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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Keep at it RTJ !!!!!! Next I want to hear a proud father saying "Congrats to Rebecca Jones for being State Champ HOA" !!!! I doesn't matter he could say Congrats to Rebecca Jones for going to the state champs !!!!! You just go, keep up the good work......Your Old man will be proud of you no matter how bad you make him look !!!!! I would be any child of mine !!! HOPALONG
  2. Well I don't know about ya'll but I'm ready to hear about other stuff. I myself have not made the decision to go or not but Carmoney and D. Carden are shooting the fall classic in Rolla MO. Last year I shot this match, quite possibly the most ANTI 6 round revolver match I have shot !!!!!! BUT also one of the Most FUN I have shot with a Wheel gun. You would walk up to a stage and look at it briefly and think....."Damn how the hell am I going to do this without 3 or 4 standing reloads?" Well after the verbal walk through you get to looking closer.....And there it is.....NOT one but two or three different ways to shoot it, just had to put your mind in gear.....NO EASY go here shoot, go there shoot ect. I have every reason to expect the same type shooting. To add to it Mike and Dan are just Points away from each other in the series and a good head to head battle I'm sure won't hurt. Dan has yet to shoot A-5 and has a chance to make some good points, as it being an Area match the points are doubled......But I understand Jerry is to be there and that makes it harder on Dan to get many more than he had at Area-6 (not saying he can't but saying it will be hard) My suggestion.....Any and everyone shooting a wheel gun, enter the MO fall Classic and give those two some good competition and support. I myself have not ruled it out but it doesn't look good.....Sure would be nice to Repeat as Points series Champ though. On another thought, Last year the Fall Classic was a level III match....If there are 20 in a Division the top 3 are supposed to get slots to the next Years Nationals !!!!!!! Temps are good, trees are pretty, BUDWIESER is sponsoring and supplying at the match hotel in the evening........(I know Carmoney will apreciate that!!!! ) Don't stand on the sidelines and watch Dan and Mike duke it out, go to Rolla Missouri and cheer them on!!!!! See ya'll there IF I can. Hopalong
  3. WHOOO HOOO !!!!! My good OLD buddy Coondog....ah...Hem....Airedale is almost in the Senior Class !!!!!!! So how did you get so young a wife ?????? Happy Birthday any way !!!! And Happy birthday to Carl, Patriot and Andrew also !!! Hopalong
  4. What you are looking for is called and "Easy out", and yes Sears has them, and all other auto parts stores should. Lowes, Home Depot etc. If all else fails.... Get another set screw the next size larger (same Auto parts store ect) get the correct size of drill and tap new threads into the hole to fit the new set screw. sounds harder than it is. Hopalong
  5. John, Happy Birthday.......will bring you a big present to the Classic!!!! Fredrick, Hope it was a good one !!!! Sam
  6. Missed a 100% today by 3/8th of an inch !!! HOP
  7. Always a good match, This will be the 4th year Hosted by this club. They have the bugs worked out, and have run SMOOTH for the last 3, (the first one went off great but you know it was the first one, there is always something to learn). Temps are usually just right, just a little cool in the morning but the day is GREAT !!!! Hope to see ya'll there, I'll be there. Hop
  8. Yeah Randy.....Where are the PICTURES ?????? Surely there are some pictures, the thing has been in Ecuador and other places, now it is time for it to be on the............ BRIAN ENOS Forums !!!!!! Quit being so selfish!!!! We shot a club match here today, Had a no shoot on the left side of a target..... That terrible torque you keep talking about MUST have made me get that shot on the no shoot !!!! I know it wasn't me.....That sight was on the brown !!!!! HURRY we are all in trouble, can't control that torque and keep the holes in the right spots !!!!!!! HELP Randy HELP HOPALONG
  9. This works for me..... Take a short break, while practicing that day (live or dry it doesn't matter). When you come back....DON'T start where you left off !!!!! Start on something completely different..... AND that you are quite comfortable with. Get back at it and get that confidence back. Then maybe take a nibble off of that brick that hit you. Slumps in our sport are usually caused by IMHO...2 things. 1 trying new stuff and thinking you should have it down too soon. 2 thinking you should be progressing faster than you are....This is a hard one. Tiger Woods got so far on Talent, then he had to practice and work at it like everyone else. Rob Leatham got so far on Talent, then he had to practice and work at it like everyone else. Jerry Miculek got so far on Talent, then he had to practice and work at it like everyone else. ANOTHER big thing in our sport that attributes to this..... Competitve Nature !!!!!! That is the Nature of the beast with us, How many USPSA/IPSC shooters that stay at it do you know that accept mediocrity???? If you are good at what you do, but keep telling yourself you are not good enough, sooner or later you will talk yourself into not being good enough and then that really opens up a pandora's Box. Some of us are just more hard headed than others, I myself am a good example..... I'm not in the best shape in the world, Have 1 hip that is mostly gone, have 2 heniated disks in my back, but still I push myself to attempt to be one of the best and not only with a revolver .....got close at the Nationals but that was my fault too. Like mentioned before.....Slumps are just that....Slumps....Nothing permanent, be patient and persistant you will get through it and be that much better because of it. Sam Keen / Hopalong
