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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. You spelled it right Eric in that I have been getting a few hits on the term but still haven't found a COF for it yet. I did find one on a Texas IDPA link that had a COF for a modified Dozier drill. I found another site that made a reference to it. I'll keep searching since you put the challenge out there; just need to try a different search engine than this site or MSN. Did a search on this forum and nothing showed up except this thread. I'll keep trying. Rick
  2. Interesting link on drills etc: http://www.kuci.org/~dany/firearms/drills.html First thing that I thought of when you mentioned Dozier was blade designs. I'm a knife guy too. I'll have to look that one up as well since it doesn't ring a bell with me either.
  3. Glad that the shooting was fun for you. Like you said there are people of all levels at these shoots and everyone has to start somewhere (speaking of the shooter who shot the box of pasters - not you). Glad that you finished well. Like I said, sometimes I don't slice the pie the way that they would or use cover the same as they do, but I do enjoy the trigger time. Glad that you did too.
  4. Buy a box of Blazers and try them. I am amazed how well they shoot out of my G34.
  5. Thanks for the response Gabe. Have to shoot in the morning - USPSA - match. COF is 99-58 and even though I ran through it some today, it is going to be challenging. Take care. Rick
  6. If you want to load for other cartridges as well as 9 you might think about the reloader but if it is just for the nine save yourself time and money and just buy as much of that Blazer as you can afford and have a grand time. Just Chronied Blazer 115 today and it is damn close to 140 for a power factor through my G34. Shot over 5000 rounds of it this year so far and have absolutely no issues with it. Love the stuff and the price is right.
  7. Gabe or anyone with info can you give me a link to where this statement was made? Is it in the hard copy printed book that we just recieved? Thanks for the help. Rick
  8. I would be looking forward to straight targets that test various skills. No trick types of shots. Max range shoots, close burn 'em down speed shoots, accuracy specific shots, a variety.
  9. My thoughts are with you and your mission. Do what needs to be done then come back have fun here. Take care.
  10. Happy B-day and welcome to IDPA.
  11. You'll have a good time. Trigger time is always better than sitting in front of the tube any day of the week. The COF briefings will be more specific than "shoot them as you see them". You will need to understand "slicing the pie" and things like "tactical order", but you will have fun. Remember the down zero on the body is NOT center of mass it is higher and you will do great. The variety is always good for me. After shooting more USPSA I do forget to use cover and need a gentle cover command sometimes, but shooting is shooting and match pressure can't be duplicated dry firing (at least I haven't been able to do that yet) so I like IDPA in that most of the matches in my area are on Sats and on Suns we shoot USPSA in this area. Have fun and tell us how it went for you. Rick
  12. Bluntly, I'm fairly shocked at the total disregard for the rules. No one seems to give a $hit. Last IDPA shoot many were wearing Uncle Mike's and Fobus holsters on my squad and not one RO even mentioned it to them. I just worry about my own nose and keeping it clean. I have a lot to work on my own technique and I am still at the stage that I shoot against my previous times anyhow. The real deal is even if they beat you to death with an illegal holster "what did they win anyhow?" We just compete for bragging rights in my area. Rick
  13. Just when I have some convinced that I know what I am talking about I will dispell that conclusion by saying that two weeks ago I shot a match with EL Pres as the qualifier stage. My time was 7.07 and I had a Mike to boot. Burn it down didn't work for me. Sure wish I could run that one again. Rick
  14. Goofy internet terms I know. When people make statements not to learn or out of a genuine question to learn but rather for the sake of just stirring the mud and getting the world all wound up. Then they sit back and enjoy the disarray. Like I said very, very rare on this site.
  15. Some people just don't get it. When you walk into someone's home for the first time and really want to learn something you come in with your hat in your hand. You LISTEN, you learn. When, you have a legitimate question, you ask it politely and the good people will gladly help you out. If you come into someone's home for the first time all loud and obnoxtious and tell them that everything that they are doing is full of shit and they are all screwed up, you not only miss an opportunity to learn, but also miss making some great new friends. Step back and think about that one for a moment.
  16. Dave thanks for the input. I typed a nice message about as long as yours and then a window opened up at the top of my screen and said that I had a private message. It asked if I wanted to view it in the window to click here, kind of thing. I hit it and read the message and responded but lost my entire response somewhere. Computers what to do with them? Dave touched on my understanding of what Brian was talking about in his book. The book's title is Beyond fundamentals and when he talks about seeing and observing I take it that is after you have many of the basics down. One quote that I love in the book is by Bruce Lee who wrote something to the effect that "conscious thought is the biggest hinderance to physical action". Have you ever driven to work and wondered how you got there? I have experienced the same thing with reloads just recently. I no longer have to think that I must grab the mag with my week hand index finger like so and then bend the strong arm elbow and cant the gun like so - it just happens while I try to remain open to the inputs from the shooting. I still have a long way to go but working on what is there and being open to it can lead you to answers that aren't predetermined by your conscious thought. Seeing, observing and being aware while shooting can have your body react to things in a way that just accomplishes the task without much thought but rather action. I don't pretend to speak for Brian or what he meant when he wrote it, but that is the take that I have on what I read. Good luck to both of us on our journey to learn to shoot targets faster, more accurately and with power. Rick
  17. Even though it is extremely rare on this site I believe that this is an example of trolling. Could be wrong, but seems like a text book example. Rick
  18. Have two G34s. One is set up for SSP/Production and the other is an ESP gun. If I had to the JP mag well comes off easy enough. I take both.
  19. The JP magwell is very nice and if you shoot that OTHER game (idpa) it fits the box.
  20. It might have the burris name on that light but it sure looks like a M6 and probably cost more too.
  21. I know that this thread has a focus on pasting, but bluntly pasting is probably the easiest thing to do at a shoot. You stand upright, and it isn't physically demanding in the least. I usually leave that job for the older boys to deal with. Brassing at clubs and setting steel is much harder. Resetting goofy props that run down ramps etc are another goody. At our local level there are very few who don't help out - I guess we are lucky or they feel that when in Rome.
  22. Yesterday went to the range around 5pm. Did dry fire practice on actual targets at actual ranges for about an hour before I fired any rounds. Started by shooting upper A zone shots. Anyhow I left after 8 pm last night. When I shoot, I continually see what Brian Enos was writting about in his book. Even if those things didn't at first make sense. The more I shoot the more his writtings make a connection for me. This board has been a wonderful sounding board for me to reflect on my own progress. Working at getting better. Rick
  23. Clay1

