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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Man, FNG Carmoney....What is that you're shooting.....A gattling gun??? Where I come from, revolvers have 6 holes, and you learn to make your shots count and not depend on "EXTRAS" HOP
  2. I voted for less than 500,000. I casually shot until 2001...then I started shooting USPSA,IDPA, NRA, USA shooting and some other stuff. I can say in 2001 I went through 8000 pistol rounds plus as many .22 rounds and a few large caliber dinking around with my deer rifle just for Shi** and grins. in 2002 I got the 650 and went through 15,000 plus and started playing with 3-gun stuff.....3 matches that year, plus NRA silhoettes, NRA high power, NRA small bore prone, USA shooting Air rifle and Air pistol. In 2003 I really cranked the handle on the 650 went through 40,000 pistol, 1500+ rifle(.308) and no telling the .22 In 2004 I changed over to revolver and had to start over on the learning curve, went through about 30,000 rounds in it (now remember, I live in the south and shoot all year) plus the other guns in High power, Silohette, ect this year I have really stepped up the work,(and am quite worn out) and have loaded 80,000 rounds and have shot out maybe around 2/3 of them mostly .45s through the wheelgun but here lately the new benny blaster is getting its fair share. So My best guess is since 2001 I have been through 100,000+ just of pistol, man I need to invest in stock of some of the reloader suppliers. USPSA Class: L......A R.....A L10...B P......B IDPA Class: SSR.....EX ESR.....EX CDP.....EX SSP.....EX ESP.....EX NRA Class: High Power......SS.....10% from expert Small bore Prone:...SS Silohettes.......AA Damn That is way too busy, need to slow down and concentrate on just a few. Any way, there you go. HOPALONG
  3. Reneet, You bringing that famous 3-gunner that is from that area with you ? You know.......Kay Miculek and that tag along husband of hers Looking forward to it, last year was good.....except for the rain on Sunday. HOP
  4. About ready for this match, Have the M1a shooting 2 inches high at 100yds with 168 grn BTHP good to go on the 300 yd plates this year(also have plenty to spare). Shot gun is ready. New Benny Blaster is running like a sewing machine......Only wish the driver was too Ft. Smith Here we come!!!! See ya'll there. HOP
  5. Ready to...........Kick, Box, or throw Rocks!!!!! GONNA BE GOOD ! SEE ya'll there! HOP
  6. Brit, Thanks for the excellent info!!!!! Just what some of us need (Me included) Flex, I can shoot the bottom feeder, just have to make it fit the box.....STANDARD Division Glock Boy..........YOU have ZERO room to talk !!!!! HOP
  7. OOPS !!!!!!! I thought I had posted the news. Jerry will not be attending the MS State IDPA match so the class looks like a wash Sorry, for the delay....and the not good news. SAM
  8. Thanks for the heads up on the entries, Brit! Several things to do.... Find out when US Nationals are to avoid conflict. Find out When Pan-Am Championship is for sure.....vacation ect. Find out how and what to do to get our guns and ammo down there. Get some entries through USPSA for those interested in going....Maybe even USPSA team support????? Make sure the revolver "Southern Nationals" doesn't conflict either (that is the easy part for me) Man, plenty to do....MUST save $$$$ Hell, if we get enough interest.....maybe 2 teams?????? HOP
  9. Revchuck, USPSA membership not mandantory but would not hurt. It would be nice to show Sedro a big long list of USPSA revo shooters to influence more help/interest from them. Carmoney, Memphis is Delta Hub, Nashville is Southwest Hub....2 1/2 hrs drive between them. I will not say if Elvis will not be available to the public or not. On the 6 shooters..... Saturday would be 6 shooters only....any type thay fits into USPSA Revolver Division......(Pretty much any 6 banger) Sunday would be Limited......anything with Iron sights, no comp up to 8 shooters....6 bangers included if you are interested( Kind of like the ICORE limited div.) OPEN is no Limits....just keep it safe.......Even the famous belt fed Bedell custom 8 shooter would be welcome Clear as mud? HOP
  10. Bryan, You can do what you want, but if I was going to send my revolver for an action job it would be going to Randy Lee. Yes I do all my own action work, but like I said....If I was going to send it any where it would go to Randy. S&W really only wants your $$$$$$ Randy wants you to have a good gun.....and make a little $$$$$$ (BIG difference) HOP
  11. The title says it all!!!!! This will be an IPSC match.......Higher power factor and those turtle targets Would be a good way to see what IPSC shooting is(for those interested in the next World shoot) Brazil is a beautiful country, I don't know much about the gun laws of getting ours (and the ammo) down there but we have time to check. Cliff Walsh and I are interested, it would be nice to go down there with a team to see how we stack up against the rest of the Americans. Need to start planning now, and decide how to come up with a team if a good many decide to go. HOP
