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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Thanks Jake for the info. I'll order one and see how she works. I see that some guys are using just the out belt for IDPA and for USPSA Production they can wear both the inner and the out belt. Now I just have to get this dealer to answer his phone. Good prices, but no one is home if you know what I mean.
  2. The delay George isn't with this server since I really get them within a minute or two. I heard my email notify me and I finished the task at hand and then read your email and responded above. I did all of that within 3 minutes. If it isn't your email, it might be your server, but Brians' is FAST to notify if I get notified at all.
  3. I receive the within a minute or so, check this resposne against your previous one.
  4. OK, this is not the tough guy combat question. I want to know if I can wear pink with blue strips? Something like that anyhow. The real question is that I have a Comp-Tac Chainmail finish holster. I was just about to order a CR Speed Hi-Torque Belt when I saw this Safariland holster in Carbon fiber that looks like it will match the Chainmail finish on my Comp-Tac products. Forget about color for a minute, which belt is the better competition belt? They are both inner and out belt systems. I have heard great things about the CR belt. Very stiff and solid product CR. I don't know much about the Safariland product, but I bet that it is also a heck of a competition product. So what do you think about Pink and blue?
  5. I'm getting notified almost instantly of these new posts. George if it takes 20 minutes, go into your e mail program and select send and recieve every minute. Under Outlook express you hit "tools" at the top and then select "options" it is then under the "General" tab. Simple to do and you will get notified quicker. On this thread when you hit reply Zak, does it say "You are currently receiving email notification of replies" under post options? I see that some of my threads that I post on say this and others don't even though I set the preference to subscribe to all threads. Maybe I need to manually subscribe to the ones that I didn't start. I don't know. Zak, you might want to check your email settings on your firewall or security program. I'm just guessing here. Rick
  6. Sorry, I was thinking of someone else and not Eric. I was thinking of Mark Miller from Mach 2 holsters. Sorry Eric. Rick
  7. Eric is out of town - way out of town for a little while. I think he's in a different country. I just can't remember exactly where.
  8. Kevin, sorry for the no response for a while. Even though I subscribe to the post I don't get notified that someone responds by email for some reason. I have to manually check everything that I posted to and I don't always check for a while. The holster came fast' ordered it from Greg on Tuesday and it was at my house in Wisconsin on Friday - Super Wow factor! The holster and the mag pouches are beautiful in two ways. First they just look plain good with the chainmail, but with a light behind me and looking in a mirror there is no light in the channel. Greg actually asked my build and what belt I was using so that he could build it for that. I'm a short, fat guy: 5'6" and 180 - don't tell the wife will ya. Greg custom tweaked it for me and I am just super happy with the product and the service.
  9. I just got your notification Zak, did you get this one?
  10. Strange stuff in that the first couple responses to this thread I did not get any notification, but the one that Zak posted at 3:33 pm (site time) I did get notified. So Zak posted, then George, then Zak, then George and then when Zak posted again was the first time that I got a notification. Like I said it is really intermittent. I don't click on anything on the thread itself, but rather did my set up to enable e mail responses to all threads that I post on. Strange stuff. Rick
  11. I posted this a few weeks back under a different subsection on this board. No one responded and I thought that I would try again here. I have signed up to be notified if anyone that responds to any of my threads. Sometimes this happens but most of the time it doesn't. I know if two or three people respond to that thread you should only get one email. That's OK with me. What I am referring to is posting on a thread and many people post after me and I don't even get an email. I usually find out later if at all when I just visit the thread again. I have always signed up for various boards this way and haven't had a problem with any other site. Does anyone think that this is a computer settings issue on my end? I am open to any ideas - thanks. Rick
  12. Nice point about the retention features Ted. Cut the damn thing off - it's just modified right?
  13. Yes, everyone that I know who owns one of the Shooter's Connection bags loves it and says it is very much worth every penny. Maybe oneday I will have to buy one. Thanks for the tips on the larger wheels. I was one of first guys to use a hand golf cart in sporting clays 11 years ago. They looked at me funny then. I was a gamer way back then; I realized that everyone else was carrying all of that weight and toward the end of the day on the range I could feel it's effect on me. I reasoned that if I wasn't as tired as the next guy, I would be able to shoot better than someone with my same ability that was all worn out.
  14. On weight of different guns vs each other here is another thought: if you take a Glock 34 Vs. a Glock 34 and you internally add weight to one say 3 or 4 ounces - yes I can see the competitive advantage. Now lets look at a HK USP vs. a G34. The G34 if substaintially lighter but the barrel bore is so much closer to the hand that the muzzle flip is reduced by design not weight, this is also a factor. I do think that this is one of the reasons that the polymer gun has a chance against the heavier guns. Really what most of this is about is that I can shoot a $550 G34 and I know that the gun will be reasonably competitive against weapons that cost twice that amount. The difference is me and not the weapon. For me it is about stage planning and movement path and planned reloads and which target to engage in which order that will be the biggest difference in my scores and not an extra ounce here or there.
  15. This is more of a question than the way it is. I believe that I must see the front sight before I pull the trigger even on 4 yarders. On the reach out and touch them targets I will admitt that I just index them and can shoot A's when just push the muzzle almost on the target. For 7 yards and beyond I like to see the front sight centered in the rear notch before the trigger releases. Sometimes the front post is not totally centered in the rear notch or the heigth is not perfect. 20 yards and out, I want a centered front post with the top of the sight with the top of the rear to shoot as accurately as I can. What do you think of my thought process? If I am all wet let me know. My position is that I shoot for all A's as fast as I can and I want to give myself the best opportunity of doing just that. If you think I ought to just blast more I would like to hear it. If you think that every sight alignment and sight picture should have higher stds of quality control, I would also like to hear that. Rick
  16. OK all of you tough guys, I can take the heat. My name is Rick, I live in Wisconsin and I am a weather wuss. I don't like to shoot in the rain and the frozen stuff - the season is too long to have to shoot in that for me. There are others like me too. The others wusses just don't have the balls to say that they are whimps when it comes to weather.
