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Everything posted by MarkS_A18138

  1. What the hell are they doing changing the rules already? Most of us have already purchased holsters. I hope the other matches don't follow the nationals. USPSA needs to put there foot down and stick with the REAL rules and not Mr. Heini's rules!
  2. Funny you guys bring this up. I asked Manny about this when he was down here teaching a class I saw him do it and it was pretty sweet! He was showing us stage break down and when he demoed it he made up 2 shots on the stage. They were D's and he made them up with A's it was so quick that it helped. I AM not there yet!!!! He turn'd to me and said man I can't believe those 2 d's. I believe at that level of the game the differnce between a D-hit and A-hit is major. I could be wrong but my wife tells that all the time! (that i am wrong)
  3. Been there, seen that at our hockey games. This year our seats are center ice and almost everyone are season ticket holders. In weird way we are all family in section 114, it makes it really nice. CHL Rocks Go KillerBees!!!!!
  4. Been there done that and got the T-shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Area 4 2004!!!!!!! Ghost holster!!!! Stage 5!!!!! 2 stages into the match!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I shit my pants, the gun hit on the hammer and I was looking at the barrel!!! I LOVE MY GUNSMITH!!!!
  5. I hate that they just pushed a new load to our laptops and guess what, now all gun sites are band! Now the real pisser is some of the guys are still going to porn sites!!!! Makes no since to me!!! Other than I work for an anti-gun company! Does anyone know a back door into this site. Can't use brainenos.com anymore!!!! bad site!!!!! bad site!!!!! I hate that my wife and can never have childern again as I am sitting at work eating my lunch and they are showing the piece of crap of a human that killed his son by throwing him through a wall. One of my good friends works in the ER and tried saving the little boy. The little boy also has a sister that was also brought into the ER! She was 2 almost 3 years old and weighted 19lbs, her hair was knoted and full of lice and had never been combed. My buddy Mike had to shave all her hair off and she though that was cool. He also feed her his lunch ( chicken nuggets and a coke) She told him she had never had any thing that good before. I guess it touches alittle differant when we know the real story and not just reading it in the paper or seeing it on TV. I thank God everyday for the awesome daughter he did give us!
  6. Thanks everyone. The holster is a Blade-Tech Drop and offset! The best!!!
  7. Quick question on Mag holder rules. Are Universal shooting academy mag holders legal as long as you have them in the proper location?
  8. 9 round shooting star 10mm. I have had no problems for over 6 months. I drop them on the floor at our indoor range every tuesday night.
  9. AZONE, Cool, looking forward to meeting you all. Just one question Cowboy or sooner fans?
  10. I was 20 years old and had my brother buy me a bren 10 because of that show. Hated the gun after I got but wish I had it now.LOL
  11. TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS TEXAS WINS. Had to call some of my sorry ut freinds and have them turn the game back on! by the way the USC quarterback is a piece of crap with his comment that they are still the better team. YOU LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. RUN LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER RUN BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN
  13. Shred does he shoot as badass as you do? If not! We know who wins in that house!LOL! GO HORNS!!! Oh damn i am now going and washing my mouth out.
  14. GO HORNS!!!! Oh my god what the hell did I just say! I am an Aggie!!! Please wake me up from this bad dream! It's a Texas team, it’s a Texas team it’s a Texas team it’s a Texas team!!! I hope my family never reads this! GO HORNS!!!! Oh hell I said it again! PISS ON USC! Oh that sounds better! Tonight and only tonight I am Closet TU fan. My wife is such a diehard Aggie she hoping they get there horns sawed off!!
  15. Congrats, Like everyone says cherish every moment. Before you know it there almost 11 and want to drive.
  16. Not only do I drive with a cell call up I am also using my laptop!!! But I am a professional! LOL hahahha!!!!! So please don't try this at home! I do love the people that are pissed off and talking on the phone they have no clue what they are doing. Being in cell tech for last 18 years, I have seen almost everything. I guess that I am glad to be in the switch now!
  17. Oh well I will be shooting SS at Space City and The Double Tap Champ!
  18. Crap I was all excited about going until I looked at the date! Damit it's the same weekend as Space City and Tom already has my money.
  19. Ok here is the answer to your problem. First off the 04 6.0 liter is junk. Ford has had major problems with ALL the sensors on the motor. These truck are notorious for bad fuel mileage hell my 02 7.3 gets 19 on the highway!!! There is NOTHING they can do short of changing the motor out. We have found this to be the best alternative at this point. A fellow shooter has a 04 that has been a nightmare with 26 visits to our local dealer and nothing resolved. Last month he was on the way home from a Rodeo and lost the water pump in the middle of no where. He was aware of a town about 10 miles away and drove it till it puked the motor. Ford replaced it with a new 06 long block with all new sensors and turbo, it was like owning a brand new truck. This truck went from 10 miles a gallon to 20 on the highway. This is NOT an urban legend!!!! We now have fixed 2 other 04’s in the same fashion. The 6.0 is a killer motor that Ford should have done a little more planning on. But there were trying to get it out to compete with GM’s dog ass Duramax! Yes I bleed Ford Blue!!! But am getting new Cummins next year!!! We have put together some killer diesel trucks including a twin turbo Cummins that put 750hp to the rear wheels of my Dynojet chassis dyno. Still like my 7.3!! Ford only made a few changes to the motor after 04! Like everything and don’t let them lie to you, having been in the racing world for the last 25 years I have become very good friend with the Ford Tech rep’s around Texas. It’s amazing what people will say without thinking. I still can't understand why we race a Ford!!! First On Race Day. Good luck with them and remember you are covered to 100,000 miles so make sure and take care of the problem before then!
  20. A 5th of crown will take care of the pain That’s what worked for me when I cut my big toe off! That still doesn't hurt as much as a severe ear infection I get. Got to love having pain close to the brain!!!!! Good luck Shayrn!!!!!
  21. NONE OF IT IS REAL!!!!! If you want real, go out and shoot paintball, it's a blast and the targets SHOOT BACK! IDPA and USPSA are sports and meant for fun. Not becoming a commando!!! IDPA-A24470 USPSA-A18138 I shoot both for the trigger time!!! Also incase there is an invasion from another planet!!!! One cool thing, Iron Mike that runs the IDPA group in central TX is cool to all the USPSA guys!
  22. I Love Texas! Where you can own almost anything that goes bang. Including a 50 cal!!!!!
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