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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Erik, I also want to know if you tried loosening up the set screw first and then tightening down the shell plate.
  2. Don't look for me to support the new rules, probably have been one of the louder guys complaining about the light in the belt tunnel holster rules. The rules are out and on the web. They are suppose to be enforced now. If you don't like them - join and run an USPSA shoot. If you want to play IDPA there are new rules - play by them or go play a different game. No one said you have to play IDPA. If you want you can even describe the shoots as "Old style IDPA TYPE" shoots. If you want to shoot a sactioned shoot - go by the rules or start your own style. I don't like them either but what I won't like more is that I complied to play the game, I don't want to have the rules unevenly enforced. You come to my field and we call homebase what you call 3rd - kind of screws up everyone knowing what's suppose to be going on. Let's move forward on this one. Rick
  3. Clay1

    Drunk Girl

    So you think that was shot in the police department do you? I've been thinking about this thread more than I should for one day and it just pisses me off right now. The sight that you posted, if you read any of the comments on the video most of the predatory jerks are just waiting for that young girl to pass out so they can rape her. Last post for me on this topic. I have better things to do.
  4. Thanks Ben. We are going to have to met one of these days. I see that you also post on Ronnie's site - Wis IDPA. We might have met at one of the shoots already, I'm just having a time putting a face to a name. This weekend is Mom's day. I work the next two days but my wife took off to go turkey hunting without me. They leave tonight. The next weekend is Ripon, do you shoot there? Rick
  5. Clay1

