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Everything posted by MarkS_A18138

  1. I am moving my daughter into a 9mm open from her 38 super. I beleive I can get less felt recoil for her with the 9. I had to put her back on her .22 after I caught her rubbering her wrist after a couple of stages this past spring. Now the Ladysmith is not to far off and she is wanting the open gun back in a bad way. Help Thanks Mark Self
  2. I have experienced an LEO that thought he was going to draw down on me (FREAKED me OUT). Last year my daughter and I had run to the local corner store just a mile from our house. When I was stopped on a routine traffic violation, the officer thought I didn’t have my seat belt on (under my arm). When he approached our vehicle he informed me I was wearing my seat belt wrong and that he could ticket me for that. I was told at that time to give him my DL, insurance and I also gave him my CHL, that’s when things started to go wrong. He made a very swift move straight back from the car and unsnapped his holster and placed his hand on his gun at this point without thinking my hand went on the gun in the door. I was kind of freaked out about his actions and he at that time became very defensive and asked in a very abrupt voice where the gun was at. I told him and he moved quickly from my vehicle. He then returned ask me if I had been drinking and I informed him I don’t drink (8:30 am) Not sure were that came from!!!!! He seemed pissed about something gave me back my stuff and as he walked back to his car, snapped his holster and left. Just to let you all know I am a very easy and out going person I have never once had a run in with the law. That’s maybe because my brother was an 18 year veteran LEO with Little Rock, Ar PD and finished in Mission, Tx. So I was told how you should act with all law enforcement people. A lot of my friends are LEO. I KNOW that in the state of Texas your vehicles plates show that you are a CHL holder so why act like he did? My first reaction was to protect my daughter setting in the line of fire. I am sorry if that offends any of our great law enforment people on this Forum, that was not my intention but we have had some shoot first ask questions later happen in our area. Most LEO’s will respect the fact you are a CHL and LAW abiding citizen checked out by the FBI! But there are the few that believe they are the only ones that should posses a gun in public. I believe if I were an LEO I would probably ask anyone, CHL holder or not to please show me were his gun is at in a situation like Chris had. You have to remember more cops are killed at domestic violence calls then any other! It’s a tuff job and I thank you GUYS!!!!
  3. 2 days after our major weather and it's 70 degs. outside right now!!! Have to love South Texas.
  4. Have not made Master yet but I think this is a sign!!! My goal this year is to move into master and I know with the help of Steve's book things are looking awesome!!! Tracy doing well and has been on a fast move up. Might see her move into B class very soon and might see A class by the end of the year! Everything is possible, it's snowed about 2 1/2" so far in Deep South Texas!!!!! 115 years since this kind of Snow!!! You tell me!!!! Hope to see you down here soon!!! Remember we have our big Steel match in March! Good Night!!!!
  5. I was told this year that it would be a cold day in Hell before I made Master Class. Well it's snowing in the Rio Grande Valley. To find us look on a map of Texas and Find Brownsville then look 55 mile do west and thats where we are at!!!!! It has not snowed in 30 years and we have been told to expect at least 3" tonight. Do laugh this is the biggest thing since sliced bread!!! We have kid down here that have no idea what snow looks like, well now they do!!! We will have a white Christmas!!!!! All the kids on the block are running around making snow balls, yes it's snowing that much. Its awesome!!! Merry Christmas Everyone from the place that never get below 40.
  6. Oh yeah, first stage this morning got my blood going. Started out with a turn to the left and a 2.75 second run 2 points down. My second string was a draw prep'd the trigger to soon and on my pushout I fired. Freaked me out and I showed clear walked back to my chair and got rid of my coffee. I was pumped up .75 draw and still hit the by the target. The RO asked why I stopped because my first reaction was that I had DQ'd. The main RO said the gun looked like I had it in the shooting position and the second RO said it hit by the target into the back stop. I still had to go calm down. Came back out with a 2.91 first string and a 2.27 second string 53pts 10.231 HF I know it could have been better but I was still trying to calm down. (limited)
  7. Shot this today indoors and thought I could step on it but just didn't happen. 8.06 62 pt 7.692 HF. Limited
  8. shot this one today indoor. I never shoot as well indoor!!! 8.25 65pt. 7.879hf Not sure how this one will comeout!
  9. This same thing has been plaguing me for the last 11 months. I was on a steady clime to master class last year making it all the way to 80.9%. I than started having major health problems with my elderly mother (who I love dearly). I was still able to go and shoot when I wanted but it didn't seem the same. I was still staying up with the pack but it seemed the harder I tried the worse it got. I still believed during the middle of the year that I was on track and than more health problem set in. This time it was at Home with my wife of 18 years!!! After major surgery on Tracy things are getting back to Normal my Mom is doing well and my sole mate is recovering very well. She ended up 3 overall at our local steel match 4 weeks post op. Doctor was not happy but could not get mad at her because he is World class skeet and Trap shooter and understood going to the range and watching a match is not fun! Now to make my point that even if you think there is nothing going on in your mind you’re wrong. I was the most claim person through this whole ordeal but at a subconscious level I was trashed out. For the last couple of months I have been back working on my game really hard and it still was not coming together. Last night before our local match I set down and thought thru everything from what I was going wear to what mind set I need to be in. I empty my mind of all things little or big and shot the match at a medium speed. That was the best match I have had in a year!!!! I was 1st overall with a production gun while second and third followed up with open guns. Second place was 30 stage points from me. I know it is all mental because the day before in practice I sucked so bad that my 9 year old daughter was kicking my butt and she is a D shooter. The only difference between an A shooter and Master is your mental state! I went home last night and really thought hard about the match and found when I shot I was thinking of nothing!!! I looked for my front sight and started pulling the trigger. I will tell you, I believe this to be the break I needed and will know for sure this weekend. Sorry for the long post! Stay focused and look at even the smallest problems!
