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Everything posted by vluc

  1. http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu106/shadyscott999/CPAletter_zps4548b67b.png
  2. Try cleaning it. Also, use high cap mags - they weigh less than the 10 rounders. Was told this recently (that I was close) as well with a similar setup - once - after that same gun was used at several area and section matches with only a recoil spring change and was within specs each time. Trust but verify.
  3. vluc

    Glock Mags

    Your club should have a box to check it with.
  4. Bought some to try as I usually run zero 147's (RN and JHP). Will see when they get here.
  5. I agree with Randy. There is still nothing on the USPSA web page, but tons of stuff elsewhere. I have yet to be officially informed of anything, my AD is working on getting me the disavowed shooter list as the seizure individual shoots a great deal in the Western PA Section, the cheater did some of his nasty at the A8 held in the Western PA Section. I am not optimistic. Like America - I love my country, hate my government. Love USPSA, not liking the leadership right now.
  6. Our section (Western PA) is like Ohio. Section championship, residents of WPA are the ones recognized, just like an Area match. Out of state/country may place higher, but for winning calculations, residence is it. We don't charge more or collect anything that goes into a kitty for shooters later.
  7. Well that retirement came faster than expected. Best to John, now we look to see who gets the nod.
  8. Here's hoping that whoever replaces John after he retires in the Fall shares the same points of view. At one time a little piece of tape in the magwell was fine, then it wasn't. That's an easily fixed mod. Like stipling, once you make the change, can't go back.
  9. He was placed on the "disavowed list" I figure that means banned (words have meaning), but requests for the list - to see who else is on there so effective match management at a local level can be done - have not been answered. My AD says he is working to get it distributed, we'll see. Might be in the lost sock zone or someplace like that. Allegedly exists, never seen. Cheating also occurred in A8, AD posted the letter on the A8 FB page, but like others, why not the main USPSA page. Heck, the letter is being referenced on a number of other gun sites, yet not on our home page. And a side not, PVH is not a CRO as stated in the letter, at least not according to the USPSA web page list of RO's/CRO's. He is an RO only.
  10. Didn't I recall something from years ago that it was a visible mod and therefore illegal? http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=107818
  11. I never had issues on my 550. My 650 is the problem child that gives me the occasional fat boy.
  12. The second. Matches at all our clubs are set up on Saturday. If enough people and time permits, they shoot then. Sunday, 830 reg 900 start. We usually have half the crowd shoot twice. May have to start a tear the last stage down routine. See how many shoot a second gun....
  13. Thought that was what Kim did.
  14. Get a nationals out this way like we used to have (2000 Limited Nationals at East Huntingdon, PA) and you'd be even more pleasantly surprised....
  15. I've been using the 7k since they came out and have had no problems with them. For me, easy to hold (not over the shoulder but behind the back), easier ti use, easier to carry around. I prefer them to the much larger ones that are out there. As for would a different timer change things - well, if you don't physically share the time with your scoring RO, it won't matter what timer was used. Besides, video shows he used to do that around 2010, but somehow lost the ability around 2011...
  16. From Facebook Area 6 page: Charles Bond An admission of guilt is not important to our sport and had I been advising him as his attorney I would have advised him not to make one. There is nothing set out in our rules about burning anything at the stake or administering lashes since we have authority only over members. He is no longer a member so at least as to Paul, the USPSA process is concluded. You can say what you want about Paul Hendrix but he has done a very honorable thing by his act of resigning saving our sport from having to deal with a potentially long and difficult process. I appreciate his courage and unselfish contribution in so doing. That's it? So in how many years from now he can come back to USPSA? Don't need membership to shoot local USPSA matches.
  17. Can someone explain to me why, with an official USPSA investigation (that was not announced on the USPSA page nor disbursed via email to membership or SC's) being conducted, that we have to read about it on the A6 Facebook page? President appoints someone, we hear about it on FB. Investigator asks for information vie doodie and FB, "result" announced via FB with a resignation from USPSA - no ban, no punishment, just an allowance to slip quietly into the night, and membership is not being informed about it? Crickets chirping, vast majority of shooters in USPSA remain clueless. As if nothing ever happened. One of the largest scandals to impact our sport and if you don't facebook, chances are you don't hear about it. I am asking this as a USPSA member, not as a section coordinator because I don't want the issue clouded that in my "official" capacity as an SC I am speaking for the organization.
  18. Guess I'll have to reset my Lee on my 650, get a handful every couple hundred that won't gauge.
  19. So we see the latest update in club casualties. Gem City in Erie, host to 4 Section Championship matches, will stop USPSA shooting in November unless someone from the club steps up. WPA shooters - STEP UP!!! These are your clubs that are closing, your opportunities for shooting that are going away, all because of YOUR lack of involvement in helping. YOU, and only you, can make a difference. Give me a few hours on a Saturday morning for setup, RO's - 38 active CRO/RO's in WPA and we get less than 6 that do anything. Come on, people!! Sunday, help work a match, run a squad, stay an hour to help tear down a stage. One target - tear it down. I'll take it - that's one less the rest of us have to do. Your choices, always your choices. You can get involved, help keep the clubs alive and the sport active in your area, or you can go to your local indoor range and punch paper, thinking about what could have been if only someone stepped up. Why don't you make YOU the oone who steps up. A handful of us can only carry things so far, and we are getting tired and burned out.
  20. With regret, the Western Pennsylvania Section announces two clubs going on hiatus (we hope) from USPSA shooting. McDonald Sportsmens Club (outside of Pittsburgh, PA), which hosted several Section matches, is immediately suspending their USPSA program due to a lack of help and assistance from USPSA shooters. Help has dwindled down to three people, with neighboring club RO's coming in to provide RO support. Matches usually show 65-75 guns, no reason people can't be helping. Likewise, at the end of this shooting season, Gem City Gun Club in Erie, PA, host of four section matches, is also suspending their program due to lack of help and unwillingness of shooters to step up. Their current match director has found himself doing it all, and that can only last so long. That time has arrived. This is the issue that needs to be addressed in USPSA. We have clubs, just not enough people to do the work. Everyone wants to shoot, few want to help. We have found ourselves with a core group of people who do too much of the work at too many of the clubs, not only for local matches, but Section & Area matches as well. Hopefully, some people will step up when they see what they have lost. One can only hope....
  21. just because there was a need to reload does not mean the process of reloading had begun.
  22. Sometimes you don't have that option, Stan. At our recent Section match on our stage, we had the unfortunate experience to oversee the DQ's of two people we sometimes shoot with. It happens. i can say this, the people I shoot with are even more focused when running each other just because of that potential of bias. You are given nothing, you better damn well earn it. Given the increasing lack of help at matches, this situation will continue until others step up to help.
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