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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. Based on the thread title, I was 100% sure this was going to be about a trigger job.....
  2. My wife bought as Nissan Murano (which is a very nice car) but comes with these HUGE wheels and tires that loook like they belong on a school bus. I found out that size tire is made by EXACTLY ONE manufacturer..... Don't even want to think about what those suckers are going to cost.
  3. This explains the low crime rate in NYC. Yeah...... That absolute gun control thing is working out just great for them...... I mean, the criminals are so frustrated with not being able to find street guns they are all just packing up and leaving town.
  4. This thread stands as proof as to why there is no such thing as a foolproof "drop in trigger job" for a 1911. The boss pins in the frame on this gun sound like they may be a bit off. Doesn't have to be much to cause enough alignment change at the sear/hammer contact point.
  5. You want the total pull force of the leaf that returns the trigger (disconnector) to be roughly equal to the force of the leaf that returns the sear itself (as measured at the trigger). If those are around 1.5# EACH, you should get a total trigger pull of about 3.5 - 4# which should be safe even for a mass produced gun like a Kimber. (YMMV, no guarantees) You can measure the force of trigger take up to just before it starts to move the sear to get the first value, then continue the pull far enough to rotate the sear and measure the total pull weight (the second leaf's value is the difference). Hold the hammer all the way back as you do this, you don't want to measure trigger pull weight caused by deflecting the hammer with the sear. You do need a pull gauge to do this.
  6. It sure does. But, if you reached the ripe old age of 30 before it started getting you, then you did better than I did.
  7. I've lived in Mountain View, San Jose, Milpitas. I don't live in the "freezing zone" of San Francisco. Our weather used to be great at least nine or ten months out of the year.... or, at least OF with a leather jacket. Now it toggles between so cold your teeth are chattering and so hot you can't stand it. The old "ten and two" ratio has reversed itself... we are lucky to get two months of nice weather now.
  8. That's my gripe. Like last summer, the endless hot weather forced by a dome of high pressure crushing us holds in all the pollen, ozone, toxins in the air.... My eyes are so inflamed they constantly feel like there is sand in them when I blink. My asthma always gets much worse when the air is filthy, forcing me to ramp up the steroid inhalers with all the lovely side effects. My head is constantly plugged up, nose red and raw, to sleep I have to load up on benadryl. Last year the weather was so hot (and the air so foul) I could not ride my motorcycle many days for fear of passing out from the heay (not as young as I used to be). We have a nice day today (high in the mid 80's) so at least I will enjoy the ride. Here's my point: when I moved to the Bay Area about 30 years ago, the weather was like paradise. Average summer day was about 80 degrees high, cooling very nicely at night. We probably had six months a year of weather where the high was temperate and comfortable. Winters were also not bad: typical high in the high 50's to low 60's, usually with warm sunshine. Overnight lows in the mid 40's. I could probably ride my motorcycle nine or ten months out of twelve (I didn't ride in the rain). Now with global climate shift, it seems like we are lucky to get two weeks of nice weather per year. The weather toggles from unbearably cold to nonstop rain to unbelieveably hot. Like I said: what happened to our weather? That's a rhetorical question. I know exactly what is happening to our weather.
  9. For the last seven months, we have had nothing but weather that toggles from about 20 degreees below normal to about 20 degrees above normal. October and November were warm, then the next five months were the coldest winter on record (average about 15 degrees below normal). last Thursday and Friday, more cold weather..... highs in the 50's with rain. Sunday: 92 degrees. Today: 95 degrees. The late rains mean we have heavy late plant growth, which gives us a double blessing: 1) Lots of fuel for the worst fire season ever 2) Lots of pollen has already made this the worst allergy season ever I am sick of this weather. last summer it was oppressive heat for five months, and this year is starting off the same. I wonder what ever happened to the beautiful weather we used to have....
  10. Is that possible with the XD? It has the same firing pin (blocking) safety design similar to the Beretta 92 and the SIGs. The FP safety "disconnector" (lifting arm) resets as the slide moves out of battery at discharge and does not relift the safety plunger out of the way until you fully release the trigger and then re pull. The Glock has the unsafe design where the FP safety plunger raises when ever the trigger is pulled and does not require a reset stroke after discharge. I knew the Glocks could go full auto, but I though the superior safety design used in SIG, BER and he XD prevented that.....? Or else, I wouldn't have been messing with the XD trigger..... ....
  11. I would say very little. There is not much engagement overlap to begin with, and the two parts are separated by the fact one is in the frame and the other is in the slide..... so slide to frame play moves the two pieces apart. The Springer sear has the face polished with a slight curve, so that reduces creep. You can polish the vertical face of the stock sear and VERY SLIGHTLY round over the top and the pull gets better. If you go to much, you might get the striker "jumping the sear" when the slide bangs into the frame coming forward into battery. The stock sear face angle has positive camber meaning it deflects the striker rearward as you pull (making a heavy, creep feel more likely). The curve face on the Springer sear does this less, and is the reason for the lighter pull.
  12. We're twins separated at birth.... I'm an engineer as well, and I think all engineers have OCD. It goes against my DNA to NOT scrub barrels clean, but I think doing that every time is overdoing it. I used to..... I second the attaboy for Kroil, but be careful. If you use a "dunk tank" of the stuff, water and scum can accumulate at the bottom and stain a barrel. I refuse to admit how I learned that.... Works great for cleaning the carbon rings out of revolver cylinders when you attach it to your drill.
