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Everything posted by ParaJoe

  1. I plan on putting the above case into my suitcase after the TSA dudes do whatever it is that they do. Joe
  2. OK well I dragged my a$$ and never got me a Pelican case. But I need to transport (fly) one handgun with me. Here is my setup. Glock Plastic Case TSA approved lock Will this work? Joe
  3. Shot this today to start out a practice session. Production U...Lim/L-10 B Blade-Tech DOH, all gear in Production "spots" Total 11.6 Average 1.16 HF 4.13 Joe
  4. With my Para, I removed all of the Series 80 garbage and reassembled with aforementioned block. Everything still works except the firing pin safety. Doing so took my trigger pull from a little over five pounds to just under 4. Joe
  5. As I mentioned in another thread, I switched from Limited and L-10 to production recently. This has forced me to slow down and shoot only A's. I think it's making me a better shooter but I will let you know later. But then again, I shoot a Glock so it's the same gun for all three divisions. Joe
  6. I have been practicing and shooting matches and I think I'm getting better at shooting the long courses. I have switched from Limited to Production in my quest to become a better shooter (shoot more A's) which is making memorizing all target locations and where to reload a little difficult. I shot L-10 before Limited so it isn't really new to me but combining everything is harder. As a side note, I shot a 36 round feild course this weekend. All paper targets. I was able to memorize where all of them were within the 5 mintues allowed before the stage and my time on deck. I think it gets easier the more that you do it. That's my .02. Joe
  7. I did this for all of my Glock mags. No problems yet a lot easier to take apart. Joe
  8. Hmm... Sounds like he might know. Joe
  9. Here is what I would recommend. Lee Hand Press These things are great. Cheap and really effective. I sit in front of the TV and deprime and size. I loaded my first 1000 rounds of 45 on one. This die set. Lee Dies This scale. Scale Weighing charges would be hard to do when moving. Don't recommend this. This priming tool. Lee Auto Prime Shellholders This is the stuff that I started out with. I still have it and use it for some things. It's a SLOW process but it works, all of it can fit in a shoebox, and I got a greater understanding of the reloading process using it. Good luck and have fun with it. YMMV. Almost forgot the most important part. The book Joe
  10. I use Mothers Mag and Aluminum polish. Works great. Grab some out with a quarter and throw the quarter into the media. Allow to tumble for about ten minutes, and then toss in the brass. Shiny and slick. Joe
  11. Windoze XP, SP2. You are correct in that I was trying to open the match from the 3.5" drive. I got a new disk, copied to the c:, and everything is kosher now. Joe
  12. I have that same line on my 40 brass. In about the same spot although I am using a Lee Sizing die. When I am able to feel the bulge in the case at that spot, the case goes in the trash. I think of it as a weak spot in the brass and an invitation for a case head separation which I something I cannot afford nor would like to experience. IMHO YMMV Joe
  13. My club has version 2.00 on cd. So I installed this version on my desktop cp. I then upgraded to vs. 2.25. Then 2.27. And finally 2.29. Well I tried to do all of this but everytime the program starts up, it still says version 2.26. I never loaded a 2.26. WTF? So I tried to use it anyway and lots of problems. I put the match file from the laptop to a floppy and then tried to cut and paste it to the desktop. Well I get a failure that says "cyclic redundancy check", so can't do that. Then I tried to open the file directly from the A: and it pops up a window that says "Connect to SQL Anywhere" requiring a Username and Password. Of course I don't HAVE the username and password I don't remember ever setting one, so I just click OK. Then another window pops up that says "Cannot connect to _____ database: will reconnect to original database." So I'm kinda screwed. Been playing with this crap for 2.5 hours now and got no where. Help if ya can. Joe
  14. On my g22 I have the racecut Hienies from Custom Glock Racing. Great sight picture. Joe
  15. That is the best qoute regarding shooting I have heard in a while. Beautiful. Joe
  16. I was confused for a minute there. Sorry about that. Joe
  17. I do this also. I absolutely loathe shows like Grey's Anatomy and crap shows like that. My wife TiVo's them so I play them while I dryfire. It's helps me tune things out. Joe
  18. I thought the point of Bill Drills was to get all of the shots in the A zone? Joe
  19. ParaJoe

    Sight Tools

    +1. This is what I did. I didn't really want to spend 200 bucks on sights and not get a C-More. 75 for the sights and 125 for the tool. Joe
  20. I did not originally think of this, someone brought this up who is by the way in a position to make this happen. I think everything would work the way you laid it out, adding up the percentages would make sure all games are weighed the same. Imagine 600 ronds of shooting in 3 days. Seems to me a match tailor made for someone like DK or Don Golombieski. I'd be there in a flash. Bring the whole damn Sage crew with me. When? Sounds like fun. Joe
  21. I've done it. Didn't reload to do it but did. It was one of those stages where you can see the target a few times but you only want to shoot it from one spot. Joe
  22. I don't know. I load a 180gr bullet with 4.3gr of Titegroup. I guess I'm just used to hearing lower powder charges with TG. What are your loads chronoing at? Joe
  23. To my knowledge it applies to all Glock fired brass. I have 9mm, 40, and 45 fired from a Glock that are bulged. Joe
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