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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Ron, Jerry and a few others shoot that way, it works for them. I shoot mine like an automatic, with the left thumb on the frame below the cylinder, It works for me. Try them both, they are the two ways I see people running the BRT! Good luck, maybe my tendonitis will be ok by the Old Fort Revolver match, hope to see you there. Hopalong
  2. Big Guy, Listen to Sharyn, she knows her stuff!!!! She is the only person I know who can tear up an anvil. (when it comes to guns) I have ZERO experiance with Open guns so take it for what it is worth.... Derek shot with me on a stage at Area-6, his gun looked like it was on air, no visible muzzle flip. I also have watched Sharyn shoot, her gun looks the same. I have talked with Derek about some stuff, he seems to really know his STUFF !!! I don't think you can go wrong with any of the afore mentioned choices. Hopalong
  3. I have had one good run at 2.49 with the Revolver. Most of the time I try to keep it at or around 3.00 (10 yds) Since I have not shot the wheel since October, a 4.00 would be acceptable for me right now. Hopalong
  4. I hate that my 91 year old neighbor which is a WWII Vet (caught in the Phillipenes by the Japs) is being taken advantage of by the stay at home helper/worker. Just this morning the sorry Jackass came riding around on his 4 wheeler and jumped some deer (None legal BTW) and shot at them while running. The bad part is, the deer ran into the same section of woods I was in......with him shooting at them.....all the while I was hiding behind my little tree.......TIME to go have a serious talk with him. (never had this problem while the old man was still in good health) I also hate this Happy Holidays PC BULLSH!T......I have the exact same right to say it and celibrate it as they choose not to. I hate that I have developed tendonitis in my thumb of my shooting hand, only bothered by the wheelgun, and I hate that I will have to lay off of it just when other people are getting into it. I hate that Christmas has become so Commercialized and it seems many have forgotten the reason for the season!!!! Enough of this before I get MAD. Merry Christmas everyone!!!! HOPALONG
  5. Dennis..... Now, what about Barry in September with that thing? Ok, maybe Huntsville in March first! HOP
  6. Tom, I'm not saying you're sandbagging, but man what a guilty conscience! What I was saying is it would be good....no great to have more Masters to shoot with for us wana be's(like me) to see how it is done!!!! any way, Merry Christmas everyone SAM
  7. Since this is the Revolver Nationals we are talking about, and last year there were several of the Usual suspects NOT there, maybe we need to get after those and others to participate this year............... So I'll start with Zookeeper, he is a past attendee of the Nationals.....Jack go ahead and plan it now!!!! Take Wed, Thur, Friday off...Saturday if you need to depending on your shift. AND.............. Hey Airedale, it is only 3 days of the week this year!!!!!! Tell the big man you will be gone for 3 days in September.....The Coondogs won't miss you in that short of time. Sure would like to see both of your smiling faces in Barry in SEPTEMBER Hopalong
  8. Well, the time is right, the place is good but getting to be an old hat BUT......... NOTHING WAS MENTIONED ABOUT SHOOTOFFS C'Mon TROY ......Mike or whom ever......Bring them back.....Please Hopalong
  9. Carmoney, He (glockPhan) is like some of the other notorious auto blaster guys(several on this forum) who also shoot wheels.......If there is an option they will shoot the auto guns as the percieved "competition" is in the Auto blaster divisions. Can't blame them though, until now it has been. ONE DAY everyone will realize the ultimate Challenge is to shoot a wheel effectively in Action shooting, then it will be Top Notch!!!! HOP
  10. Carmoney, You forget so soon, Pskys2 is a Master x 2 Just that more of a reason to go ahead and get in on the fun at Nationals, Dave. Plus it is only 3 weekdays.....not an entire week (Thankfully). If Sedro and M.Voight keep it up they will eventually find a good format for Nationals. Dave, I would be willing to let D. Carden pay your way!!!!! He will be a Master by then so you, him, and Master Walsh can duke it out for 3rd, 4th, 5th as I predict Mr. Sweeney will actually practice this time. Would be pretty cool to have several Master shooters to bump elbows with though. Right Mike, Keith, Tom and the rest of you guys? Hopefully Spook and a few other Foreign shooters will also come and dish some of it out. Hop
  11. Here is what we are offiering: Saturday: 14 fine folks with Max and Travis working on any thing and everything. Sunday: 1pm Shoot a club level match with Max and Travis giving critique/shooting with you. Fee: $450 dollars....$ 400 goes to Max and Travis, 50 goes to the club. of that 50 it gets you: Lunch on Saturday, pays for targets, pasters, and your entry fee into the match on Sunday. If interested PM me or E-mail me through this or Max's websites, I already have 5 verbally committed. More info on www.MaxMichel.com go to Double impact training on the forums I'm working out of town at the moment so if I don't answer your e-mail or PM's within a few days please be patient. The course is the weekend after Area-6 and the weekend before the Mississippi State match. Looking forward to helping you get some good training. Hopalong Note: Edit to change Fees.....My mistake in communications....sorry
  12. Nemo good to hear from you, "hola" back at you!!!!! Flex, Cap'n Nemo has converted over to the Revolver and the ultimate challenge of Action shooting....Has moonclips, real easy to pick up the brass ect. You need to try it. HOP
  13. Congrats Dave !!! BTW, Barry, Il is not too far from Kansas Bring Bronco with you. HOP Edit to add: Make me wonder how long until Danbagger gets up there? His scores from A-2 are not even listed..........yet????