    Bomar's Vs. Dawson's

    I'm settling in on my decision. It looks like if you want Bomars they should be melted and if you do that you need to get the finish redone. Give me some more time and I won't have any finish left on this Glock anyhow and a hard chrome finish will be in order. Love the shape of the Heinies and I know that many successful shooters use them. But I don't want to file front sights etc to get the POI to match POA. I'm just betting that I will never get lucky enough to make them match enough to consistantly hit the upper A zone without holding off. I need my POI and POA to match and won't accept anything less. Another set of Dawson's are in order. The sight picture will be consistant between the two guns since I have Dawson's on the first G34. Will have Momma order me another set for Father's day. Thanks for all of the help with walking me through this decision. Will just have to learn to stay away from sharp edges or file them both down. Rick
  24. Over 5000 rounds through the G34 and the slide does drop easier now than before at the insertion of the mag. The last few range sessions and some dry fire practice at dropping the slide have revealed something about dropping the slide with my thumb of my strong hand. I always assumed that my hands were too short to hit the extended button on the G34. What I actually found out was that I have to take my strong hand thumb which is fully extended and pull it to the rear some by bending the thumb that the knuckle. This allowed me a different angle on the slide release and now I can activate it with much more consistancy in the case that the slide does not drop at the mag insertion. Focus on any aspect of your shooting and it is amazing what can be discovered under the strong light of scrutiny. Rick
  25. Clay1

    Bomar's Vs. Dawson's

    It's nice to know that I am not the only one donating blood. Again, Dawson said that they would have some rounded corners available one day. Maybe this post would encourage them to make that happen sooner than later. Rick
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