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Everything posted by alma

  1. alma

    Sig P320

    Should be IDPA ESP/CCP legal, right?
  2. alma

    Sig P320

    On a Compact slide 2" inches off at 25 yards would require a 0.0125" change in front sight height to hit correctly. You mentioned that you don't typically shoot the 147s so I would be happy to figure this number for the 115s if you want something specific to those. I would change out the front sight height for the shorter Dawson. Looks like they have a 0.190T/0.0125W that might be just what you are looking for. Sight/SIG/Front/P Series*/Opt/.190T/.125W/Ramped/*Except P210/P232/Tools Included 050-458 On a site note I don't know any Production shooters who prefer 115grs. I stick with the 147s but 124gr is very popular as well, especially in the heavier guns.
  3. alma

    Sig P320

    I will mention that on the GGI worker over that the trigger return springs and the striker springs are stock with no coils cut or anything like that. While trying to get a trigger return spring off for disassembly I slightly bent and weakened it and it seemed to affect the disconnector function and reset in a pretty negative way. I am not saying that you can't work with those springs but it isn't necessarily the best thing to modify.
  4. alma

    Sig P320

    When using the Chrome browser in YouTube there is a speed option that allows you to slow the video down to 1/2 or 1/4 speed. It's under the settings gear just below the video. You have to view the video directly from YouTube versus watching imbedded like it is above.
  5. Save question in 9mm as long as we are asking.
  6. If I understand correctly the line painted in the magwell has to do with the restrictions on refinishing providing any competitive advantage and doesn't really have anything to do with the fact that the line was in the mag well. It would be the same ruling if the line was outside of the magwell.
  7. alma

    Sig P320

    In case anyone was wondering of you can run the P320 as fast as other Production guns, here is a video of Yong Lee shredding with the P320 at a match last weekend.
  8. That is the correct section but doesn't explicitly say whether or not you can enlarge a factory mag well or you have to leave it be. I believe that removing material is common practice in USPSA and I feel comfortable justifying this under the "may be more than 1/4 inch front to back" language. However, as a precaution I have largely avoided modifying the slides since no dimensions for sides are explicitly mentioned.
  9. I haven't heard. Rumor was that Elite was going to up matches as well.
  10. Internal modification?" 21.1 Internal throating and polishing to improve accuracy, reliability and function." " Because internal modifications are currently very difficult to enforce, NROI now deems that this clause means INTERNAL modifications which do NOT conflict with other clauses of this appendix are NOW ALLOWED." " Per existing NROI ruling, any internal modifications which result in a visible change to the external appearance of the gun when it is in battery REMAIN PROHIBITED unless specifically allowed by the plain language herein."
  11. Let me start by saying I admire your drive and how well you have been shooting lately. You kicked my butt at this match as you have done all year long. I have a lot that I can learn from you, especially when it comes to your long range rifle performance. 1. Gain some confidence with your rifle with doubling on the close paper. You should be way faster than that when you are up close and personal with the rifle. 2. Try not to let each pistol target suck you in so close. It seems like you should try to run down the center and shoot instead of sneaking to each side. 3. Didnt see it 4. Same here. Maybe dont zigzag so aggressively. It would be interesting to put a test on the clock to see if getting a little bit closer is costing you more in time than you are saving from slightly faster splits on paper. At that range your doubles should be a little faster on that close paper. On the second pistol gong/steel array you should have planned your position to ensure that you had full view of all of the lower plates. It looks like you might have stopped with one plate behind a tree so you had to move to hit it. I think I was watching the last and second to last plates and running until I had them both in view before stopping to take the gong. In the last position your transition to the plates on the right was very slow. It looks like your head is locked into your shoulders. Your eyes (with head following) should be immediately swinging to those targets with perhaps your gun trailing slightly. I am assuming that you forgot about the orange plates when you swung past them for the two right targets. If that was your actual plan then you should have stopped to shoot the orange plates on the way over to the right. I dont like swinging past targets only to have to swing back again later. You looked to be very slow transitioning to those orange targets. Maybe some Steel Challenge is in order? 5. Might have considered tossing a quad into the shotgun on the way to the position with the clay launchers. 6. The video starts a bit late but my guess is that your rifle splits on the close paper could speed up. You should have planned the rifle reload to coincide with your transition and position shift. No advice needed on your last target. 7. Speed up your rifle splits on close paper. The whole benefit of holding onto that thing with the paper should be burning two as fast as you can pull the trigger at anything under 25 yards. Go do some trust exercises with your rifle and truly double taping medium range paper targets to see what your results are. On more than one occasion while watching these stages I have thought that it looks like you are coming into a pistol position ready to shoot. Very often your gun is still down lower, you stop, and then you bring it up the rest of the way. Your gun needs to be up and on target before you are ready to shoot. On closer targets I want to be starting to squeeze off rounds while my momentum is still settling in. Partially the problem may be that you arent reloading with lightning speed and you have to finish the reload before you can shoot but get that gun up and on sights before you stop to shoot. I am wondering if I should have left one or two of those steel for the shotgun since I had rounds left in that. 8. Always start the Texas star by shooting the topmost plate. This one spun on you more than it should have because of the plate that you started on.
  12. I think the modularity does make for some very interesting options. Without getting into details I will say that the hinted "Competition" model that is now actively being developed should be more suitable to building up a striker fired open gun. In the meantime it looks like Scott Springer is doing some magwell designs that would be installed directly on a modified grip frame module so instead of adding the magwell you would swap out the grip frame. Given the price of grip frame modules it makes it easy to play around with opening up the existing magwell, adding weight, and experimentation with grip texture treatments. For Optics the easy route is using a P320 Romeo that has the slide mounted MRDS. For a frame mounted optic the cut for the Takedown lever safety is not that difficult to make and it shouldn't be an issue to make an alternative one if you want to go that direction. You could, of course, modify a grip frame to permanently mount directly to that but I agree that using a point that contacts the frame FCU might be a little better. The slide to frame fit isn't bad for a striker filed gun but if you want it tighter then Grayguns has welder up and tightened the slide to frame fit for customers who are looking to further improve the already above average accuracy. For magazine extensions you should be able to use M&P extensions one the grip frame module has been modified for clearance. There are a few 140 mm extensions specifically designed for the P320 now. Now we need to find a comp. The SIG threaded barrels use a more obscure threading pattern so this is one of these long pulls in the tent in my mind.
  13. Good question. My Open Glock only went a few thousand rounds before the breach face cracked.In the next month or so I should have an extra slide and I still have some Open Major loads that I can test with.
  14. I think there are several good USPSA clubs in the area. Lower Providence Rod and Club come to mind. Check the club finder.
  15. alma

