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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Have two of the locking paddles. One is IDPA legal, the other has some offset and lots of light in the belt channel. I where one for IDPA matches and the other for USPSA matches. Just tell Greg what you want to use it for and answer his questions and you will get great service with a fantastic product. Since you just got the free holster ask them about a buying a nice T shirt and hat to round the package out.
  2. Clay1

    Match Days

    I practice, I dry fire but obviously not enough because when I go to the match I just blow it. I shot one stage today and I shot all As and two no shoots. Both shots go into the same no shot 1" into the target. The next station I clean all As, but on that run I throw a mag in the gun and fire a round and it goes to slide lock. Put one of the used mags back in the mag carrier. I shoot another station clean, 8 metric IPSC targets all As, then next station is the classifier and it is easier and I shoot 4 C and drop a shot into the black hard cover. Walk away with a 3.4 HF. Sometimes, just sometimes, I feel like I should take up golf. Bumbed for the day. Rick
  3. I ordered 6 and 7 and Steve Anderson's book. Hopefully they will all come on Monday. I need all of the help that I can get.
  4. Explain "drop test" please. I've never understood how so many anti-gun laws can get passed in such a beautiful state. Why do you think Kalifornia has so many anti-gun laws on the books?
  5. Some guns and trajectories with raise at 50 yards. You can play with this free balistics calculator and see what you find out as well: http://www.eskimo.com/~jbm/calculations/tr...traj_basic.html
  6. Merlin, A 12 PACK OF DIET COKE A DAY???? WOW, how do you sleep at night?
  7. Never drank coffee until I was in my 30's. Now I will drive to the other side of town when I am headed the other way for a Starbucks. I have a few habits that I keep around just so new bad habits won't take their place. If you give up one bad habbit something else has to fill the void.
  8. I have this thing about pronouncing things the right way. Big pet peeve is the scope name of Leupold is pronounced Lew Pold not Leo Pold. So my latin isn't anywhere in this hemisphere so how do you say: Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas? I would love a link to an actual audio file where someone says it properly - any ideas? Thanks Rick
  9. When you go to a club level shoot, do you know the COF for the stages before the shoot or are they usually kept secret? If you don't know the whole COF do you usually know which classifier will be shot? Some of our local clubs have started to post the complete COF about a week or so before the match. I find it helpful. Sometimes, if time permits I will run the classifier that is being shot during a practice session before the match so that I have some idea of what I need to work on to make it a decent run. I'm curious if you practice the specific COFs before a match if they are available? I could see some saying that isn't fair, but since they are published publically everyone has the opportunity to do with that information what their level of motivation suggests. All comments welcome. Rick
  10. I think that Ben has been shooting some IDPA type matches. From the current rule book: "2. Cleats. Cleated shoes designed for specific sports (i.e., football, baseball, golf, etc.) may not be worn." Gorilla, why? Cause Billy say so! I'm wearing some "tactical" type boots with agressive lug patterns. Gorilla, I know how much you like your "tactical" equipment so I had to throw that one in just for you. Rick
  11. I own a half doz tapes/DVDs including stuff from Digweed, Marty Fisher, Dan Carlisle, John Krueger, etc. My favorite is Dan Carlisle's Complete System For Successful Shooting. Rick
  12. You're at the right place. Enjoy the wealth of info. Nice for you to come out of the lurking mode and join the fun. Rick
  13. Boo, what is neat in this business is that you get to make decisions and changes anytime you want. Couple of thoughts though for your consideration. Before you start ordering more bullets and different powders, pick ONE powder and ONE bullet and work with it for a range session off of the bench with sand bags. Keep a loading log so that you don't duplicate this stuff again in a month. If you find something acceptable - great, if not move to another powder and bullet combo. On shooting the G34 in Limited. You are banging your head against the wall there my friend. Yes, some boys do a great job at it but you are handicapping yourself big time. To me that gun (I have two of them) is destined for production. Like I said before the cheap Blazers shoot well for me. The snappy 140 power factor out of my G34 makes the timing with a 13 pound ISMI recoil spring nice. I just choose not to reload at this point. This way I also focus just on the shooting. Again, this is the path that I have chosen for me. Many people reload. If I were shooting a 40 instead of the 9 I would be using the Dillion like everyone else
  14. Bluntly, never used sight black before; does it come off easily enough if you want your fo back? Once in a while I see someone at a shoot with this huge, basketball sized, blaze orange dot. I wonder how they ever aquire and upper A zone with the thing? Guess the old days of bullseye shooting and my rimfire silhouette shooting from days gone by have me looking for a sight picture that is a little different than some. The Dawson's that I own also have fo in the rear. I don't think that I ever even see the rear fo. I could sight black those for sure. Rick
  15. Natchez case price is 4.59/box when you buy 20 boxes at a time. The $210/2000 included the shipping costs. No afiliation with them except I like inexpensive ammo.