  10. Holy CRAP I am freezing just looking at the pics. If it gets below 55 here I will stay home!!!! I guess thats why I like our over 105 degree days during the summer time in southern Texas. Erik you are the MAN!!!!
  11. I would love to shoot limited 10 if they would move that class to single stacks only. That makes total since now that the mag ban is gone. Plus I am seeing local movent in a lot areas to shoot single stack classic events. Oh well enough of my crap! I love the DARK SIDE. But I am not moving until I make Master in Limited.
  12. Help my wife with her shooting goals! Help my daughter with ALL her sports! Finally push my self to practice and get my fat but into better shape. I WILL MAKE MASTER IN LIMITED THIS YEAR!
  13. Hope he gets back to doing killer trigger jobs. I have a 34 with his trigger and it's awesome. Thanks Charlie.
  14. That's her! Her name is Shea and she had turned 9 three months before that match! I never wanted to push her into the sport but thats what happens when Mom and Dad both shoot! Her Mom is supper competitive and my daughter is just like her! One of the problems I am having at our range is some of the new guys are getting beat by her and they get mad! She also has a big love for steel and man on man shot offs. Every 2 months we have man on man bowling pin shoot and she will go atleast 4 rounds. Me I am the range bum I just go to have fun! I even comeout in the show as the fat boy in the back ground talking to Kay in the beginning of the show! My wife hid from them the whole time!
  15. Well I finally got to see the show tonight and my daughter was so happy she got to be on TV. I didn't think they would use any of the stuff they taped but they showed her shooting and even used the bumper she made. She was so happy that she got to show off her grips. The wierd things kids think about!!!! Well I do think that Shooting Gallery is getting alot better and have enjoyed most of the shows. I hope they can stay around and show alot more action shooting. Thanks
  16. I was wondering if there are any ham's on the forum? If so do any of you all know of any ipsc groups on HF? I am getting my ticket back after 4 years. Became a ham in 86 but let my damn ticket expire in 99! Thanks!!!! Old call sign KA5YJZ
  17. CR Speed, best holster I have ever used for my 625.
  18. AikidoGirl and I just got home! 2:04am nice 9hr drive! Nice to meet some of the people on here! My wife had fun but I can't say it was a good weekend for me. I was on the sideline after my mishap on Friday on stage 5. Shot 2 whole stages and watched the rest of the weekend. Oh well next time! Had a great squad, most of which were from Alabama. The rest of us were from Texas. Thanks everyone for a cool time.
  19. I love the new springs and followers. My wife has had problems forever with her mags, they just always seemed to fail at the big matches. I replaced her springs and followers with the new Grams about 6 months ago and she has had NO problems at all. We are through 2 major matchs this year with a perfect record. I was told the problem that I had been having was mixing Gram springs with STI followers. That will never happen agian! Has anyone heard if Grams will sale just the spring for that new follower? I would like to replace the springs before Area 4 and the followers are in awesome shape. Mark S. If it has a score card it's a game!
  20. I know the best place to buy Plaques. It's from Emanuel Bragg he had awesome prices. He beat all the internetsites I found! He also is a USPSA support and head of the Jr's Program.
  21. I am with you I am going for 3 solid a's!!
  22. Worked on this Monday and found out my wife's gun shot like a shotgun at 50. I am hoping it's the load. Going to change bullets and try it again. I still could only get 3 plus reload and 1 with my limited gun. Shots are all over the place! So much for any chance in Limited A class!!!!!
  23. I am looking to buy bullets and would like to get Hornaday but not at 14.94 a 100. Thanks Mark
  24. Just wanted to thank Kay for a wonderful match even though she put me to work. Tracy (aka AikidoGirl) and Shea (aka RangeBrat) did really well at the match with Tracy taking HOA in C-class and a new S&W 625 and some other killer prizes. My daughter even walked away with a set of electronic ear muffs and a S&W knife. I believe everyone had a blast and it was a humbling experience for me having Lisa Munson as the squad leader and watching her shoot. I would also like to thank her for all the help she gave my daughter at this match. Also thanks goes out to Liota for keeping my daughter pasting targets she learned to snap to attention when Liota spoke! (See you and Alex at Area 4) My daughter lucked out and even had Jerry work with her on the 625 revolver she was going to have to shoot in the match. She thought that was the coolest thing shooting the 45acp revolver. Thumbs up goes out to Mike Caylor for his RO’ing I had never met him before and he is a really nice guy. Overall I felt that Kay and Jerry had put on a killer match and I hope it grows even bigger next year. Even though I won’t be able to shoot it I will enjoy watching my wife and Daughter compete! Oh and working!!!!
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