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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Hi Folks, I arrived on the range on Wed afternoon to assist in any way possible. What I found was inspirational to say the least, all that was needed was the usual tweek here and there. Hamp and Crew were squared away that was quite obvious. I want to congratulate the ENTIRE Army Marksmanship Unit, they took a hill side and in 3 months turned it into a WORLD CLASS 3-gun match!!! Good Job guys. Credit goes where credit is due: SFC Aaron Hampton did a bang up job of organizing a Nationals type class match for the first try. He did not do it alone, he had great help from many different places but he was the man on the tip of the spear. Fine Job Hamp !!! SGDM was the CRO for stage 11.......you know the one with the full auto AK 47 He has recently had shoulder sugery and not only ran his stage for 2 days but also was part of the "set up" since Wednesday as I was. He managed to do all this and put up with my snoring for 3 nights with only Advil to help him make it. So maybe it needs to be "Tough Guy" instead of SGDM!!! Good job Greg !!!! I met many fine folks on that weekend, some I have known a while and some I had never met before, it was my pleasure and hope to see you all again soon. It was an honor to be a Range Officer at this fine match, and an honor to work with the fine guys/gals in the AMU. Hamp, again GREAT MATCH!!!! Sam Keen, Humble RO stage 12
  2. Hey Luke, when I figure it out I'll tell you (and everyone else).....Until then I guess I will stay at the "not very good" level. HOP
  3. Jerry V., Don't you mean a Class A "Danbagger"? I myself am not very good, therefore everything messes me up. Hopalong BTW, Merry Christmas everyone!
  4. Way to go Lee !!!! you have the hard part behind you (Mostly) Hang in there. and Thanks for serving !!!!! They wouldn't let me ! HOPALONG
  5. Chuck, I practice with Lead bullets, therefore I also clean it about every 2000 rounds or so. Since I clean it fairly often I can't anwser that question. But, If you are doubting it has enough lube you can reliably relube with Remoil without taking the side plate off. Cock the hammer (empty gun please) a couple of drops down each side of the hammer. Flip gun over and a couple of drops down each side of the trigger, and where the rebound spring housing is. Dry fire and repeat one more time. That will give you a quick "relube" but is not as good as taking the sideplate off and doing it correctly. Hop Oh yeah, damp plus just a little...No need in drowning as the extra will run out.
  6. Hockydadnu27, I have a Scout/Squad I have been using for 3 years now. The ONLY time it has failed me is when I was experimenting with home made 30 round mags !!!!!!!!!! I have a scope on mine, but have played with it with only the irons. If you put the sight on the target and squeeze the trigger(I have a bad habit of PULLING the trigger) I can hit my 8 inch plates at 300 yds every shot. AND there is NO Doubt when you hit them I have felt a SOCOM but have not shot it, to me it was really "pointy" Should make a good 3 gun platform. I too like Kurt think the front sight is WAY TOO BIG !!!! Good luck, enjoy your "Ratt rifle" HOPALONG
  7. hopalong


    God be with you, and your family. Sam
  8. Chuck, I like Spooks idea, but I use 100% Remoil in mine anywhere there is or might be a moving part touching anything else. Sooner than later you will decide when to much is to much. HOP
  9. Really want to make it nice for the B and C shooters....(Most likely the two biggest classes)? Get rid of the "SUPER SQUADS" and throw them in the mix with everyone else. That gets them in with the "regular Joes" and allows the "regular Joes" to get to see in person what it is to be a "GM". I know USPSA will never do that, they have to get their "TV" time. For that "EXCLUSIVE" coverage deal. I voted for "Other". Race guns...(open, Ltd, Ltd-10) and Production or factory or whatever you want to call it. Production, Revo, S.S.. Now before everyone yells L-10 isn't race guns.....Only thing different by the rules is the mag capacity so it fits closer to race than factory. This is the "wish is would" reality though. What will really happen, who knows but I still think the Nationals can and should be run in the Black, If they can't then maybe we need to look at new ways of doing them.......COMPLETELY NEW WAYS. Just my wierd thinking. HOP
  10. That is pretty much what he told me a month ago!!! HOP
  11. I have tried both, and now have Precision Delta bullets on the shelf. I have spoke with Joe Trantum(owner) about the 165/180 trouble. He has since then changed how they package, and a few other things to eleminate that accident again. The Precision Delta bullets are the most accurate in my guns (on the average) between all the guns I use. Small history on Precision Delta bullets: They have supplied PPC shooters for years and are the premier bullet maker for that sport. No wonder they are accurate. Another note: Since recieving my new Limited gun from Benny Hill I have not had a single feed problem from the very first bullet to the last one I shot yesterday. HOPE it helps, My choice....Precision Delta !!!! HOPALONG
