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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Top 5: Sex Sex Sex Sex and Sex. That's for everyone that thought about putting that down but didn't want to be crude. Way after my 1 through 5: I do enjoy hunting, shooting, fishing, fast cars and great music. Good full contact martial arts training is also a blast.
  2. Just ordered my wife a Comp-Tac locking paddle. The paddle for women are not listed on their web site. It is called a Diva. It has a slight drop and offset to better fit women. It is also IDPA legal for women if you shoot that "other" game. She might really enjoy the chainmail pattern as it is distinctive. Something to consider.
  3. Ray, I don't have a definative answer for you. Just a couple of comments. Have you seen the Matt Burkett line of DVDs? If you are stuck and would like to move forward perhaps a hands on face to face training session or number of sessions with a quality instructor like Matt or one of the other highly qualified trainers is in order. Think about the cost of all of that ammo and the time shooting and I think you will see a bargain in front of you. You and I are probably never going to be master class shooters. I will tell you this, we can be better shooters than we are today with some help, proper direction and dedicated practice doing things the right way. Good luck to both of us my friend. Rick
  4. Let's just admit one thing. The process is definately political. It doesn't have to live up to a standard like: the G34 is allowed this should be allowed too - that would be way too simplistic. Let's also aknowledge that politics is about interests and who benefits and who is hindered it is not about principal in any way. Now place the above statements with the fact that the World shoot is this year and you have influential shooters and shooting teams lobbying to allow this or that based on political interests not based on principal. When taken in this light these strange twists don't seem so strange after all. No one said life was fair and the powers that be will take advantage of their influence to create rules that benefit themselves. Is it right? - hell no in a perfect world. Should it surprise us that these twisted rules come about? - not really. It's sad when manufacturer's play by the rules to create something that will play the game to it's fullest extent and then the rules are changed. That's completely not acceptable. Rick Ingle
  5. Used mine for the first time yesterday at an USPSA match. It held everything that I needed and all my wife's equipment too. (She didn't shoot, but having back ups of everything was cool) The bag is bigger than I am use to, but it still wasn't too big to carry. At the end of the match I came home to the garage and looked at my kids wagon in a way that I have never seen it before though. Love the mag pouches instead of digging at the bottom of the bag for things. The way it was laid out I didn't have to dig under something to get something on the bottom either. The removable inner bag with 2 pistols was just what the doctor ordered. Even used the water bottle holder and drank while others just looked thirsty. Great product couldn't give it a higher recomendation. Ask me in two or three years how's it doing and I will have a better understanding of the valve of the bag.
  6. Cool! I almost feel like missionary spreading the word about USPSA and IDPA. It is a neat feeling bringing new people into the sport and I feed off of their and my enthusiasum. Good luck with the new technique.
  7. Life has little or no meaning to more people now than ever before is my only thought right now. I just shake my head and wonder what we need to do to turn things around.
  8. Every week I read about some kid shooting up a school. Sad state of reflection on all of us. Let me clarify the word "us" - I mean parents and members of the general society. Then the media flashes a 911 as a front page photo and they don't even know what he shot everyone with. With 8 dead, it probably isn't a handgun. Just pisses me off. Rick
  9. Sometimes people believe that the rules are based on one parameter when they are really as political as many other aspects of our lives. Other teams that will be shooting the world tournament this year were complaining about the new pistol introductions. These cries were heard by the rule makers due to their political clout and viola - a new rule is formed. It all doesn't have to make sense. Many times ask yourself two questions. Who will benefit from the change and who will be at a loss. Many times with these two questions you can see how things got to where they are. One more important rule "always follow the money trail" Politics isn't about ideology but rather about interests. Rick
  10. Very small world. Will be shooting it tomorrow at an USPSA shoot and I can wait. It really helps that holster stand off of my body some. You have to remember that I am an IDPA shooter than is a new USPSA shooter - thanks Billy Wilson.
  11. Chuck was amazingly fast. I ordered the CR Speed on the 16th and it is here on the 18 so that I can wear it to this weekend's match. Regular shipment no overnight or Fed Ex or anything. Chuck - you the man. This thing is great, I think that I could hang my truck on the belt and the belt would handle it. It is so much stiffer than my Wilderness Instructors CSM that it is Wild. Thanks again, Chuck.
  12. 3 gun match in LaCrosse Wisconsin on Saturday. Wish that I was taking your Gator with me.
  13. Concerning the guy that won with the sig, isn't that sig now illegal in IDPA because of the weight?
  14. If you want to shoot minor, I do, the Glock 34 is very popular and it is very reasonably priced compared to something like a SVI. If you want to shoot limited or limited 10 A Glock 35 is popular also. At the nationals last year the SVI framed guns were the guns of choice and the Paras were quite popular too according to the equipment survey. Have fun shopping and it would be wonderful if you could at least handle some of the guns before you bought them and see how they fit you.
