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Everything posted by Biloxi23

  1. This is an old S&A from the mid 80's.
  2. Biloxi23

    True or False...

    Wow! Realting your draw appearing to slow down, to the speed of light changing is some ddep thought. Sam, your last name isn't Hawking is it? I would be more likely to equate my draw with the speed of smell.
  3. I went to my first match with a stock Glock 35, six magasines, an old Uncle Mike's duty belt, three Kydex double mag puches and an Uncle Mike's Paddle Holster. Talk about a put togehter competition rig. And I had a great time. I have acquired a good belt, pouches, fiber optic sights, an SS recoil spring guide with ISMI springs and a bunch of other goodies. And I'm doing better and getting faster. But guess what? Very little of it is because of equipment. It's because I have been shooring a lot, dry firing a lot and using my excercise equipment so that I don't gas out near the end of the match. Of all teh things that I bought, the only thing made made a fast, readily apparent difference to me was the addition of Warren Tactical Sevigny sights set. Spend more money on ammo and shoot. I'v been going to matches for something like three months and I'm already starting to get a collection of unneeded "extra" stuff.
  4. Welcome, and remember, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask.
  5. A couple of way more knowledgeable shooters on this site have siad this in the past, so I will take the opporutnity to pass on whit I read on this site. Take the gun you have and shoot the snot out of it. Don't worry about getting another gun until you reach the point that your gun is keeping you from advancing your skills. Shoot you Glock 21 unti; it is worn out, then rebuild it and shoot it some more. During this time you will improve, and maybe you will have a better idea of what division you would most like to shoot in and what pistol you like the best. Most pistol shoot way better that the operators are capable of. I stated out in Limited just because teh friend that got me started shoots Limited. He shoots a tricked out STI and I shoot a Glock. right now, even if I had teh trickest equipment in the world, I can't hang with him. But man, it is fun trying. Shoot!
  6. Welcom to a Marine from a Marine. I was a 0844, or fire direction control for 1st Guns of 1st field Artillery Group (unit does not exist anymore). My last duty station was 29 Palms in 1974. This is probably (positively) the most imformative shooting site in exixtence. If you can't find the answer here, you will probably not find anywhere. Welcome again. Semper Fi!
  7. Walsh: Man I also have that in my futere, but after reading the thnigs some of teh BE foum members have written, I am really gettng tempted to move it up sooner. Goodluck with the surgery. Semper Fi.
  8. A neighboring police department bought some Glock 18's about twnety years ago. One day at the range I got to put several hundred rounds through one. Believe me, it doesn't take very long. The gun was very fun to shoot, but I'm afraid that I wan't too effective with it, espeically in the beginning. I was even flinching on the first shot, knowing what was coming next. After a while I was getting good first shot, with mostly OK second rounds. sometimes the third round was an adventure. In fairness to the G-18 I have to say that teh officer the gun was issued to was waaaay more proficient with three to four shot burst than I was. But I can say for a fact that it is a blast to hold the trigger back on a whole mag.
  9. According to rifle/barrel maker Gayle McMillan, teh whole shot one, then clean procedure was a method to get shooters to shoot 50-100 roundsw "brealing in" a new barrel. Benchreswt shooter that change barrels ever 600 to 900 rounds would be buying more barrels, and thus the originator of the idea, (not Gayle McMillan)m would be selling more high grade barrels. I don't know if this is true, but I do agree with G-man. Just shootit, but don't overheat it. Have fun.
  10. I am by no means an expert, but I own/have owned about 14 Glocks and loved them all. I whole heartedly agree with Sarge on the Sevigney Competition sights with the black rear and the fiber optic front. I was one of those guys that thought that I didn't need a fiber optic until I shot one. The next day I ordered one and I love it. If you are only going to get one Glock, get the 34, but this sport is addictive in nature.
  11. Welcome, to a brother LEO. This sport is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. There are folks on this site that can help with about any problem you can think of, from equipment to training to mental preparation. Welcome again.
  12. Welcome to a brother member of the thin blue line. I also spent a tour the the Corps in the early 70's. You will really like this site. Welcome again, and Semper Fi.
  13. Man, the shipping is a racket and a source of income. Most, of the companies that charge these outrageous rates make more of the shipping and handling than on the items they sold.
  14. I've been a police officer for just over 28 years. My current assignment is OIC of the Criminal Investigation Division. Prior service with USMC Ex-nucleur certified pipefitter on fast attack sub overhaul Ex-insurance salesman (worst job I ever got fired from)
  15. Nice gun. My dream gun is Brazos Custom Limited.
  16. I agree with calishootr. My Glock installation tool wouldn't push the Heinie without torquing to the side so I installed the rear Straight 8 with a Lyman brass hammer. The sight was really tight so I took it slow, tapped til it would bind, then take it off and make a couple of very light passes on the sight with a new fine triangle file. Take it slow, and don't take off too much metal at a time. When I got the sight centered, tighten the set scre and take it to the range. Aftertest firing to ensure the point of impact, use blue Loctite on the set screw. The Heinies are well made with no durability problems that I have yet encountered. I have a different gun that I have been shooting at matches, a Glock 35. I have Warren Tactical Sevigny sights on the 35, with teh fiber optic fron and the plain black rear. If I were going to use the 35 for dual purpose, I would definitely (as recommended by G-ManBart and others) a night sight of some type. You may not be able to see it, or you may not, but I would much rather have them on the gun than not. When I worked mainly night shift I distintly remember several arrest where afterward I could recall seeing the front tritium dot.
  17. Most of the "less than 3 inch groups" I ever shot were with a .308 with a Nikon Tactical 2.5-10 power scope. I am not near as good as most of the people on this site, but it seems to me that the ability to shoot small groups, off the bench with a handgun only proves how accurate the pistol is rather than how well you can shoot it. I am an unltra competetive typer person and never thought I would have so much fun getting smoked at matches. What more could you ask for? Your in the fresh air, good peopkle around you and you shooting firearms. As the man once said, "It don't get no better than that." Start shooting matches. There is no substitute. Better shooters than me from this site recommend that you "pick one gun and shoot the snot out of it."
  18. Today I was doing a draw and single shot with a friend, and he had me draw and come up on target without firing. After a buch of repetitions, he had me fire one shot with each draw, and then went back to the draw and sight picture. sometime during this process, I started doing the whole thing without closing/narrowing my left eye. I'v done smoe two-shooting with reflex type sights, but I don't remember shooting handguns with two eyes. when I noticed it, I was surpirsed how well I could see and it took me a minute or two to determine what was different. Who'd a thunk it.
  19. I practiced for about four hours today with friend Gerwin Henn, the one respopnsible for my entry into this sport. I've heard teh mantra "smooth is fast" for years but today he proved it to me. He started by having me relax in the shooting box. and worked on the mechanics of my draw. As a police officer I have been drawing for years from the "interview stance," or one of the variations, and the faster I tried to be, teh more I would tense up and ended fighting against my self. Guess what? Most of my draws and shots were really slow, and it was extremely hard to get the sight to stop on the target for a good first shot. We worked on and repeated smooth draws, getting my off-hand to move up as my strong-hand came up, firing without concern for whether the sot hit the plate or not. It got smoother and smoother, and before long, although it did not feel faster, it got faster. He had me continue to go "smoothly" and next thing you know I started hitting the plate, and the shots were not any slower than the misses. I had a tendency to keep tensing up, but each time he would remind me to relax my shoulders and fingers, it seemed like hte front sight just froze in the middle of the plates. What a day. I still have a long way to go, but man it feels so go to actually see and feel progress. Thanks Gerwin, again.
  20. If you don't try the Ameriglos, the Heinie Straight 8 night sights are worth a try. I am a police officer and have had Trijicon or Meprolight sights on all of my duty/off duty carry pistols since they came out. A couple of months ago I put a set of Heinie Straight Eights on a Glock that I really liked. the Heinie sights have a thinner front and the result is a sight picture with more light on each side. This seems to work better for me. The Trijicon front I replaced was .146 and teh Heinie was .125. I also fired the Heinie's at night and I seemed to be able to align two dots on top of each other thatn I could align three dots horizontally. Maybe that's because my eyes are gettng old.
  21. Yesterday I did it. I sent in my registration for the Louisiana Gator classic in Thibodaux 29-31 October. this will be my first Level II match. I am still unclassified. I have entered two local matches and one USPSA match in Poplarville, MS. I am going with a friend that got me to start shooting competitions. I signed up to shoot Limited with my Glock 35. My friend has offered to let me shoot one of his STI's, but I'm going to stick with the Glock for now. At this stage, what equipment I use has very little to do with how well I do. My biggest drawback is the loose nut behind the wheel, or in this case the pistol. I am looking forward to this so much. any day now I should be getting my USPSA membership card, and may be able top make two more local matches and two more USPSA matches in Poplarville. My friend Gerwin Henn and I have a practice day at the range scheduled for Labor Day. Man, I've got this bug big time.
  22. Biloxi23

