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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Stay away from the product Pat. Hop
  2. Two more SSTK shooters reported to me today that they were coming to whip up on the POG/PAGs' Hop
  3. Now that we're suggesting rifles in Pistol calibers, I'd have to let her try the Marlins. Both the 44 and the 357. The 44 also shoots the 44 special, a really nice soft load she can practice all she wants and then hunt with the 44 mag with tamed down loads if needed. remember, pistol bullets don't perform like rifle bullets so bullet weight means a whole lot vs. speed. Jane, If you and David can find a couple to try I would really suggest that before you buy. Hop Oh, and can I have your autograph ?
  4. Oh by the way............................. BillW, what was that you were shooting last Sunday at Memphis ????? Hop
  5. Glenn, How many do you have shooting ? HOP
  6. By the way, What time does all this stuff start Saturday ? I'll try to be there on time, this time. Hop
  7. Man Corey, You let W2R whip up on you AGAIN !!!!! Hop
  8. Post #27 "6 inch fat free" Good looking gun, can't say that about the driver !!! Hop
  9. Caught you practing up for Saturday !!!!!! See you there. Hop
  10. I too suggest the 7mm-08 in either Remington Model 7 or Browning Micro medalion. Caution, you will not want to take the Browning hunting unless you get a gun chap for it. I too want an autograph. Hop
  11. Corey, there are a few resturants near the Interstate. I'm sure there will be some "after action" activites there. Now, What has happened to all the POG/PAG folk ? Mighty quiet, Guess they finally realized they just need to set on the sidelines and learn. Hop
  12. Corey, It depends on which ones they keep of the most recent eight. Some one else 3 years ago prematurely announced the same thing. See you Saturday, don't forget your towel ! Hop
  13. hopalong


    Ahhhh.......forgetaboutit ! Hop
  14. Hey, WHO put all those production jerks in the sqaud with us Single Stack guys ????? Oh well, it'll be fun despite (or inspite of) them ! Hop
  15. Sorry to say, but don't do it much more or you'll be HOOKED. Glad you enjoyed it. It'll be fun and HIGHLY frustrating at the same time until you quit comparing revo shooting to auto shooting (stage breakdown wise). Now go get Bob (SWiowagean) make Doug Carden lay down those bottom feeders and go have fun. Oh and Carmoney says he is too busy to shoot now so just forget about him, He's a has been anyway!!! Hop
  16. I use the Precision Deltas in my 646. HIGHLY accurate, it is not really a trunicated cone. It is a round nose flat spot as in maybe just like they were dropped on their nose while loaded in a case. Perform like round nose for what we would use them for. I still use the lead for everything aside from BIG matches, and extept shooting into the sun. Hop
  17. Corey, I HAVE no friends, but I do have some wanna be POG shooters that need that read. Make sure you and the rest of the KY boys bring that pile of CRYING towels with you, ya'll Yankees are gonna need them !!!!! Till then, HOP
  18. Prize Distrubution.............................. Lets see.................................. When I hosted the Mississippi state 3-gun this is what I(we) did. ( A really good match, from what everyone told me) (but they may have been "Just saying that") I first of all TOLD everyone MONTHS ahead of time this is what I was going to do........................... Cash payback to HOA per division. $250 (match fee was 100) Cash payback to classes per division IF 3 in a class I paid 1st. IF 5 I paid 1 & 2. IF 7 I paid 1,2 &3. A percentage of how many in the division but 1st always got more than the entry and second got his entry back. (I did recognize GM as a class too) (IF there was the obligatory 3) I told everyone before hand that it was also a BENIFIT match for RED Cross and at the end of the match we gave them $1500. I also got a lot of begging done and had a pretty good prize table for folks to go RANDOMLY. the prize table was enough that all competitors went 2 times and I also had a generous Range officer table besides the match table. Thanks to folks like: Benny HILL, Blackhawk, 3-gun Gear, Springfield armory, Remington, Montana Gold, Starline Brass, Sierra Bullet, MIKE GIBSON/ MGM target ect. So the best of BOTH worlds..............................Cash payback for all your hard work, and a RANDOM prize table for the lucky and unlucky. PLUS we gave Red Cross $1500 ..............which some of that was used the next week for a family that thier house burned to the ground in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, the next year was KATRINA. Then the next year, for some reason beyond me a week prior to the match I had only 21 entrys and 15 of the were range officers so due to that reason and a few others internally in the club (NO HELP) we canceled and have not done another................ SOAP BOX MODE ON: PLEASE do the MATCH DIRECTORS A FAVOR and send your entry forms in ASAP so they can plan accordingly SOAP BOX MODE OFF: We would like to host another match, and have had several inquiries but after getting burned by not having participants the second time around we a honestly scared to do so. Now here is my opinion. (NOT that it matters, and see my signature line about opinions) IF I want to go shoot, I'll go if I can afford the trip and it is a good reputable match or a new one needing help/attendance (gotta start somewhere as a club/match) The prize distrubution doesn't matter to me personally. BUT IF I have to choose between 2 on the same weekend or in the same month and have to go to only 1. I'm more likely to go to the one where they award by finish even though I know I will be down that list a ways. HOPE that helps, Hopalong
  19. YOU may want to try to skip the live fire and make a few extra matches because you practice the elements to shoot matches, but you have to be able to shoot the entire match. I hope you get my drift. In other words, since you are now going to a major match you need to get some "match" experience to go along with all the practice. (I like that explanation better) Good luck, have fun. Hopalong
  20. Don't know about the travel corridor, but Jerry said there is PLENTY of gas in Shreveport/Bossier City area. HOP
  21. hopalong

    No gas

    Funny Corey, But Aside from the normal occasional bouts of GAS, you're thinking about HOT AIR until next Saturday a week. See you then, and NO I don't live anywhere near there. (Thank GOD) Hop
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