    Drunk Girl

    Could be staged for a try at a funny video. If it was real WTF was the camera doing in the can? Sick SOB. That girl's daddy oughta get himself a nice Louiville piece of hardwood and MF that boy that shot the film. Just this redneck's way of thinking. Rick
  6. Flex I probably should have said which to buy first. The other option out there is that Matt Burkett has already taped the "how to practice" DVD, he just hasn't released it yet. It might sound funny, but we all want to be GM's; but it is quite another thing to dry fire every day and shoot live fire multiple times per week. It's easy to talk about it, it's hard to really to do it and then the issue of doing it over the long haul is also another story all together. Skywalker - thanks for the review. Rick
  7. If you were only going to pick one training guide would you pick this one or Steve Anderson's book. I see that neither of them is like reading a novel. Interested in comments from those of you that have seen both. Thanks
  8. HKSsniperman, that is a cool thing to do with your father - enjoy those times together.
  9. Wish I could have seen the focus that had to accompany the shooting. Congrats.
  10. From a rifle rimfire silhouette competitor I sure as hell wouldn't shoot their rimfire stuff. Tenex, Fed Gold match (before the sale), Eley, RWS but never Wolf. I shoot an Anschutz to compete with and my wife shoots a Sako. Wolf won't hold a group at the 100 meters that we shoot rams. Back to handguns and Wolf. By the way, I shoot Blazers and don't feel like they are "cheap" ammo. I like the performance that I get out of them. Bluntly I am considering reloading some 9mm ammo up, VV N310 behind a 147 Zero for reduced muzzle flip. But the Blazers will still hit the A zone at 50 yards if I do my part. Rick
  11. On another board in a different life - before BE I was number 14 on a board of more than 5000 members. I lived on that board, checked it literally a half doz times a day and worked a full time job, stayed married and actually once in a while talked to my family. I'm a recovering bulletin board addict. I like to read now and post less. I actually took off 4 or 5 months from the other board. I called it a sabatical and just told people that I just needed a break. I wasn't mad at anyone or anything just OD on that subject. During that sabatical I bought a pair of G34s and began to shoot. I just started this week posting on the other board again. Funny thing is the world didn't end and life went on fine without my multiple times per day visits. Way, way off topic; but if you were wondering I keep nishikigoi. It is an ornamental fish. They are basically color carp often called koi. I take my fish to fish shows very similar to dog shows were they are judged against other fish and a standard for their type. They are the best stress relief in my life and I really enjoy the pond and watching them swim. They live to be over 30 and are quite bright. My big girls are about 27/28" long. Oh well this is a gun board and not a fish board so enough on that. To keep it gun related, I started to read Brian's book again tonight. Having a grand time. Rick
  12. Dale, I sure hope she signed a prenuptual that says she can have the car, the house, the dog, the cat, the bed etc BUT YOU GET THE GUNS! Just kidding - maybe. Rick
  13. Eric, you will have to give us feedback on how the tumbled brass loads for you. Again, what did Dillion offer as an idea on how to solve your problem?
  14. I still remember the dealer asking if I wanted the presentation case. I said the book says that box is almost $75 or so and he said, the box cost $15 extra in that old grumpy voice that he had. Man those were the days. I bought that and a Dillion 450 which was THE hot setup back then.
  15. JKelly, I really don't know, my attitude was such that I wasn't in the mood to take no for an answer. I really wasn't looking to spend the night in jail either. I'm glad that it didn't have to go there. Rick
  16. Almost a week later I think back on this and am not shocked by my actions but am surprised by the emotion it brought out in me. Must be getting old or something. There are certain things you just don't mess with. Don't mess with a man's family or his country. Maybe this college boy has a real streak of redneck in him still. By the way to me redneck just means not always politically correct or saying things in ways that makes everyone feel all warm and fuzzy. Sometimes certain things need to be said or done. I didn't contemplate whether to do it or not, it just happened and fast. Thanks everyone for the kind words and I hope we all try to set good examples for the younger ones out there.
  17. Little off topic but I own a model 27 in 357 mag that has an 8 3/8" barrel. My wife took her first deer with that handgun and I shot several with it. The 27 had upgraded features like checkering on the top of the sight plane where the 28 was just plain Jane. Shot a ton a 158 JHP through that piece and still own it. It wasn't fired much double action since it was a hunting piece for me. Keith Elmer is still my hero by the way. When I think of that revolver I think quality and beauty when I think of my plastic (ok, ok synthetic) Glocks I think of functionality. If I had to pick between the two to pass on to the kids, there is no decision to debated, the 27 would be it.
  18. Flex, you really don't sleep much do you?
  19. Sweet! I could post a picture of my pair of Glock 34s, but somehow after your shot it just wouldn't do. Nice blasters man!
  20. Thanks for the serious responses. I need to send Merlin a PM though. Rick
  21. I know that this site doesn't encourage discussions of actual tactics used with defensive handguns, and that this site is a target based discussion. I also realize that the people that are knowledgable about actual tactics used in defensive situations visit this site. I am not looking for a tactics or actual technique discussion here. I am looking for references on where to find good information. So where does one learn how to actually defend self and family with a weapon? I assume classes would be best. I am familiar with Suarez Internation and Maas Ayoob's Stress Fire. Would also be interested in reference to manuals or videos on the subject. Other web sites that are more appropriate for this type of discussion would also be welcome. Thanks for the point in the right direction. Rick
  22. I went to a high school band competition tonight. My kid plays and the whole place was cranked up. I just told myself to relax and just watch the kid and have fun. I was subdued and laid back until they said all stand for the national anthem and everyone did but four kids about 3 rows infront of me. I don't care if they wear weird clothes, or swore or acted like jerks but when they didn't stand and everyone else did the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Next thing you know I walk up behind them and whack the chair one of them was slouched down into and said "why don't you stand up". It sounds like a question but if you heard me say it, there was no question or nicey polite phrasing to it. The high school boys all looked at me and then they all stood up. I have a young nephew who is in Iraq right now fighting for that flag and when they thought they would be cute, I just wanted to grab them by the scuff of the neck and trounce everyone of them. I really don't know what would have happened it the told me to go get &^%$#@$$%. I'm glad we didn't have to find out. Didn't think that I would react like that, but it really tripped my trigger. Rick
  23. I think that you will find many martial artist on this board with varying styles. You will also find those of us who like firearms and blades. It's just a broadening of the skill set. So you think 4 years was long. I went back this past summer for a few months after a 21 year lay off. Tae Kwon Do student and the school was sad. After about 6 weeks of classes I asked if I could get involved with sparring. The particular instructor made another of his many comments about committment (translation - he wanted a 3 year membership contract which was in the multi-thousand dollar range). He said that I could not spar until I paid. I said that Bruce Lee said learning a martial art without sparring is like trying to learn how to swim without water. I decided that the school wasn't for me. I just need to find a better school. I studied 8 years a LONG time ago.
  24. Kory, I pay about $100/1000 blazers in 9mm and have a dillon but not a 1050. Everytime that I compare costs it is almost as cheap to buy them as it is to make 9mm. Are you finding something different than I am. A zero is close to 5 cents, primmer 2, powder .75, case another 1 - anyhow to save $10 a thousand and have to run around and pick up cases, I just can't justify pulling the handle 1000 times. If you wanted something more customized like shooting 147 close to the power floor for minimized recoil maybe - but I have been extremely happy shooting Blazers - so what am I missing???? Thanks
  25. It's the same in most web based communities. If you want to get better faster, you better figure out in a hurry who is giving the straight shit and who is just shoveling shit. Tried a different word in there and it just didn't work, so I went back to straight talk. Rick
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