  17. I shoot my qualifier and am focused like there is a connection between the gun, my eyes and the target that is a solid rod of steel. I shoot two of the 4 or 5 stages (I forget) absolutely clean. I drop 1 A zone and shoot a single B on another stage. I'm not blazing but by shooting very clean I do fine. Then comes the next match. If I shot that clean I should speed up and shoot a few more Bs but make up that with speed. Speed for me is the lure of false hope. My shooting didn't go down just a little and I didn't have a chance at all to make up anything. The amount of misses could not be made up. Next match comes. I know that I can shoot faster than I did and still get good hits. I focus on rythm of the shoots and moving quickly. I don't hit very well. Next match same thing until the last stage and I said, forget the time and shoot all As. I didn't shoot all A's but shoot the course cleaner than anyone else on the squad and guess what? The time wasn't bad at all. Finally at a match yesterday. I said forget the speed altogether and hit everything that you shoot at. I did try to get from box to box efficiently and plan the stage for the least movement. Brian's comments on shooting all A's as fast as you can really hit home this season so far for me. I place much higher in the standings this way too. Still have a long way to go in the shooting game, but one huge leason learned for me. Make up the time by stage planning and shooting smart, but take the time your need and only the time you need to shoot A's.
  18. Flex, I use the same bucket for ice fishing. Remember that I live in Wisconsin. Nice idea, but to get it to be a really tactical product you need a black bucket man. Scooter, I actually looked at something like that. The wheels are too small for rough terrain. For sporting clays I have used a golf cart - hand cart - with gun racks and place to hold a bag on the bottom. With all of these big bags that get heavy we all might want to consider the little folding hand cart like the one sold by the Target Barn. Sorry that I don't know how to post pictures. Rick
  19. Came home from an IDPA match - within the last 10 minutes actually - and my Comp-Tac locking paddle and 4 mag pouches were waiting for me. It' s gorgeous, chainmail pattern, and the best part is that there is no and I mean no light in the belt channel area. I'm finally ready to go with a legal holster. If I get my rear out of bed I can shoot again in the morning, but given that I left the house today a little after 1 PM and just got home at 11:30 pm, I might be pushing it a little if I run out first thing in the morning again. Oh well, live life dangerously and have fun. I just have to get my wife to start shooting with me and soon - especially if I keep shooting every Saturday and every Sunday.
  20. Thanks for taking the challenge and posting the pictures Z Grass. It's still not a Shooter's Connection bag, but it still makes me think that I got a decent deal on the Range Ready bag.
  21. On the weight issue being an advantage - Bulloney! Ask Dave Sevigney about the terrible disadvantage he is under shooting that plastic Glock 34. I have read out of headquarters numerous times about "the original intent" or the "true spirt" of the sport. It was suppose to be shoot what you carry and forget things like Ghost holsters and mag pouches that aren't concealed. I'm fine with things like that. But this gun weights more than that gun by 1.2 ounces and it is illegal is just one way of rewarding one type of gun or manufacturer and trying to hold another one back. As far as keeping out the true "out of the spirt of the game" weapons that is why we ALREADY have a box. Duane, I might be wrong but I read in an interview with Ernie that as soon as he won with his Sig, he said that it would become illegal soon as a way to stop him from competing with that gun. Let's face it boys. It is really less about the weapon that we choose and more about the skill level we develop. Get yourself an adequate weapon the actually learn how to shoot it, instead of pointing fingers at better shooters and saying they won because of an extra ounce of steel - I will repeat myself - BULLONEY!!! I will agree that when every hundreth of a second counts there can be little advantages by gun design, but I will still stand that the biggest differences are in work ethic, range time and proper technique. Personally, I have a ways to go in my progress, but then again, I'm not complaining about an ounce here or there. A case of government intrusion: creating rules to solve problems that didn't exist to justify their existance. Look at it this way, I didn't complain once in this thread about the crazy holster rules - (almost).
  22. Chuck I am sure that your bag is better and you also support the shooting sports. Congratulations on making a superior bag with a wonderful warranty and your envolvement in the sport. Some of us wish that we could afford your bag, but can't. I also bought a 5.11 Range Ready bag at $80 not $140. No one is taking away anything from you. Some of can drive Cadillacs and some of us drive Chevys. I won't go around and feel sorry for myself that I drive a Chevy. The bag will do what I want it to and need it to. Good luck in your business and best wishes to you. I didn't read anyone that wrote it was as good as your product; some of us believe it will again meet our requirements for a range bag at a reasonable price point for our requirements. Thanks for your comments. Rick Ingle
  23. Been shooting with Decot Hy Wyds for a while now. Bought them originally to shoot sporting clays. The colors "romance" the target. In other words you can make the target stand out and you can also subdue the background by using different color lens. Use the lightest tint that you can get away with because the heavier tint will restrict your depth perception as mentioned earlier. This web sight has a wealth of information on lens colors and why: http://www.sportglasses.com/content/produc...mmendations.asp Rick
  24. maybe with a dremel tool or some other type of ratory tool. Be careful not to over polish where you remove metal and it is shiny but not a flat surface any longer. Personally I am just wipping my mags clean and then I spray them with a dry silicone which makes them supper slick. Is everyone else polishing their mags? I shoot a Glock G34, do you polish the plastic mags as well? Thanks
  25. I also slow down on those easy steel targets that aren't so easy all of the time.
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