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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Rich, California a little far for me to send my brass to your old man !!! See you soon. Hop
  2. What ????? Did I hear Catfish and OPEN gun in the same sentence ????? What is this world coming to ????? Next thing someone will say Hopalong is shooting a Gl@ck !!!! Just kidding some of you, so don't take it seriously. I know just what one is and what they are used for. Hop
  3. Spoke with Max right before he went off to BALI. He said he had the new one at his house and was really proud of it. Better than the first. Look for it at stores near you. Or his website, or Sauls ect. Hop
  4. Bill, I can still remember "cheap" gas in TEXAS. $.79 for "regular leaded" (That would be the early 80s, in SOUTH TEXAS) Hopalong
  5. With a Tennessean accent. "Well, congratulations sir" !!! Hopalong
  6. I think Carina about got that nail on the head that time. Oh, and I know a few GMs (some paper and some not) and they all had those same characteristics. Hopalong (See tag line about opinions)
  7. Oh............................. IF ya'll wern't so far away I'd have to come put a dose of TN smack down on you !!!! I would likely remember many of those stages though. Would be LOTTA fun !!! Hop
  8. I'll vote for option "X" "pull the pin and toss the grenade" !! Hop
  9. Congratulations Mr. World Champion Revolver shooter !!!! Hopalong
  10. Might even get some real Famous folks to shoot................ Kind of like the DIVISION originator............. Gary Stevens ????? Hop
  11. Hang in there Stew. Condolances for the CAT. Hop
  12. OK, Have been shooting the "Mouse" for a little while and am getting a pile of brass What to do? I have over half of it in 5.56 LC with WIN 04(crimped primers) and tzz. I know all these are MIL spec and have crimped primers and They are likely the BEST brass out there. I have some S&B .223 brass................is it worth the trouble to reload ??? I know S&B pistol is not very good at all (.45 esp) or do I just sell it in the "scrap brass" buckets Hop
  13. Tony, A PAG is defined as: Plastic A$$ Gun !!!! (S&W M&P, Springer xd ect.) Good one Mover5 Hop
  14. Thanks for the info so far. I managed to scarf up a box (20) of the real thing so I can now get some info with my rifle. Hop
  15. Great !!!! Round 2..... Ding, Ding, Ding !!!!! Pogs/Pags go down in FLAMES AGAIN !!! Hop
  16. BIG IRON You know, the gun the AZ ranger used to get Texas Red !!!! (By Marty Robins) Hopalong
  17. Congrats on the win Scott !!!! But, I thought you told me you were going to shoot REVOLVER ????? Hop
  18. If any one wants to attend this match, see the classifieds. HOP
  19. It is because you ONLY have 6 shots with the Revolver so you make them count. AND Since you know you have to have more trigger discipline with the REVO you watch and make sure where the sights are when shooting it. compared to the Auto. Just take it for what it is worth......... coming from just a dummy that shoots. Hop
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASTER BILL !!!!! Hop edit to add: I just looked, 46 My @ss !!!!!
  21. Hey Jane, Congrats on beihg able to "Run" even after a lay-off. Nothing to it once you get your head out of the way Huh? On your pistol caliber rifles. See if you can find a friend who loads .45 colt. It can be loaded up to .44mag capabilities if done by a competent reloader. THAT is what I would take with me. Hop
  22. Shot this this weekend at Memphis. 3.19 down 3 for an 87% to raise my average in OPEN . Hop Oh, I forgot to mention..................it was NOT with a real Open gun either.
  23. But Singlestack, WHere is the pictures of the MOST PERFECT creation of John Browning ???? You know, that real SINGLESTACK gun that totaly kicked all the POG/PAGs into the plastic hole where they came from !!!! Aside from that, good pics . Oh, and good to see you two GA boys. Come back anytime. Hop
  24. As in Who's bullet, what kind of MPH (miles per hour) and Balistic Co-efficient ect. Might try to roll my own to make them comparable to MIL-SPEC HOP
  25. Gonna be fun, looking forward to destroying the stages. Hop
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