  12. Cuz, Congrats on the 625 !!!! Now don't be afraid to go shoot it, your friends will call you crazy, a psyco path, sucker fro punishment and other names not to be mentioned on these threads. Have fun with it, 10mm Dave is somewhere up in your territory.....At least in the near states! Hit some ICORE matches with it too. If you are moving into wheelguns from autos, it will help your auto shooting when/if you go back. You have all winter to play with it, get used to the different trigger stroke, PRACTICE THE RELOAD (either type.....or better BOTH until you decide which is best for you). GOOD LUCK and see you on a range somewhere, sometime. P.S. Don't be afraid to jump off into making the USPSA Nationals with it. There are some guys there that can make them do great things, and then there are guys like me that just kind of make a showing. HOPALONG
  13. Lawman, Ross is still there, but the new instructor is really doing great. I just happen to know the cat, Rodney May. Not only will he teach you how to shoot, He will show you how. AND it doesn't matter what kind of gun, Long or short. If you set up a class for your guys, ask for Rodney, you will not be dissapointed. Hopalong
  14. Donnie, How far are you from your slightly lesser known brother? He has put a few whuppins on me in the last 2 years, Need to get with you and find his Achiles HEEL !!!! I already tried that practice BS, just makes me BROKE ! Any way, maybe some time in the future (after I win the Lottery) I can let you whip up on me too. Might even go for one of them famous Swamp tours.....Have gator gun, will travel!!! Any way, good to have you with us. Good luck with the Bullseye shooting. HOPALONG
  15. Splashdown, DON'T listen to that Benny Hill......He IS an IMPOSTER !!!!! The real Benny Hill can put together a gun from just hundreds of parts you send him in the delivery service, and shoots a shotgun like a SISSY !!!!! Mine blaster is 5 inches and runs like a sewing machine, from the first shot fired !!!!! Now this "IMPOSTER" builds a funny looking thing that is supposed to do the same thing, I don't know. But I know Benny Hill builds a hell of a gun. Now Let's get a little more serious...... Benny does excellent work, I have felt but not shot one of his Fat Frees.....Feels good. I also have felt one of his P.O.S. Open guns, to be a foo foo gun it actually feels pretty good too!!! IMHO you can't go wrong with one of his Junkers. Get one, if you don't like it (which I REALLY doubt) someone else will take it off your hands. HOPALONG
  16. Congrats Ferrill......They can't call you the biggest sandbagger any more ! HOPALONG
  17. Way to go Nick !!!!! I'm sure Shred and everyone else had 100% confidence in you. Congrats anyway. HOP
  18. John, Hope to see you and many more there, Hopefully USPSA will give out enough slots this upcoming year that many that want to go can, unlike last year. It would be way cool to have more Revo shooters than at least 1 other division. HOP Edit to add: Even though I'm not one of the great revo shooters you mentioned.
  19. Kathy, WI is Chease head country, you know.......Elsie the COW Nothing up there but Jersey Cows, Antelope, and Chease heads!!!!! HOP
  20. I Really like WOOD HEAT !!!!!!! With over 250 acres of Timber it doesn't cost much either!!! (NOT near as much as NATURAL GAS!!!) HOPALONG
  21. I hate cutting FIREWOOD (It just Kills my back) see rebuttal in the What I like forum. HOP
  22. Don't mind Carmoney Jeff, He thinks that since he took off from shooting to get his legal ticket to steal that he should be considered the "NEW GUY", the under dog or anthing else similar to that. On the points series, Charles Bond (the guy behind them originally) told me they are going to make changes for the upcoming year to hopefully entice more participation. Donnie M. Welcome to the forums, glad to have you with us. You still shoot a little? HOPALONG
  23. George, Unfortunately, we here in the Southeast are starting to see these 8 stage, matches with nothing under 20 rounds in a stage matches too. Not that it is a bad thing, you get your money's worth of shooting. BUT There is no Ballance to the match like Barretone and you mention. Some of our match directors are forgetting the USPSA/IPSC match sugestion of 3 small,2 medium, and 1 long field course recomendation. IF you can run 8 stages of long field courses and not have bad bottlenecks and waiting, then speed shoots and medium courses can also be had in the same amount of range,and made to work time wise. It just takes a little planning. Hell, the range I call home only has 4 bays and we had 11 stages of 3-gunning planned for the Mississippi state match until Katrina showed up. And It would have worked, No problems as we had planned it out to work. Winter is here in some places and still coming in others, so there is plenty of time to plan, cuss, and discuss for next year. Good luck to all! HOPALONG
  24. Mistral, If I'm not mistaken, the written walkthrough is the law of the day in USPSA. (That is why they are to be read, word for word) If the RO's fail to adminitster it like that written walkthrough, it is the stage CRO and RO's fault, NOT the MD or who ever. NOW IF it needs cleared up, get it done on RO/Staff shoot day, that is what it is for ! HOP
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