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Everything posted by vluc

  1. Hehe, looks like the two middle targets are closer on 4 and the barricade is closer in, not further out.
  2. Sometimes life just gets in the way. Look at what you need to do versus what you want to do. Family comes first. This is just a game, a hobby. Sometimes I make matches, sometimes I don't. Just the way it is, you have to put them in their proper places and that will change over time.
  3. I would not unless it was the only club that I could shoot at, and then it had better be more than 4 plus classifier. A few years ago at one of our section meetings, we discussed the possibility of raising our fees from $15 to $20. Spirited and informative discussion ensued, with clubs wishing to raise their fees being encouraged to do so. None did. Caveat for us is that we can shoot virtually every Saturday and Sunday in a month given the number of clubs we have. Shooters would vote with their feet based on quality and price. All of our clubs put on some good shooting challenges, so all things being equal, it was felt that shooters would leave one club for another based on price. YMMV.
  4. It's a problem because people are getting bumped to open division for something that is pretty trivial. At national and area matches no less. Then it trickles down and when an NROI ruling says that the rule was not made to complicate the process yet people are stretching it to pulling a round from your pocket and not touching any mags. Trivial, yes. Against the rules, yes. Got bumped to open for neglecting to remove a small piece of grip tape from under my trigger guard at an Area match a number of years ago. Open with 10 round mags is not as much fun as one thinks, but they are the rules. Triviality has nothing to do with it.
  5. you've seen me shoot... I have, but have never seen your pouches! Too busy watching the gun!! Funny, in all the years I have been running you at major matches, I can say that I have never noticed that you had a magnetic holder, never really noticed your mag pouches. The Blue gun, the blue outfits, the great shooting, but never the mag holders. Of course, I don't think I have ever clipboard RO'd you, either!
  6. Give me better wording on that one. We have a meeting coming up, quick. I can live with diehli's addition. But Amidon talking about "intent" of the BOD's decision - just remember the brouhaha over production when people were trying to recollect "intent". Let's not reference intent, let's spell it out nice and clear. Remember, most RO's are not staying up on the production and single stack rules unless they are production and SS shooters, and sometimes not even then.
  7. We will get to do this all over again when the "separate magazine holders" issue goes in to effect (unless there has been a clarification on this). If I have two magazines in a rear pocket, they are sharing the same "holder", am I in violation of the rules?
  8. Thanks a bunch! Guess I'll be ordering in a couple of days. MLM Never thought much about it, but they did look interesting so I ordered a couple. Got an email a few hours after ordering that they were shipped.
  9. http://www.speedshooter.com/product_detail.cfm?ID=AABK http://www.speedshooter.com/product_detail.cfm?ID=JRBC
  10. Should be no problem showing up later. After noon or 1, that's a different story!
  11. Pitcairn-Monroeville will be host­ing a 6 stage clas­si­fier match on Sun­day, July 1, 2012. Here is a per­fect oppor­tu­nity to get clas­si­fied in a new Divi­sion, or try to move up in your cur­rent one. Results should be into USPSA before the cutoff date of the 10th for inclusion in July.
  12. I've shot/shoot Zero 147 in both FMJ and JHP. JHP just a tad more accurate and that is what I have stayed with for a number of years. May be a placebo but I feel more comfortable with JHP and steel than FMJ and steel.
  13. Slight drift but some of our newly minted RO's seem to have the "finger/trigger" issues highlighted and that is what they are looking for. Have to go around letting them know that SAFETY is the issue, not trying to catch somebody doing something. A very good way for these younger folks to get their RN degree (range nazi). I have been encouraging MD's to incorporate these new RO's with experienced RO's and CRO's. Letting them run alone is setting them and shooters up for conflict and failure.
  14. "muzzle" and "finger" are courtesies, not required. I used to use them when I first started, but no longer do after reading and posting on a thread regarding this. Learned a lot from the perspectives relayed by others and appreciate the forum as a place to share. Broke the 180 at a VA-MD Section match several years ago on a re-shoot, think I had one or two stages left in that match - my first trip to the dairy queen. It can happen to you. An inadvertent turn, a poor position in a shooting area, a basic brain f- -t and your day is over.
  15. Welcome. Visit us at Western PA Section If you want to see some live action, there is a USPSA match at McDonald this Sunday. Links and directions at the site.
  16. I would not call the time off like that.
  17. Let's see, last year my FO went away near there, so maybe with one in I might do better!
  18. Ah, mind games is it. While I will see it when I come in Thursday, to heighten the agony for the incoming shooters, do you mean to say that there is extra lighting in the area we are shooting (where the targets are) or just somewhere in the indoor bay? IIRC, once all the lights in the indoor area were turned on it was quite nice! LOL!
  19. Hmm. I use both Dillon and Jennings for weighing, find the Jennings just takes it out a few more decimal places. That being said, I never run mine on battery, just AC. Might see if that has a bearing on your problem. I reviewed the manuals and if you followed the directions, level area, etc and have the proper calibration weight, it should work. Could always contact them and see what they have to say.
  20. When I first became SC, I made it a point for a season and a half to shoot with people I had never shot with before, mostly newer shooters. My shooting did suffer but I gained an entirely different perspective on how new shooters look at this sport. I think everybody who has posted on this thread is missing an incredible opportunity to advance the sport if they only took some time to shoot with newer and lower ranked shooters, or bring them into the squads they shoot with. Advancing personally is great, advancing the sport is our legacy.
  21. If a new production shooter shows up without an adequate number of magazines, we suggest they load what they have to capacity and shoot Limited. If they have enough mags, we support them in Production and let them have fun, just have to explain equipment positioning to them so they understand those rules.
  22. Several good points brought up. Look at some of the videos that shooters have been posting and see where the RO is. No way those RO's can see the gun let alone a finger in the guard. Position is everything. I agree with ExtremeShot, there are RO's that can't/don't keep up regardless of age. Second, prepping for the shot. I know a number of people who index off of spots on the stockade fencing we use as they know when they hit a certain spot the target is just past that "mark". To the RO, the target may not be visible, but the shooter knows what he/she needs to see to break the shot. As aztecdriver stated, with netting, I can see a whole lot more and prep sooner for the target that I see through that "impenetrable" barrier. Same with swinging targets that can be shot through ports. You would have a tough time convincing me to support a dq for that. This game is evolving, and movement is evolving with it as well. So to is course design and the materials used to set up cof's.
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