    Sig P320

    You would have to ask Carver I guess. There will definitely be factory slides sold with micro red dots (SIG Romeo) installed from the factory. This is available but it's likely not the quality you are looking for http://store.sigsauer.com/bridge-mount.html
  16. A5, mag tube, open the port up yourself, and done.
  17. Who made Production GM with a 320? Just following up on this one. A.J. Stuart just officially made Production GM while shooting his SIG P320. http://uspsa.org/uspsa-classifer-lookup-results.php?Submit=Lookup&number=a69262
  18. alma

    Sig P320

    Taylor Freelance 140mm extensions and springs. It looks like most M&P extensions fit just fine on the P320 magazines but because of the design of the grip frame module if there is a protrusion on the rear of the extension (like there is with the TTI extensions) then you would need to either modify a grip frame module to ensure clearance or modify the extension. The "first generation" of the Taylor Freelance also needs two notches cut out of the rear to ensure the two "wings" near the back of the grip frame module clear. Robin has said to address this in his second generation pad but I don't know his status there. My 3 Gun grip already had enough modification done to the mag well that I would have no issues running extensions like the TTI ones designed for the M&P if I wanted to run them. With the Taylor Freelance "P320" extensions, Taylor Freelance springs, and the stock follower I was getting 21 rounds. Cutting down about 3/16th of an inch from the outside of the stock follower was giving me a reloadable 22 rounds with Taylor Freelance springs. For 23 I am using the new style CZ Customs TS springs and a heavily modified CZC TS follower. I am still messing with those to find a sweet spot that allows reliable lockback but otherwise they are running great with 23 rounds +1. Before trying the Taylor Freelance I bought some Springer Precision +4 extensions which measure around 131mm when attached to the mag. Unfortunately I was only getting +2 1/2 or so with those extensions and the included springs. Springer demonstrated that he was getting +4 but for some reason I never could. Removing a bit of material from the stock follower did get me to a comfortable +3 rounds with the Springer Precision pads but I could only get a reliable +4 when using those TS springs and modified followers. My advice would be to consider a dedicated grip frame module for 3 Gun and then modify it to open up the mag well and allow for clearance for any chosen 140mm extension designed for the M&P.
  19. alma

    Sig P320

    If you compare with similar guns the P320 actually has a very light slide. Looking internally it's easy to see that a lot of weight has been removed already. I am in the camp that wouldn't mind seeing the slide with a slightly heavier weight to see how that changes the performance. I have magazines with black and grey followers and can't tell a difference. With mine the black followers are in older magazines and my new ones have grey followers. Speaking about followers I can try to describe my experimentation with extended basepads for 3 Gun if anyone is interested. I am currently getting a reloadable 23 rounds with some work. 22 is easy and reliable.
  20. alma

    Sig P320

    Yes. Bruce Gray is heavily involved (he is at SIG today as a matter of fact) and testing and input from the Team SIG along with much of his work is helping to shape the upcoming competition model. I don't know it by the names Max mentioned but I guess what it is called is less important than what it will be.
  21. alma

    Sig P320

    You might have noted in that post that Bruce Gray mentioned that he would see Max at SIG as well. To say that SIG is listening to its competition shooters on the design might be an understatement. It's not for me to discuss details but if you could make a wish list of what you would like to see then there is a good chance that the things on your list are being incorporated. The current P320 is awesome but "you ain't seen nothing yet."
  22. alma

    Sig P320

    Oh, I like that. What do you think?
  23. alma

    VP9 sucky reset

    Rick Holm doesn't have an account here but asked me to pass on this: "The problem he describes is pretty common in the VP9, and it usually accompanied by a hard hit to the reset travel as well. I have identified what causes that false reset point, and it is 100% corrected with our action work" You can contact him at Grayguns.com if you have more questions.
  24. alma

    VP9 sucky reset

    If you want to stay with the VP9 I suggest sending it to Rick Holm at Grayguns. He does the arguably the best work on HK guns in general. If nothing else you should contact him to ask thin question. Here is LAV's take on a his work: http://grayguns.com/gunsmith-services/heckler-koch/vp9-action-cleanup-perfection/
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