  12. OK, Here is the short version of the Revolver Southern Nationals. Looks like in the fall of 2006. Ranges I have talked to that are interested, and have "other" things to do for the rest of the family if they decide to make the trip too. Memphis Sport Shooting Assn: Memphis, TN.......10 bays of assorted size. North Tennessee Practical shooters: Nashville TN........8 bays of assorted size and a Woods stage. No other ranges or members of ranges that are of the size of Nashville and Memphis have mentioned any interest. Slowsure did mention his and it is a nice new range but would be hard to get a match of the size and scope I hope this turns into to do. (Thanks Allen) Format: Friday, Any range officers and special shoot throughs on this day....6, 8 and Open shooters (we will get to that in a minute) Saturday: 6 shooters only.....100% USPSA rules for Revolver Division.....Awards that evening. Sunday: 8 shoooters and Open shooters.............100% USPSA rules EXCEPT Limited revos......iron sights, no comps, major/minor up to and including 8 shooters. Open Revos......YOU name it, anything goes, Major/minor up to and including 8 shooters. Awards that evening. Awards: to be distributed by match % finish closest to USPSA Classes. Example: Jerry M wins he gets 100%..........Jerry V has a 61.89% of Jerry M.....He is classed B and places in that class accordingly. USPSA classes: GM----95-100% M-----85-95% A-----75-85% B-----60-75% C-----40-60% D-----00-40% M. Bane has said he has every intention to try and get a Crew from Shooting Gallery to the match and make a show, if possible. With that in mind I will also be contacting Sturm Ruger, Taurus, and Smith&Wesson to see if they would be interested in Joining the party.....Patrick Sweeney, I could use your help on that one too!!!!! The match will be advertised in the USPSA, IDPA, and ICORE magazines. Awards will be most likely cash payback after costs to the match/range are covered, unless one of the big 3 or all 3 mentioned above decides to be major part and really make it interesting!!!!! NOW here is the big question.......What would everyone be willing to pay for a match fee???? This will be the first of it's kind, If it is a flop(I hope not and I will do everything I can so it won't) or if it really goes off with a bang....and hopefully it turns into an annual event maybe traveling around the southern half of the US (SOUTHERN NATIONALS) going east and west. I don't want to overprice it and run everyone off, but also want to get enough to make it a great match with great prize money. so there it is.....am taking suggestions, and offers to help. Stages will be chosen from the many match booklets I have kept from the last 3 years of Major matches....INCLUDING 3 USPSA Nationals, Florida OPEN and several Area matches You will not be dissapointed in the stages that is for sure!!!!! I will also have NROI certified staff on all the stages to guarantee great Range officers!!!!! (and rules followed) NOW send in suggestions for match fees, Nashville or Memphis and any other constructive ideas. Thanks SAM KEEN
  13. Congratulations Allison!!!! You did good, you improved from last year and will do so again next year. I might just skip shooting all the US matches except for maybe one or two big ones and go to the Pan AM championships......Maybe can get some other US shooters to go too........We will see. HOPALONG
  14. OK, Have sent in the required amount of paperwork!!!!!! Still Praying.....Will bring you a BEACH TOWEL!!!!! ONE thing good about being a "Hopalong" is getting good at 1 legged ass Kickings!!!! Plus, will be well tuned up after the Arkansas match the weekend before where the Benny Blaster makes it's showing to the MODEST MAN that built it. See you guys/gals there. HOP
  15. As to M. Walsh at Area - 5............Nothing happened at the Hopalong hotel room!!!!!! Must have been some of that SELF inflicted kind of stuff going on down in the Walsh Hotel room!!!! Unless it happened over at the Carmoney Hotel room....... Fun Match, good seeing the revo gang. Had a blast shooting the Benny Blaster and getting all 8 mikes for the match....But man did I get them fast!!!! HOP
  16. Even though I was avoided like the plague for shooting the Benny Blaster instead of the Big Iron, I will toss in a bone on the pile. D. Carden was in the hunt all the way until the last stage......SO that means he couldn't conveniently toss in that "accidental" miss or No shoot hit on the classifier!!!! Which he won !!!!!!! with an 80% according to the Ohio Calculator. Way to go Dan, Keep it up and you will be right there with M. Walsh!!! Good seeing the wheel gang there, too bad they wouldn't let me shoot 2 guns. Waltermitty managed to get by me without me seeing the Pink TuTu! Also Congrats go to Mike Carmoney, he has managed to get out ahead of the points series before the match.....I have no more matches to attend, and D. Carden has A-2 so things are winding down and unless D. Carden Wins A-2 and an "Other" match Mike will be the new Revo division Champ......Way to go Mike! And Sam.......Not much to say but WOW!!!!!!! I hope the girls get in the way for a while so the rest of us can win a few matches before he gets too good. HOP
  17. That's OK Larry, I will be initiating the new Benny Blaster in Limited myself. Planning on hearing lots of abusive comments from the 6 gun crowd.......but I have ear muffs for stuff like that! If it is anything like last year, I know it will be fun. See ya there, HOP
  18. COOQ, Welcome to the forums!!!! Glad you enjoyed the match last weekend. Hopalong.........CRO for stage 4
  19. hopalong


    Thanks for the complement Sharyn, It is always a pleasure to meet like minded people....even better, GM eyelash batters. Your shooting and handleling yourself on the stages is quite impressive to say the least and you definately earned and deserve the HIGH LADY OPEN. Looking forward to the next time.....where ever and when ever. Have fun in Florida, give Jake hell!!!! SAM
  20. Doubt it will be there long!!!! HOP
  21. hopalong


    Sure was nice getting to see all the Southern BE.comers this weekend at the Mississippi match! Too many to list, so to all......GOOD to see you!!! Seems like any where you go, you run into a few(if not more) BE.comers. HOP
  22. James, His last name is A$$.....I mean Lofton! Congrats to all who showed up, after last years Monsoon anything was better but as far as weather goes, a person could not ask for any better. The Magnolia Club did another jam up job of Hosting the Mississippi Section, I hear from a little birdie that they are going to do some dirtwork between now and next year.........can only get better. Great match John, you organized it well! HOP
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