    Freeing the Mind

    "Freeing the Mind" Master Zhongfeng Mingben said, "One must possess a mind that frees the mind." There are two levels, beginning and advanced, attached to these words. When one frees teh mind, it travels until it comes to a stop, therefore the first level of practice teaches to not let the mind stop, but to make it return steadily. When one strikes a blow with his sword, the mind lingers where the blow was struck; this teaching is to make the mind return soundly to oneself. from: "The Sword and the Mind" by Yagyu Munenori
  23. I'm not headed to nationals on any level, and am a few years younger than you but I feel for you. I've had three vertabrae in the neck fused, the lowest three disc in my back were removed, six (yes 6) times my left knee's been 'scoped and I just finished paying for a bridge to fill the gap where my top four front teeth used to be. I used to think I was an athlete and totally abused my body when I was younger and not so young. Then at the age of 58 I was introduced to USPSA shooting. i cna only dream what it would have been like with a reasonably intact body. like I said I feel for you.
  24. I have a Glock 32 with the Heinie Slant Pro sights and a 35 with the Warren Tactical Sevigny Compettion sights. I bought the Heinie's first, but after shooting a friend's pistol with the Sevigny sights, I bought a set for my 35. I really like the Sevigny sights. The front is a little narrower and the rear notch is a little wider. when mounted on the longer slide of the 35, the resulting sight picture seems more to my liking. It may be the signts, it may be the difference of the longer slide, but I prefer teh Sevigny sights.
  25. I've been a Glock armorerfor a police departmetn since 1995 and the only ones I've seen broken were the ones that were installed backwards as some of the previous posters observed.
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