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Everything posted by vluc

  1. LOL! I don't drink that much beer! I think I have more pleasure in making it that anything else, well, almost!
  2. Nice, just found some 2 1/2 gallon kegs over at Williams Brewing. Pricey, but interesting.
  3. Like I need another toy to play with..... I recommend a chest freezer with a tempter controller on it. 6-8 corny (soda) kegs, no problem! kegging is the way to go. you can easily bottle a few at a time right form the kegs. and if any of you are coming to the VA-MD section this weekend, we will have 10 gallons of our summer blond on tap for some pool side quaffing. Come on by and have a sample! Save some for the Area match!
  4. I have a feeling you will receive an ambiguous answer...if at all. I do believe you may be correct, sir! We get no club info from her, can't seem to find a USPSA number nor do we see any other people popping up who may also shoot where she shoots - and if it is Texas, we have a goodly number of folks from the great Republic of Texas on the forum who have not chimed in at all. Beginning to wonder if she truly exists or is a "composite" shooter.
  5. Kegging is being considered! Kind of interested in the mini-kegs they have available in the market. No room in a fridge for the bigger 5G ones, unfortunately. There is something very gratifying about pooping the top off of your own bottled beer, though!
  6. LOL! My first one I watched constantly and was impatient to taste. Now, I have a few cases bottle conditioning that have been in the back room for weeks and I'm not curious at all about them. I even find myself in no rush to get them from the primary fermenter into the secondary. For me it was a matter of getting the pipeline filled. Once you get that first 4-6 brews going where you have enough variety to drink, I think you aren't that impatient - or not as much!
  7. Just did my first all grain batch on Saturday after doing all extract kits. What a hoot! Fermenter is bubbling away like crazy today. Looking forward to this one almost as much as my very first go at making beer!
  8. Best spot for some 3 gun or at least multi-gun around Pittsburgh is Pardoe, up near New Castle. Visit the section web page and give Sam or Ollie a holler.
  9. Damn, Randy. That was fast posting! Thanks!
  10. There is entertainment value to some of these routines that do have a place....
  11. I don't know where you take a "sight picture", but I usually take one on a target that's visible from the start position. The only thing different about "sight picturing" and actually "shooting" the target is before or after the start signal. There's absolutely NOTHING unsafe about it. Maybe you could try and impart some of your infinite wisdom as to WHY it would be unsafe.... that's right - let's hear some reason. Maybe this is like the safe area discussion we had --- remember, you kept talking about safe areas were the place to load ammunition - because it was "safe" and then 15 posts later you reveal your safe area was the trunk of your car? How about you tell us what your process for sight picture is so we can see why you may be considering having my finger on the trigger while pointing at a target that I could draw and shoot from where I'm starting is dangerous. ETA- Yes, the above does smack of sarcasm mixed with a *little* disdain - I thought, though that my intent would come out a little clearer. The last 7 posts are basically saying, no you're not - yes I am, back and forth. So far, they are right - you are wrong - by the rulebook. And so far, by rational reasoning - as you have yet to explain your reasoning. This is my second attempt as to get you to instead of stating something you appear to believe is incontrovertible fact and to give us your reasoning behind it. This isn't something as simple as you are calling the sky red - though it appears that way to us.... help us out. I'm hearing west texas crickets chirping here....
  12. I disagree it is dangerous - but could we not say that for almost every action we do in this sport? Until the rulebook changes to define having the finger in the trigger guard during a sight picture as a dq (God, I hope not), it is fine and no more dangerous than anything else we do, like flip n' catch (IMHO). What is next, only running at a certain speed just in case you happen to trip or fall? Or not running at all? Maybe we get rid of the 180 rule and make it 160 just in case somebody might get into the bad habit of getting close to the 180? Somebody somewhere will consider those unsafe.
  13. Too bad Dowter isn't around anymore to pursue this. Either he moved or no longer shoots but I've not seen hide nor hair of him for many, many years.
  14. Maybe he just uses earplugs.... My hat
  15. Mine has been hit and miss (no pun intended) depending on the light conditions in the rooms I use. I can get a hit or two of the SIRT but then light conditions force me to stop. I continue to dry fire on smaller reduced size targets until I can get motivated enough to tinker around with the settings.
  16. I converted them and emailed them to Dan. Send me an email via pm and I will send to whoever needs them until Dan gets them up. If you want to do it yourself and have powerpoint and adobe installed, you can just save the powerpoint as an adobe pdf from within Office.
  17. vluc

    One Handed?

    The way we set it up, to break the 180 on the outside targets you would need be engaging from outside the fault lines as we had a gap between the walls and the fault lines on our setup. No DQ's, but some really spotty gun handling - not to the point of a DQ, but enough that I pulled people aside and made mention of it. Too much gun shaking to drop a stubborn magazine with some darn close breaks. But that was not the fault of the design but the behavior of the shooters. It was funny, so many of the shooters just felt the need to have to be at the front of the shooting area where the angle to the lower targets were the tightest as opposed to going back 24 inches and being able to engage them much more easily (albeit strong or weak handed) from the rear of the box. Lots of them just wanted to run and gun, and air it out. This course took some of that away, especially by using the turtles which so many people do not like. I may try to do this again with 3 targets on each side in tight as opposed to the one, as originally designed. MarkCo, if you throw any more like this together, let me know! I think we may be dumbing down our COF's by making too many field courses with wide open targets and letting shooters think that this is what USPSA is all about. It is a shooting game, and tight shots, weak/strong hand and prone are positions we need to do more of.
  18. vluc

    One Handed?

    So how did it go? What a hoot! 65 shooters (or so). Saw some interesting ways to shoot it, and realized once again how locked in to a certain shooting style so many of us are. Almost like they forget they have a weak hand or strong hand. Right handed shooters did almost every position imaginable to NOT put that gun in their left hand, so their times and scores reflected that. Add that so many people are committed to running left to right as they fear reloading the opposite direction that they adopt those bizarre positions. and it made it quite entertaining! This was a great wake-up stage if you pay attention. Really highlights weaknesses that we have that do not get addressed at most local matches. Like you, received a good deal of moaning about the stage. Slick fault lines, how can you ask us to shoot with those conditions(it was a light intermittent rain), too hard for beginning shooters, too early in the season to run a difficult stage like that.
  19. vluc

    One Handed?

    Set this up today to run for Sunday's match. Made some slight changes to your design by having all the fault lines far enough away from the fence to prevent leaning on it, and instead of 6 strong and weak, we sharply tucked the low target behind a wall to only give 2 per side. With the way we set up fault lines, this presents a really cool shooting challenge which our local GM got in to. Also are using turtles since we are expecting some intermittent showers and don't want drooping heads. Have to take some pics and vids to show you. Setup crew was really into figuring out how to run our version of your stage. Too funny watching some shooters of various girths trying to find a way to shoot this freestyle only. Tomorrow should be a hoot. And yes, some of our newer and "C" class shooter/helpers were making noise until they began to see new ways to approach a stage. Don't you just love it when you see the light go on for somebody!
  20. +1. memories of Buckeye Blast's Past....
  21. No reason they should not.
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