  14. Azshooter, Would be great to have you bumping elbows with us!!!! RGS, I agree with everyone else... I made it home from Kentucky and on the answering machine was a my slot offering from Kim. I guess I will accept it.......but you turkeys better not take advantage of me again this year like last. Alos from Kim.......SPOOK LOOK HERE !!!! and any other foreign shooters wanting to shoot the USPSA Nationals. per Kim: Foreign shooters do not have to be members of USPSA but it would help, to get a slot just get on the waiting list like others, if your name comes up you will be contacted. So there it is, just get on the list!!!!!!! Sure would be cool to have several "Foreign" revo bangers Maybe I will have to practice up a little this year. Looking forward to it already!!!!! Hopalong
  15. DA, Welcome to the wheelgun world of action pistol shooting(in our words it is ACTION REVOLVER shooting ) You are pretty lucky to be shooting a wheel gun in OK as Forum members Waltermitty, and Bubber are also OKIES!!! Some good ones real close are Mike Luttrell and forum member Firewalker both from AR, Mike will be hosting an ICORE regional match at his indoor range in March. Another good wheelman is Jess Christianson also of AR...Oh yeah I forgot to mention, Mikes wife Stephanie is pretty handy with one too!!!! Larry Treen in MO is quite the wheelgunner too, so you have plenty to shoot with if schedules work out. Good luck with the endeavor, We are not many but we are quite dedicated (mostly). See you on a range, sometime, somewhere. HOPALONG
  16. Aerosign, I shot a ruger GP100 before I switched to Moonclip guns, I used the Comp 2 loaders(IDPA) I also have shot a moonclipped 686. What I have found out is the monnclips offer more consitancy in the reloads. Reload time on both are pretty much even IF you just keep track of the fastest. Now if you averaged 10 of each the moonclip gun will be on the average for me about a quarter second faster. Now think about that, a quarter second average on every reload. If you have a five stage match, with say a total of 15 reloads in the match..... 15+.25=2.75 seconds saved for the match. Doesn't sound like much but think like this..... you step up to the line on the first stage of the match and you are already 2.75 seconds behind the guy shooting the moocliped 686 and you with a speed loader....and he/she has not even shot yet. I have heard of a kit being offered to do the job yourself (If you have access to a precision drill press or even better a mill) but I don't know where. If it was me, there are to many 625s out there to bother with the 686, Keep it like it is and find a 625.....good going price for a good used one is 400 dollars and up. It will run you 100 or so to have your 686 converted over. PLUS......everyone needs both a 686 and a 625 Now if you are like me (until here recently) and are not worried about how well you do and all the other stuff we place on ourselves just shoot the gun as is, have fun go out and shoot with all your buddies and just have a large time. We all know winning is just a bonus or something like that. Sorry for the long post I kind of ramble at times, plus I'm still not very good with one of these things but hoping to be a little "above average" one of these days. Hopalong
  17. Flex is at it with his two left thumbs again !!! Troopers........FYI HOP
  18. Interceptor, +1 on that !!!!! Last year the MO fall classic had Budwieser as a sponsor, We as a whole need to look to expand our exposure of the sport and finding more mainstream sponsors is a very good way of doing it. Plus that gives the same folks everyone hits up as a sponsor a nice little break. The Poll is a good thing, Hopefully it can be put to good use as well. HOP
  19. Hello Allison, It is not a good thing that the two matches are so close together, but those who are really interested in going to both will most likely find a way to do so. I will not know myself until later in the year, but sure would like to make the trip down to shoot with you guys. Aerosigns, What type of work are you interested in? As most know Randy Lee is likely the Premier Revolver mechanic right now. But don't overlook Jim Clark at Clark cutom guns in Shreveport La, There is some guy named Miculek that is seen in that building on a semi regular basis. As for moonclip vs. speedloaders......ask Carmoney about Bubber and his 686 I think you just need to bring the L frames, enjoy the Match and get to take in a Nationals, see the big dog go (Jerry) and some other dogs that every now and then get off the porch. Nationals is not ONLY about the shooting...... Carmoney, You and Sam can still make the match......Leave after school on Tuesday then he will only miss 3 days, no different than if he had the chicken pox. D.Carden, get on those guys out west do what ever you need to do, even offer to pay thier entry fees I know you are good for it. Sure would like to see Randy Lee, Jason Petit, John Bukaukus and some of the other Hot rocks from ICORE step up and represent the wheelgun the way I really think they can. The more the Merrier !!!!!!!!!!! Hopalong
