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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Nemo, You may want to edit your last post........change with to by! I got 2 NoShoot hits out of it for you!!! Ran 100% at Memphis yesterday, at 6 lbs. Start loading, My loads (to get you started) 4.4 grns Clays, Federal Primers factory length (1.250) 230 grn Ranier. (this is 168+ PF in my guns) PM coming! Patrick, It's about time!!!! Been looking for you for 2 years......too bad Michigan is so far up there, we could get down and do some serious brawling if you were closer/ I was closer. Matches I hope to attend next year: Nationals A-6 Tennessee Mississippi Hopefully some of you might decide to attend. Tennessee was one of the Most enjoyable matches to shoot this year, too bad it only drew 4 (Thanks Mrs. Airedale, Airedale and Sumatone)....see what I mean about no attendance? Tennessee and Mississippi are getting to be known for their long field courses (the entire match worth) so am most likely shooting LTD in them unless things seriously change. So it is A-6 and Nationals that I may shoot the wheel next year, looking forward to kicking all Ya'lls ARSES!!!!! Don't think so???? Come on Down and get you some!!!! HOP
  2. I'm Waiting on my LTD Benny Blaster from Virgil Tripp.... Benny said he built it so nice I would not go back to the wheel gun, after shooting it he could be correct!!!! Had not shot LTD in several (many) months, and some how, luckily I managed to be High LTD at the Memphis match I shot it in before sending it to HC. That goes to show you that when you get a Benny Blaster, all you do is load it....Then it does all the rest!!!!! Will shoot Revolver at Mississippi, and unless something goes drasticly wrong will give MR Bragg a run for the MONEY in Missouri the next week. Nothing wrong with REVO division, just no one to play with HOP
  3. Back in my younger days, when I lived in South Texas I ran into these gals quite regularly. I was told they were "garden" spiders......don't know if that is correct. BUT I can tell you this..... Their webs are extrememly strong, and just as sticky if not more. HOP They are fun to play with though, get a piece of grass or something similar and tickle the underside of their belly....they will make the whole web shake up and down like if they were on a tramploene.
  4. man Redmist10, You get to shoot with 4 on the occasional week? I haven't seen 4 combined in 2 years here. Next year, maybe 3 or 4 major matches MAX so it gets worse! HOP
  5. C.O.P.S. in Missouri has Budwieser as a Sponsor....Not the local distributor but Budwieser. Yes the distributor also is in on it but it is cool to get "BIG" business into our "Little" sport. Way to go JIM !!!! HOP
  6. Ding, Ding,Ding,Ding......... Ron gets the prize !!!!!! What kind of prize? who knows but he sure hit the nail on the head. HOP
  7. Well Rich, USC won again, but you won't like the game, only the ending. Here in the south, 2 undefeated SEC teams have to beat each other out of the NC game. TENNESSEE improved to 3-1 with a win over Mississippi RUBBLES....ah...HM... I meant rebels College football.....GOOD STUFF !!!! HOP Hey M.M. what about them War Eagles????? I did not see anything on them.
  8. Dan, Man can I relate to that!!!! and then some. PS. another nice morning here in Tennessee!!! HOP
  9. If my poor memeory serves me right. Mag capacity for different calibers is different.(Check USPSA Website) .45 = 8 .40/38super=9 9mm=9? Would look but too tired and am going to bed, gonna go deer hunting in the morning and need my beauty sleep. HOP
  10. Well I'm NOT a master.....I only play one here in my little pond. BUT.......... I think I have figured some of it out!!!! The other (REAL) masters, like me have gotten tired of only 3 or 4 to shoot with at most of the major matches they attend. Seems like no matter how much you go around trying to promote wheel guns you always get..... "Man how do you do that with a Revolver" ect. ect. and so forth!!! When you tell them....."Just practice, like you do with an auto" you get a weird look and that is the end of that. Have been to more major matches these last 2 years with a wheel gun than the rest of my shooting "career" combined trying to get numbers up.(that is USPSA and IDPA matches) Seems like money and time just thrown away. Maybe time to go back to the Autoloader where I can at least have some more than "two or three" to shoot with. HOP
  11. Another to add..... Charles Meyers.....temporarily out of the action (life gets in the way sometimes)but still a good one. Ross Davis....always makes you feel welcome. HOP
  12. Well the temp was 42 this morning!!!! Saw 7 deer, none close enough to skewer with the archery equipment. NICE morning....gonna do it again in the morning. Dan......REALLY Quiet in the deer stand....NO phone calls. HOP
  13. Well it looks like a trip to Missouri is in the works!!!! BUT...... Since no one wants to come down to Mississippi and shoot wheel guns with me, and I have this NICE new SHINY STI begging to be shot......(can we say contengency awards??????) So let's hear it, who is going to be at Missouri?.......needs to be 15 or more or the wheel stays in Tennessee!!!!! You have 2 weeks..... HOP
