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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. It seems that the html output from EWS includes its own inline stylesheet. I'm trying to come up with a way to post the scores automatically to my club website, and one of the things I would have liked to do is style them according to site CSS. Anyone know a way to change he default styling or override it? If not I guess I'll have to take the text files and work my way from them.
  2. Hmm okie .. But when I show clear, drop the slide, the rules ask me to then press the trigger to drop the hammer. How am I going to do that without keeping an empty mag in my pocket like so many HiPower shooters do until they rip the stupid thing out of the gun? I actually dont know if I care if its in there if I was considering this as a self defence gun, but as an IPSC gun thats a serious flaw. Edited to add that I actually think the gun looks promising and I would like to try one out at some point. I just wish they didnt put that silly mag safety in.
  3. The double edge excludes many knives from consideration. Most are single edged. You also didnt mention price, materials, etc. ColdSteel makes 3 that might work, the OSS, the Taipan, and the Peace Keeper. The new Camillus Bayonet has most of the features you want, but it is a bit longer then your spec. Then there is the Gerber Silver Trident, which has I think not only everything you want but even every combination of blade choices you have listed.
  4. I think we all agree with the sentiment, and I know Raz well enough to know that he does too, but his statement is still valid: There is no official language in the USA. Yes, the english language is the defacto standard, but there is no law, no constitutional clause, no presidential edict, NOTHING that makes english the Official langauge. The word official does mean something and the words defacto standard mean something else. That being said, I grew up speaking a very different language. When I moved to the US about 14 years ago, my father was already here for 6 or 7 years. After I gained some basic control of the language, we never used our orginal language even when speaking with eachother. I think it has been 10 or more years since my father and I exchanged any words in Romanian.
  5. Cool beans. I'm not rushing anyone, I was just curious if it was hiding somewhere on the webpage and I just didnt see it
  6. Title should say it all. Does anyone know anything about a version of EWS supporting the new provisional divison?
  7. It is a very funny show, one that the wife and I can watch together and both enjoy.
  8. I have one similar to that one, the difference being that it has space for 16 long guns, with no handgun shelves on the left. It does the job just dandy. My only complaint is with the company. I've bought mine localy and the store had lost the keys to the inner lockbox. It has been Impossible for me to obtain a new set of keys, because apparently the company is out of blanks, or so they've been telling me for 3 years.
  9. I've broken 2 slide stops on my CZ, both during matches, does that count?. In both cases I was able to finish the stage because the crosspin broke and the left side left the gun, but the right side stub of a pin stayed in held by its spring and continued to do its job, though with the occasianal jam.
  10. Vlad


    I first thought you were going to rant about that teribble movie with the same name, but your rant is correct either way.
  11. I think its fair to say that DVR's in general (TiVO or cable company provided) trully change the way people watch TV. I think they are a blessing.
  12. That proabably because in IDPA you cant have light between belt and holster. With platic holsters the belt loops are rigid so a thin belt will leave room for light where a thick one wont.
  13. I admit to being a rifle n00b, but whenever I felt the need for a vertical grip, I grabed the magwell and it did a fine job.
  14. Hmmm .. Well when it comes to injuries at least you are in control of your own fate when shooting. When you are racing your safety is in the hands of dumbest person on the track.
  15. And that looks like crap brass. The only brass I've seen split like that was a bad batch of S&B 8x57, where I had about 6 cases out 40 split kinda like that and S&B admited to having a bad batch.
  16. Doh. Well, you should have taken the long drive to Old Bridge, you would have had fun and we ran you through a quick safety check.
  17. The clubs I shoot at welcome new shooters and juniors. Based on your writeup, I would say that maybe the club needs to rethink their policy. However, also try to see the issue from their perspective. MD's are people too, and maybe he was having a bad day, setting up stages without enough volunteers, maybe out of coffee, and the last thing he wanted was to coach a "kid". It may not be an excuse, but a reason. We all have grouchy days. The one thing I would agree with is a mandatory safety check for all new shooters, regardless of their stated previous experience. However it doesnt take long to have a new shooter take a few shots, do a reload ( to prove that they can handle their gun ) and prove that they understand the range commands. Our local monthly match often has 3 to 4 new shooters and a safety check takes one of the regular members about 10 minutes. Then you squad the new shooters with those more experienced and have them watch them and coach them. Age also does enter into it. Most people think that 11 years olds cant run with scissors nevermind guns, and mostly they are right. However there are pleanty of 11 year olds who can be trusted if supervised, but if you never seen one before you may dismiss them all. All in all, I'm sorry about your experiences and I hope you find a USPSA club where you can both shoot and have fun, or convince the club referenced above to change their policy.
  18. Well, then you have the SVT-40, the Johnson M1941, and the already mentioned fg42 and G/K 43. And then on the subgun front I'm taking a PPSh, but we have a lot options, even the japanese had the Nambu 100
  19. No no .. Not at all. ... Say ... I assume you will have someone take photos and videos of the wedding and such? I wonder if I could have their name.
  20. Dont let it try to lick its own balls.
  21. Actually there is a bit of good news in this. During the lead up to this EVERYONE and they pink dog came out against the ban, including the SF police association, and all the liberal SF papers. It brought the issue to the public eye and ( shortly after Katrina) the public happened to want guns around. Lott has an analisys of this at NRO http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/lott200511091053.asp
  22. Does she know that you can't dance, or is this a secret to her so far? I'm only asking 'cause I'm trying to figure out which kind of funny you are setting yourself up for.
  23. Yeah, I've started chats about the weather with people who take more then 30sec to get ready every time they come to the line. Just doing my part to keep people on their toes. I sometimes take a sight picture if the light is funny, but mostly I load and holster.
  24. Our club match last monthly atracted 22 Prod, 19 Lim, 13 L10, 6 Open. This is pretty much par for the course, though the Open guys seemed fewer then usual. Our indoor match (twice a month) had 14 Prod, 11 Lim, 4 L10, 2 Open. Those numbers speak for themselves.
  25. Yes there is. Well there are many, most solvents containing ammonia break down the salts from the primer residue (it is the salts that attract water). I shoot a LOT of 8mm myself and I use "Sweets 7.62" and so do most C&R shooters I know. I run a soaked patch through the barrel, let it sit for a couple of mins then run a second soaked patch but this time move it back and forth a few times. Then clean as normal. I've shot a few 1000's of 8mm in the last couple of years and never had a single hint of corossion. A little warning about Sweets 7.62: that stuff STINKS. I can't begin to describe how badly it makes you gag, all because of its high ammonia content. As long as you dont get your nose above it you are good. And if you dont want your wife/girlfriend/mother/roommate/pet to kick you out the house you better do it while you are out on the range.
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