  20. TriggerTime, Flex and I have discussed this several times, I agree with your observation that it is more of an Area thing, Here in the Southeast Open and Limited RULE, with L-10, P and R getting 1/3 to 1/2 of the state matches combined. I made my statement from looking at the past Nationals (last 3 that I have been to), one was the Factory Nationals in 2003 which had a good showing of L-10 but that is to be expected. I really hope to see L-10 and Revolver grow but don't see it happening until there is another "Factory" type Nationals. Production seems to be doing pretty good, it has increased every year since its inception. Oh well, we will see in September, and October. To Kim and M. Voight. Thanks for getting the dates up in a more timely manner. Edit to add: SG it would be great to have you run me through a stage again, would RB shoot and make you work? Hopalong
  21. Cliff, With your money, you should easily be able to do BOTH !!!!! HOP
  22. Ron, Remember the "Revolver friendly" match at Old Fort is either in Jan or Feb......I think they are scared to have it in good weather as too many people will show up and shoot the "Real gun" Some good shooting though, even though it was sub freezing for most of the match this year. Good guy to shoot with....Bubber was even there!!!!! HOPALONG Sure could use another wheel gunner at Barry in September though.
  23. I think maybe after the trial is over he needs to stay in IRAQ or maybe even IRAN !!!! He definately needs his Visa removed while he is still out of country!!!! HOP Please close.
  24. Most likely half a day Wednesday 9/13 and half a day 9/16 kind of similar to the 2005 matches.....Ok by me, at least they are not all half day shooting. For those lucky enough to be within 4 hrs drive time it looks like only 3 days off from work. I noticed a limit of 375 shooters, hopefully it won't be 325 limited, 30 L-10 and 20 Revos (that is a challenge to you L-10 and wheelgunners to get signed up early!!!!!!) just a hint though......L-10 and Revolver division are under the microscope as they are the two lowest participated of the current 5 divisions. See you Cats t there, (thankfully in September) Hopalong
  25. Well they are up again on the USPSA website. It looks like Limited Nationals with Limited -10 and Revolver Divisions this time. For those interested, start now on your Club President, Section Coordinators for slots that are awarded Sections for Mission count (this depends on how many shooters at the local matches, and how many local matches) If that is not an option, get on the waiting list as soon as Possible !!!!!! My opinion, (not that it matters) Here is a legitemate chance to make a major showing, L-10 will be only the dedicated L-10 shooters as most everyone will choose to shoot Limited (I have been wrong before) In 2004 when it was 1 gun there were only 30+ in that division(If memory serves me) and I really don't look for many more than that again. Get out, beat the bushes, beg, and do what ever needs to be done to get Revolver shooters at the USPSA Nationals in Barry in September!!!!!! I have been trying to get interest up for the last 2 years, and it seems to have paid off (some of the time) Here is the best chance to make a statement of "LEAVE US ALONE, Just set up some stages and let us SHOOT" Now, last year at the Nationals there were several faces missing that normaly are around, get intouch with them, and anyone else who shoots revos (YOU ICORE GUYS/GALS) and let's show the nay sayers that the wheelgun is NOT ANTIQUE, and is a viable choice. If all else, skip a few state matches or even the area match and save up some $$$$$ and time off to use to go to Barry. I will be there, even though I'm not very good. HOPALONG................Sam Keen.......one and the same.
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