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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Funny thing, This coming from the guy who was 3rd at the USPSA Limited Nationals.....with production and Revolver Divisions. If he new how to aim where would he have ended up then? HOP
  2. Caspian45 beat me to it......First thing I thought of was the old Wilson Pin guns. IMHO, (that dont really mean squat).....It's the Indian not the Arrow!!!! HOP
  3. Well finally downloaded spooks run....... Nothing wrong with that run!!!!!! Better than what I can do, I'm pretty sure. Looked real SMOOTH !!!!!! and we all know SMOOTH is FAST !!!!! Damn good Spook !!!!!! SSSSMMOKE INNNNNNN!!!!!!! HOP
  4. Dave....... Hope you can make it!!!!! Start early on your section coordinator for a slot, if you don't have a "slot match" Rob, Man that is why I set up a bunch of stages at the local matches...Have plenty of "Spares". See ya. SAM
  5. Well I'm all loaded up(not with alcohol) and ready to head down and Kick some Mississippi BUTT !!!!!! Gonna be great, picking up CJL32 on the way and talking trash and smack all the way there (he's from Mississippi) about how bad I'm going to kick some Mississippi BUTT, Just like TENNESSEE did the Mississippi Rubbels....Oops rebels and will the Bullpuppies!!!! (If they had to play them this year, the bullpuppies that is) Can't hardly wait for some good BO-Dons seafood Buffet on Sat Night!!!!!Man that stuff is good. See ya'll there, DJL32 and I are RO'ing stage 4 so bring a smile, if you don't have one we'll find you one. HOP
  6. Az Shooter, Exactly!!!!! that IMHO is the BIGGEST reason there is not a big cross over from ICORE to USPSA. (and Power factor?) Also a reason (I think) there is not a bunch of ICORE in the Southeastern US??? 10MMdave, I was talking about USPSA Revolver Nationals.....NOT the 8 shooter,out west nationals You know, where the Crazy really dedicated Major shooting 6 gunners go to get their ass handed back to them by Jerry M. Hope to see some of you, somewhere. HOP
  7. DirtyPool, Hey Eric, If she's the one.....I hope for your sake not to see you...... On the other hand, It would be good to see you instead of looking at this screen when we talk. Good luck with the GF!!!! HOP
  8. Rob, That 625 with your USPSA loads would have taken care of the steel fine. Haven't figured out why you guys feel you need an 8 shooter to shoot ICORE, the stages are 6 gun "NOOtrawl"!!!! Aside from just another reason to buy another blaster. A few of the guys in the Club i'm in have decided to shoot the postal match, I am going to use my 646, since IDPA has decided to make that gun not a good choice to use any more. Any way, put more powder in them short Colts and they will take steel down. See you at next years Revolver Nationals. HOP
  9. Rob, As far as the rings go, they are plenty strong....Just like the gun. Poor ole .41 mag....Just like Rodney Dangerfield....NO respect! Have fun with the Redhawk, Nice guns even if they are not built like a smith in the action. HOP
  10. Schoonie, When you're a WISEGUY.......It doesn't matter !!!! HOP SG, Would love to but need to kick DaBlasters Butt with it at the Missouri match!! besides, you said you no like limited when you have the DOT gun!!! Will send you the first Pic so you can post/host or whatever needs done. Good to see you and RB at A-5!!! See Ya, SAM
  11. Yeah, Underlug, ask Carmoney who was 4th overall at the IOWA single stack match??? And ask Keith where he was that very same day???? Ya'll can run but you can't hide!!!! Ole Hopalong has spies all over!!! HOP
  12. Kangaroo, Looking at the entry form...... No place for my Division......You know Bald, slow, Ugly!!! HOP Kurt, Bring the big gun and leave that black pip squeak gun at home
  13. any of you going to at Missouri???? Good chance you will see another one!!!!! HOP