  15. In all shooting sports people have this concern. There is a phrase that states: "trust your wobble". It is applicable to all shooting sports. I shot rimfire silhouette with 40 power scope offhand. If you think that you can hold it absolutely still you are kidding yourself. No one can hold it still - no one. Now, if you are pulling the dot way off the target that is another story. Your trigger control and grip will affect the process. Guess what, you were moving the same amount with iron sights, you just couldn't tell the same way with a dot. Use the feedback to adjust your grip or trigger control, but don't slow down and hesitate and wait for the dot to stand still, because it doesn't.
  16. Sorry Jake. Been following your great determination and fantastic success in the shooting sports and have been looking up to you as an example of what a person can do that is dedicated. Shot the last 5 days in a row. Today took a break. Tomorrow I shoot with a buddy in the morning and a league at night. I'm going to get better at this one way or another. I don't have any magic words that will make it easier for you. Good luck man and keep blasting. Rick
  17. Just ordered the belt from Chuck. You guys were right, seems like a very nice guy that supports the sport. Thanks Chuck.
  18. George, you are a lucky man. Many in the States haven't had the experience of having someone that is qualified truly fit a gun for them. You are way a head of the game my friend. After hiring a level 3 sporting clays instructor on more than just a couple of occations, a fitted piece is a grand step in the right direction. A few years back and 10000 rounds of 12 bore that season along with some marvelous instruction was an eye opening expirence. It is one thing to own a wonder gun of great dignity and quite another to know how to use it. It sounds very much like you have the means to own the gun now do yourself a huge favor and hire a recomended instructor to show you the proper techniques to begin with and guide your development along the way. Remember that the greatest olyimpic athleates still have a coach even at the highest level of their sport. Our US sport stars no matter their fame all have coaches as well. You can take yourself to a certain place by your own reading and learning and buying video instruction. But the greatest gains are to be made with a hired hand watching your every move. Good luck and great shooting. Rick
  19. I can't see it either so you are not alone.
  20. So happy with the product that I bought my wife a locking paddle today. It's not on the web site but they make one for women that is a little drop and offset called a Diva. Even though it is basically a one of kind of custom thing, they sell them at the same cost. What do you guys think, do I know how to treat a women or what? She got a G34 for Valentines day and now her birthday is in a few days and I bought the gear for her and a new turkey gun. Believe it or not those are her guns and maybe she will let me touch them once in a while, but the girl is having fun with the guns. Twenty fours years together in May - must be love.
  21. Thanks Dale for the insight. I should buy the CR Speed from Chuck for all of the grief YOU are giving him on my thread on the 5.11 bag Seriously, thanks for the info. If he has one in stock I'll order it in the morning. I tried all day to buy one at $40. $5 more isn't going to kill me, even being the cheap Bstd that I am. Rick
  22. Forget the water you pistoleros. I reloaded 10,000 rounds through my MEC 9000 G one season and after that went to shooting rimfire silhouette - (no damn reloading). By the way, these days with the G34 I shoot blazers and let 'em fall. The problem with water is that it can get between the brass and the plastic hull. At least AAs are a one piece plastic hull, but some of that other junk out there has permanent paper bases and that would really screw up the cheap stuff. This has been bantered about on the sporting clay boards more than a couple of times and continued response is to forget the water. If you want to go a head and tumble them in a media in your tumbler that would be cool. Personally I might take the mesh bag and instead of water use an air compressor and just blow the hell out of them with air. If you want to wipe them with a cloth that would be OK too. I'm more worried about the chamber of my gun than hulls. Knock that grit off of them, but I would pass on the water my friend. Rick
  23. I should probably buy one from Chuck since I bought the 5.11 tactical range bag; I'll call him tomorrow.
  24. I give on contacting this one dealer who supposedly has them for $40. Who can you guy recomend that might have them in stock at a reasonable price. Don't say Brownells, at $60 that is not what I am looking for. No, I don't have a dealer account with them because I am a buyer not a seller. The IPSC site has them but 2 weeks for delivery is a tad long.
  25. I didn't get notified on this one, I was just browsing again. This is what I was speaking to before George: George Posted: Mar 15 2005, 02:31 PM Clay1 Posted: Mar 15 2005, 02:34 PM Those were cut and paste from the above couple of posts. I recieved the notification that you had responded and finished up 30 or 40 seconds worth of work, then read your post and wrote my return all in 3 minutes. They come to me right away, but no response on your last one - interesting.
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