  14. Can't say what it is in the morning....yet. But it is 58 at 10:49 in Ramer !!!! Going deer hunting in the morning, gonna be perfect weather for it. HOP
  15. Just got an e-mail from the match director. Me included there is a grand total of 3 yes I said 3 Revo shooters! I know Mississippi was hit pretty hard a month ago, but there are other states out there that are allowed to come shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 Revolvers !!!! Come on down and shoot.... the stages are always fun, NO 50 yd stuff Nothing to be scared of, I'm not that good...just look at the A-5 results.....A new guy kicked my ARSE. I know you don't want me to break out the Benny Blaster!!!!! Once I break it out, the wheel goes to the back of the safe.....maybe never to be shot again. And I know you don't want that as then you guys would not have some one to kick and take advantage of... You have nothing to lose, and much to gain!!!!!! HOP
  16. Ok, maybe round mouth, square head!!!!! Sorry, not able to make that one. HOP
  17. Welcome to the forums.....Bird!!!! Please feel free to help some of us that are still behind the 8 ball on this shooting thing. Hopalong
  18. Well here we go again.......A SEC team had to play another SEC team (LSU(4)vs.TN(10). Unfortunately for the SEC.....an Unbeaten team is now 1-1. Beaten by a team with a loss already!!! Fortunately for TENNESSEE after a terrible first half, they actually played football and won in overtime.!! USC looked good, they had a little trouble out of the gate but got rolling after a little while..... College football......Man this is good stuff!!!!! HOP
  19. I have no comment on the "Issue". But I do have a comment to add that I think fits some what. Ted mentioned that we would not see Bill Wilson and other IDPA administrators on this forum, That is too bad as that only increases the percieved "hostility" (AND don't go into that either) Many of the top shooters in the US and World are members of this forum, yes most are USPSA/IPSC oriented but they are also (IMHO) quite level headed and fair.......Note:.....There are always exceptions! Many of the USPSA administrators have noted the populartity of these forums and now actively seek out opinions towards USPSA "advancements" or what ever else it may be called. Maybe it would be a good thing for the IDPA administrators to use the same idea. I personally would like to see Mr. Wilson and others associated with IDPA on these forums and actively communicating, would really go far to eleminate the "hostility". Yes I understand IDPA has its forums, so does USPSA but it appears to me that these forums are the standard to which others are compared(and used). We all are grown adults (or should be) sometimes we will agree to disagree that is human and is going to happen....just do it respectfully. Edited to add: When the new rule book came out I saw Mrs. Wilson on the forums when there was some pretty HOSTILE stuff said. She was the perfect member and kept her personal feelings to herself, she gets my respect for that (for what it is worth). Also edit to add: As I was proof reading I noticed 11 users, 8 members and 3 anonymos. of the 8, I personally know 6 and they as I shoot both IDPA and USPSA/IPSC. Hopalong / Sam Keen
  20. Allison, Welcome to the forums, your english is fine. I don't know much and am not very good yet, but the stages look fun. If I was not broke from shooting all the matches in the US, This looks like one to go to. I really like stage 16 and 17. I saw a cooper tunnel, very good. This LOOKS like a Nationals quality match!!!!! Good luck. HOPALONG
  21. I thought I would give it a while before mentioning it. At the awards for the USPSA Nationals I was talking with Rudy about this and that like we always do. He was telling me about his shooting instructors course he is doing now. Said it was so different from USPSA shooting that he was going to "Lay Off" shooting USPSA. I never got to shoot with Rudy, but have spent time before and after chitt chatting and so forth. There are so few Revolver shooters, it is bad to lose one. Good luck with your endeavors Rudy! I'm the lucky one to have met you, maybe you won't quit completely(hopefully) HOPALONG
  22. Well after getting my Arse thouroughly kicked at Nationals by said YMW and FNG, and now a new dose of Arse kicking from said Turkeys and a few others.....(11others at A-5) HILLJACK from Tennessee is going back onto the porch.(where I can get my beauty sleep) HillJack Hop
  23. And ya'll belive anything FNG Says!!!!!! He's the one who FORCED YMW to stay in the room and drink all the "HOPS" and Keep poor "ole" Hopalong up until the new day came around......Knowing how much I need my Beauty sleep. Besides, as Rob puts it.......Look at what he doe's for a living......Professional on the word play game!!!!!!! I hope poor Young Carmoney has enough of his mother to live through the traumatic years to come Still haven't heard from the Glop guy.......you know that feller over on the left coast that used to shoot wheelguns. HOP
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