  13. We all did, I think it's a sign of a newbie.... Most bore wear is cased by cleaning. IMHO, clean the bore lightly when you do clean it. I can always see a bit of crud in the corners of the grooves after cleaning. It can be removed by aggressive cleaning, but I have yet to see any evidence that it hurts anything to leave it there. YMMV I stopped using metal brushes a long time ago. I use nylon with hoppe's, and if I really want the bore to sparkle (like I am storing it for a while) I put some chrome polish on the nylon brush and scrub. I realize steel is harder than copper, but rocks are harder than water.... but water cut the Grand canyon out of rock. I just don't use metal anymore.
  14. "yet lets the "people" feel like they can make a difference." The people made a big difference at the last election. It changed the course of a war and the course of history. Emporer George had almost forgotten that in this country, the elctorate can (and sometimes do) rise up and slap the scumbags down.
  15. bountyhunter

    Glock Mags

    CDNN was dumping brand new factory Glock 10-round mags for $12 after the AWB retired. I bought a bunch at that price.
  16. Enlighten me: the 9mm Luger is a tepered case. When I bought a bunch of Miwall 9mm reloads, some would stick in some of my barrels, but shoot in others. I had one jam my Beretta up so tight I had to beat it out. The culprit is the little bulge about 0.1" up from the rim groove. All were 'sized" down below the diameter of the rim, but on some, the bulge would still keep it from dropping into some barrels. A friend with a new XD is having jams for the same reason. My "fix" is to sit and drop rounds into a barrel and see if I hear the "thunk" it makes when it drops all the way in or not.... I have some rounds so bulgy I don't think they would cycle in any of my guns. Is there a way to properly "size" the brass with the correct taper so it fits the barrel properly?
  17. FYI: just got a "cheaper than dirt" catalog yesterday: The Sellier and Bellott 9mm (115 gr) standard 9mm ammo they were selling for $6/box last year is now $10.80...... At Outdoor Mrksman.com the Miwall 9mm ammo has been out of stock for eight months (at least).
  18. You can remove the sight and use some Loctite. Or, you can "dimple" the bottom of the dovetail with a cone punch to tighten it up.
  19. Glocks carry a serious risk of multiple or uncontrolled fire because the firing pin blocking safety is lifted by the trigger bar. If you pull the trigger and the slide cycles after firing (while the trigger is still pulled) the slide will come forward and the trigger bar bump will again lift the firing pin block out of the way..... you don't have to release the trigger and re-pull as you do on a XD, beretta, SIG, or HP to clear the FP safety. If the striker slips off the trigger bar tip and falls when the slide hits the frame coming into battery, the gun will fire again without a second trigger pull. For this reason, extreme care must be taken when stoning the tip of the trigger bar that engages the striker tab. Also: since slides vary, the amount of play between slide and frame could cause the striker to "slip" if it had too much vertical play. I don't know if that's what caused yours to multiple fire, but it might.
  20. Sounds like me at league last Monday.....
  21. No, but she is the worst of the worst among the gun grabbers.
  22. Yes, but not for a gun fight. The taser has a very limited range. Again its like brining a knife to a gun fight. I would rather see well trained and willing teachers and staff with a ccw. Amen. Pay them extra, give them proficiency tests and psychological screening and some kind of "officer authority" to carry at all times on and off school grounds. Even up the field a little for a change.
  23. There sure is, I just filled one out. I always cross my fingers and stand on one foot when I check "NO"..... That's not the way the evidence points. He had what appears to be delusional fixations on women. He had been called for stalking twice. The first shooting was the women who either was his girlfriend or his "believed" girlfriend.... she may never have even met him. The RA was shot when he came to her aid. The current theory is that the follow up shootings were for one or both reasons: 1) He failed to get the "guy" he believed had come between him and his girlfriend. 2) He wanted to kill him and others he believed had wronged him. His note said something like: "You made me do this". It's early in the investigation, but the time lapse between the first shooting and the second is being attributed simply to the fact that he wanted to kill specific people and he waited until class commenced so all those people would be together at a known location. It does look like some planning went into it because he bought chains and locks to secure the doors on the building.
  24. Dianne Feinslime is my favorite. She launched her political carerr fueled by the outrage over the shooting of the Mayor of SF way back when. She announced her candidacy for his job standing on his still-warm corpse and rode the anti-gun horse all the way to the US Senate.
  25. Is it because except at shift change there is never anyone there? same reason gun stores are almost never robbed by a guy with a knife.... I feel strongly enough about this to risk breaking forum rules. We can't blame "pills" or how they are prescribed any more than we can blame "guns." Being a person who recently suffered with an emotional disorder, and used common prescription medications (and prayer) to get through it, I can attest first-hand and the positive value of them. I also have a son that was evaluated for ADHD, and I can honestly say that nobody involved in the process was urging us to put him on medication. The "blame pills" aspect is making the logical faux pas of assuming that an association proves causation. A lot of people who are disturbed take meds. A lot of the psychos who kill are disturbed. It does not follow that most disturbed people will be killers, nor does it follow that the medicines they are on are causing their aberrant behavior.
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