plate rack at our club. The front piece of the plate rack isn't angled away from the shooter so the round came right back at me. I thought someone sneaked up and punched me in the face. No one wanted to repair the plate rack so it is gone. Joe
  18. ParaJoe

    Broke It Again

    Well, then that time came and went. Looks like I might need to order some of the Wolff springs because I don't want to continue asking for replacements. Joe
  19. ParaJoe

    Broke It Again

    I also carry extra things with me but not knowing what kind of spring that it is kinda hampers this. I agree with replacing springs at X intervals as I do this in my Para, but, how do I account for dry-firing? Is this included in your 20K intervals. If so, then mine was overdue. Thanks for the info. Joe
  20. ParaJoe

    Broke It Again

    Flex, I beleive it is just the spring as it broke on the plastic side not the metal trigger bar. I have no idea what brand they are or where they came from. I did not ask Ralph to divuldge any info, just asked how I would go about getting another, and he told (wrote) me to send him my addy and it would be on the way. Joe
  21. ParaJoe

    Broke It Again

    The first thing to go on the stock parts was the plastic guiderod. A big chunk of it went by-by half way through a match without me knowing but it still ran. This time it was the spring that connects the trigger bar to the trigger mechanism housing. I am running a Sotelo kit and he is sending me a new spring. I noticed the trigger was funny on my warm up drills today and then about 250 rounds later I went to unload and show clear and the trigger didn't reset. Odd. Tear it apart and this is what I found. Uh oh. I'm really liking how my Glock takes its thrashings and keeps going. Joe
  22. Thanks for the tips. I will head to the range and set some boxes up, run those, and then set up a course. Hopefully just practicing these and putting all the skills together and making them work together will help some. Joe
  23. Well I have realized that I can't shoot a field course to save my life. I shot my way to B in Limited and L-10 but I don't shoot field courses as well as I "think" I should be. Anybody have any practice drills or any advice that will help with this? Joe
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