  10. Patrick, Cliff, Mike, Dan, Keith and all else semi interested in World shoot 15 Here's my thinking..... What if like this year, not everyone that wanted to go to Nationals doesn't get a slot? SO.... Have 2 matches.... One the Nationals and the other an Area match(and Get JERRY there) and Have at it !!! Make it known way before hand that that is how it is going to be done...PERIOD and all who are interested need to take heed. That keeps the "7 with the same points" problem in check and if some how a Nationals slot is missed one year they can still get in 3 of the 4 and still have a chance. If USPSA decides to "HELP" us poor revolver shooters out then we will need to do it their way.....UNTIL THEN.....PISS on them !!!!!!! That is what they are doing to us !!!!! (if not more) HOPALONG/SAM KEEN
  11. I have 2 shooting managers..... SMITH & WESSON !!!! When they are on the job and paying attention, I have all A's, No penalties and fast times.....AND they SPEAK louder than I do !!!! Now lets just shoot !!!!! Hopalong
  12. There is not a spot for "Still thinking about it, depends on the price" but that is where my vote would go. Sorry, I know you did not want to hear that. HOP Odds are I would most likely pick one up if it was 1000 MAX
  13. With my 5 inch 625-3 and -4 4.0 grns Clays.....230 grn Lead Round Nose.....good load, I use this for club matches and practice. 4.4 grns Clays.....230 grn Delta Precision FMJ (lead base but it doesn't seem to smoke) (These guys DP, made their reputation as suppliers for the Bullseye sport) both loads chrono right around 170 P.F. out of my guns. Hope it helps. HOP Oh yeah, the Southern Revolver Championship...... Looks like Next fall..... Shooting Gallery to be there filming.....Either Nashville or Memphis TN.....Hoping to have S&W, Ruger, and or Taurus to be involved still have to talk to the "right guy/gal" HOP
  14. My guess, and the numbers prove it so far.... Most right handers keep the gun in the right hand. I myself reload like Jerry....just not quite as fast Maybe someday It is what you get used to.....Pick one that fits your style, and PRACTICE it. HOP
  15. Keith, Can't hurt..... Have fun, see you. HOP
  16. Randy, you got some of it correct......but Carmoney is CHEAP !!!! practice up MIKE, I hear D. Carden will be on the top of the waiting list for the UBER Revolver !!!!! That will make him the 2nd GM in Revolver HISTORY !!!!! HOP
  17. Walt, Good post !!!! You mentioned on the end that one day you hope to feel part of the wheelgun group..... You have made the decision to lay the auto loader down and CONCENTRATE on the Wheelie....... So that makes you part of the wheel gun group!!!!! I get my new Benny Hill Autoloader soon, even if I lay the Wheel down and shoot the autoloader Most everyone will still associate me with a Wheelie, Kind of like Mr. Miculek (I did say Kind of). There is a stigma about Wheel guns that just scares the hell out of USPSA shooters.....So when the average Joe shooter sees a Wheel man that is dedicated to his division it does 2 things..... 1 it makes him "feel sorry" for you because of the reloads, 6 shots only ect. 2 makes him "feel bad" when you kick his as with your little 6 banger!!!! You will get 50 to 1 negative remarks about your little "6 banger", I used them as inspiration.... Now I get lots of "HOW does he do that with one of them?" With time and dilligence, and PATIENCE this will come to you too !!!! DON'T get discouraged.... It won't come overnight, it will take a while but it will come. Welcome to the wonderful world of wheel guns !!!!!! HOP
  18. We shot this one yesterday at Memphis..... Ohio Calculator says I did: 96+% Revolver, 90+% Limited HOP
  19. Keith, Don't hold your breath....... If it is a 100% (GM score) USPSA may take it..... While in B class I shot a 96% (GM score) and they took it, running me way up into the A class Right where you need to be Good for you, you shot well....Keep it up, you going to Area - 5 ? Carmoney needs many other revo shooters there to keep him Honest. See you somewhere, Nationals for sure. HOP
  20. Manny, Don't listen to them !!!! They ALL are just trying to get cheaper rates on Plaques and trophies. Even to be from Missouri......He's a pretty good dude. HOP
  21. M.M. I support ALL S.E.C. Teams (even Florida and Alabama) when they are not playing the VOLS. I am not one of the CRAZY in your face Fans. This will start all kinds of flames so bring it on but here is my HONEST opinion.... The S.E.C. is the hardest conference out there !!!! Every year there are at least 3 teams from the SEC that are in the top rankings, and usually undefeated, until they have to play other SEC teams. Look at TENNESSEE last year..... the ONLY team to beat them was the AUBURN Tigers, and Tennessee put Florida and Georgias hopes away for even a conference title. Like you say......"Fotball in the South" !!!!!!! gotta love it. HOP
  22. Welcome Igor !!!! Good to have you on the forums. Don't worry about your English, we will understand what you are trying to say. Hopalong I think you will like the Florida Open, I did.
  23. So Middle man, are you saying GT beat AUBURN? How did UAB do? HOP
  24. All this debate on the 625-E makes my head hurt, I think I'll go shoot my 800 dollar STI !!!! When and If it shows up then I'll make my decision, until then it is only speculation. HOP
  25. Ron, 55 on my thermometer here in Ramer !!!!!! Gonna be a great day to shoot in Memphis. HOP
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