  14. Ronnie, Too busy loading .308 super fine A-Zone seeking, steel knocking down majic bullets. Have sighted the "big gun" in for 1000 yds so have that covered if the indians invade. Shot gun is sitting in the corner feeling left out....have not touched it in 3 months but it has super fast concentrated steel/clay killing powers. AND the new Benny Blaster.........What can I say????? All you do is load it and it does the rest!!!! Hell just go ahead and send me the plaque and check, save everyone the trouble of going!!!!! HOP
  15. Catfish, If I can remember to I'll toss it in the truck. DaBlaster, If you see this.....I now have the new self pointing, self shooting Benny Blaster.....You had better look out.....All I have to do is insert loaded mags it does all the rest!!! Some of the Wheel guys want me to bring the 6 banger, but this thing is begging to come out and Kick some ass......even if it is mine. Either way see you in 2 weeks, can't wait for the BBQ and BEER !!!!!!! HOP
  16. Will get pictures when I have access to a digital camera......sorry but the wait will not kill you, It did not me. HOP
  17. Have been picking up parts for 3 years now trying to piece together a SERIOUS Limited gun. Back about 2 months ago I finally get all the stuff but just some minor parts. Call up MR. HILL and he says......"Send it down, I guarantee you will like it" Well, Liking it is a understatement!!!!!! Could not have asked for anything better!!!! Thanks Benny!!!!! and Virgil Tripp for the Hard Chrome....Man I don't want to shoot it now, it is too pretty. Pictures at a later time. HOPALONG
  18. Rob, I have a Redhawk in .454 Cassull. Use it to deer hunt when in the bad thickets. I put a Wolf reduced power kit in it and did some polishing, made for a nice hunting trigger in SA (about 2 3/4 lbs if I remember correctly) DA pull is around 8 or maybe a little less. My gun will group 4 inches with a good rest at 150 yds using the Burris 1 1/2 x 5 scope on it.( in the right hands I'm sure it will do better) My Smith .41 shoots as good and doesn't have all that RECOIL as the redhawk but I like them both and use them both. It is not even fair what the .454 does to a coyote. You may want to consider the .41 mag Nice round, plenty of power for steel animals and live ones too. Just a thought. SAM
  19. Chet, If my memory serves me......That is your Standard division Fly spider. Standard because he/she has no serious poison(I have had an encounter, no worse than a yellow jacket) and no permanent Web. Also Standard because it has no race gun holster and forward mag pouches. Actually a very benificial creature. HOP
  20. Smoking Spook !!!!!! Impressive to say the least. You guys here in the US, them darn Foreigners are getting ahead of you!!!! You can't set idle over here thinking just because Jerry is here the US is the best there is!!! Spook and Richardo proved that, along with several others. So get to it!!!! HOP
  21. Ok, I am not a moderator by any means, but Benny is professional enough to not tell where he was publicly. He stated what happened, what he did, and what he will do. Please if he wants you to know who/what match he will tell you. If not, don't start dropping names or other stuff. It won't be hard to figure out where he was if you just have to know, but let's be professional enough to do it without going overboard. Where ever he was, they will and have already learned a valuable lesson I'm sure. But don't make them not want to try again and improve....What is the other option???? I'm sure everyone involved would rather not had this trouble, but it is done. Learn from it and use it to the better. Benny, I will see you in Arkansas....bring your crying towel, I will have enough rifle bullets this year !!!!!!.... And a Nice new Blaster. HOPALONG/SAM KEEN
  22. Damn if Santa Revolver Claus don't look like Coondog!!!!!! You know Coondog.....That red headed guy from Kentucky that shoots a Para-Ordnance!!!!!! Man I kill myself some times HOP
  23. How much Cash you got there Jeeper???? I have way more wheel guns than Auto blasters, and have way too many of them!!!! On second thought, If I were to get rid of them then I would have to get rid of a few safes too!!!! Offer retracted as it would cause way too much work!!!! HOP
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