  16. Might sound funny but I don't look at the FO, I look at the very top of the sight because that is what I use as a reference point to shoot with. I'm using a Dawson front and the FO is down in the blade and I shoot right at the very top of the blade. Yes, the FO draws my attention to the total blade but my focus is at the top of the blade not at the the point where the FO is. Eric and 300# I know that you boys are kidding around, but in all seriousness I would like to try my Dawson front with an opaque, flat black insert. It would make it, in effect, a solid black front sight, BUT I could go back to the FO in a few minutes if I wanted too. Eric, you make the flat black inserts and I'll place the first order. Rick
  17. Seriously pretty stuff. Have been shopping for a 3 gun rifle and the JP product JP-15 is on the wish list. It's probably more gun that I will actually buy, but it is heavy on the WISH list still. I ordered Matt Burkett's DVD number 6 and want to see it before I make any decisions. Hope to get the DVD for the weekend. Rick
  18. I feel for that kid. That just makes you want to pick that gun up and try that again - NOT!
  19. Eric, the Blazer's are plated bullets if I'm not mistaken and those are the ones that shot well for Boo. Even though he did not mention specific loads, he did mention that the reloaded rounds where mild. One comment on reloading and an encouragment, when trying a new bullet or powder try different loads as you work your way up or down the PF scale and see what shoots the best. Yes, we strive for mouse fart loads sometimes, but those might not be in your best interest. One more comment is that if X combination of components rocks the house for competitor A, it might not shoot the same in your gun. The recomended load from a friend might be a good reference point but working up your own load development for your gun is the best way to go. Boo, by the way, I love the Blazers too and they shoot so well for me and are so damn cheap that I can't bring myself to reload for 9mm. Ordered 2000 more yesterday and it came to $210. delivered to my door and that was even with my few pennies added for the NRA roundup. This makes 8000 rounds I bought of this stuff this year. Rick
  20. Driver, how would different PF ratings on the ammo effect the mag performance? Thanks
  21. Very nice thread about how to shoot these. After the last shoot thought about either making one or buying one to practice with. We'll see how many are at this weekend's shoot.
  22. Jane, it's been a while (warning completely off topic) but I stayed in a Hotel 6 years ago and when it was time to go out for the evening I couldn't get out of my room. Seems like someone tried to break into the room and jimmied the door so badly that it wouldn't open from the inside. I called the front desk and they didn't believe me. I don't like getting locked up in small places and told the clerk that if they didn't get me out soon I was taking the chair and busting out the window. They didn't think that I was joking any longer. They opened the door and then said they fixed it. I said no way, I need a different room. Last stay ever at a Hotel 6. They are probably fine, but Once bitten ... Rick
  23. Try this link - works for me and they do call back quickly. Hate that they don't answer the phone too. http://botachtactical.com/CallMeNow.html
  24. I bought it for myself for Father's day along with Steve Anderson's book that was way overdue for me then I realized that I didn't own #6 and had to have that too. Just because I don't own an AR didn't matter - it's just a matter of time. Have all of your DVDs Matt and they are really helping. Looking forward to the new additions to the collection. Rick
  25. Have a few links to search: http://www.tacticalshooters.com/COF/Scenario_78.htm This was taken from the following link: http://thecurmudgeon.freeservers.com/fa-tr...s250c-day4.html "The first was the “Dozier Drill.” The shooter started with his back to five pepper poppers. At the sound of the timer, the shooter turned and engaged all five targets. This section was run by Ed Stock and he made it clear that he wouldn't “be impressed by anything less than five seconds.” We got two chances at this, I missed one target my first time and just missed the five second “mandate.” On my second try, I didn't miss any targets and met the goal. This was a great exercise because you had to be quick but you could not miss. This forced the shooter to search for that point where speed and accuracy were perfectly balanced." Took longer to find than I expected - sounds fun. Rick
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