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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. I load MG 124 FMJ's with 4.3gns of N320, i have never seen an overpressure issue. During the winter months I have to push that up to close to 4.4 in order to maintain the same PF ( 130-132 ). Shooting out of a CZ SP01. ETA: I forgot the OAL.....i load out to 1.150. I've tested OAL's from 1.130 out to 1.165, and the 1.150 is consistently most accurate.
  2. That's strange because all my SP01 mags work fine in my P07.
  3. Is that the CGW rear sight?
  4. I have a P07, and I like it. Well, I really like it because it was a raffle prize from the Florida Open! Anyway, it's been my carry gun since I got it. I'm a big guy and its easy for me to conceal in the winter and spring months, but during the summer it's a little tougher. I use a Crossbread Super Tuck. The gun shoots pretty well. I don't shoot IDPA so can't help you there, and I wouldn't consider it for USPSA, ( i shoot an SP01 in Production ). When I shoot USPSA, I want competition sights, not carry sights. I suppose I could change them, but just never saw the need. I recently picked up a S&W Bodyguard for summer carry. NIce little gun I can stick in my pocket and run out the door. When the weather gets cooler, I'll switch back to the P07. i've never held a P01, but looks like a nice shooter. Like I said in the beginning, I won my P07. Not sure I would have purchased it as my carry gun.
  5. I can’t lock my key in the car because it’s the key fob and keyless start. If the key is the car, or the trunk, you simply hit the button on the door handle and Viola, you’re in. With that said….I did find out there is something you CAN do though. Normally I have the key FOB on a ring with my house keys. Unfortunately in this case, it was just the FOB because I had just that prior weekend got back from an out of town match, and had left the house keys home and only brought the FOB since someone else drove. Anyway, so I am at the gym, and just finished my work out. Normally I put on a clean dry shirt when I get out to the car since the one I work out in is soaked through. So while I’m standing there, I put the key fob on the sunroof. Changed shirts, drove home. After I got home and showered I went to go back out a couple of hours later. Couldn’t find the key FOB anywhere. Turns out, the car was able to start at the gym because the FOB was close enough to the inside of the car ( on top of the sunroof ) that the car recognized it. Unfortunately when I pulled out of the parking lot, the FOB fell off the roof and was never found. I was amazed to find out that the car will drive without the FOB in it once it is started. ( Nissan Altima ). I had an extra FOB at home, but I don’t like having just one, because you never know what can happen, so I had to replace it…….$300 mistake.
  6. Keep in mind Stock 2 is large frame, Shadow is small frame. I have big hands and i have a tough time getting the base of my weak hand in on the weak side grip of the Shadow. Not enough room. I have not held a Stock 2, but I've been told that it is the same size as the Tanfo Limited. I have held that gun, my buddy shoots it. The grip is so much bigger than the Shadow it is very easy for me to get my whole weak side hand in on the grip. I've been looking for a Stock 2 here in the US, but they are as common here as Hen's teeth. My opinion, both guns are great shooters. You can't go wrong with either. Pick the one that feels better ergonomically.
  7. The rule book is like the Magic 8 Ball, it contains all the answers. Sometimes we need help clarifying them, like what I posted above. Your inquiry however is easy to resolve. Consult Rules 2.5.1 and 2.5.2
  8. Comp A handed the gun to Comp B. As Comp B was racking the slide to ensure he was holding a clear firearm, Comp A said "Oh yeah, there is a snap cap in there". ( Comp A did not clear the gun in Comp B's presence prior to handing it to him )
  9. Wanda's dishwasher quit working so she called a repairman. Since she had to go to work the next day, she told the repairman, "I'll leave the key under the mat. Fix the dishwasher, leave the bill on the counter, and I'll mail you a check." "Oh, by the way don't worry about my Doberman named Spike. He won't bother you. But, whatever you do, do NOT, under ANY circumstances, talk to my parrot!" "I REPEAT, DO NOT TALK TO MY PARROT!!!" When the repairman arrived at Wanda's apartment the following day, he discovered the biggest, meanest looking Doberman he has ever seen. But, just as she had said, the dog just lay there on the carpet watching the repairman go about his work. The parrot, however, drove him nuts the whole time with his incessant yelling, cursing and name calling. Finally the repairman couldn't contain himself any longer and yelled, "Shut up, you stupid, ugly bird!" To which the parrot replied, "Get him, Spike!"
  10. I thought I covered everything in OP, but I guess not. So let's try again. Rule 10.5.12 Handling live or dummy ammunition (including practice or training rounds, snap caps and empty cases), loaded magazines or loaded speed loading devices in a Safety Area, or failing to comply with Rule 2.4.1. The word “handling” does not preclude competitors from entering a Safety Area with ammunition in magazines or speed loading devices on their belt, in their pockets or in their range bag, provided the competitor does not physically remove the loaded magazines or loaded speed loading devices from their retaining or storage device while within the Safety Area. 10.5.13 Having a loaded firearm other than when specifically ordered to by the Range Officer. (From the Glossary: Loaded Firearm . . . . . . . .A firearm having a live or dummy round in the chamber or cylinder, or having a live or dummy round in a magazine inserted in the firearm. ) My call would be that Competitor A is DQ'd per rule 10.5.13. Still can't decide if Competitor B should be DQ'd per rule 10.5.12. He was not told about the snap cap prior to handling it so should he be responsible? On one hand he didn’t specifically ask, so maybe he is responsible because he didn’t check. But on the other hand, a fellow competitor shouldn’t be walking around with a dummy round in the gun, so is it safe to ass-u-me the gun is unloaded? By practice, we should always rack the slide of a gun handed to us to ensure the gun is unloaded ( I know I always do ), so it seems harsh to penalize Competitor B for practicing safe gun handling.
  11. You are an RO/CRO/RM, take your pick, and you’re walking by the safe area. You observe two competitors, we will call them Competitor A and Competitor B. You notice Competitor B holding a gun, and then you watch him rack the slide, and you see a Snap Cap/dummy round come out. You then walk over to the competitors to DQ Competitor B citing rule 10.5.12. I think everyone will agree this is the correct call. So now let’s add this twist. When you start speaking to the competitors, you find out that the gun that Competitor B racked the slide on, is in fact Competitor A’s gun. The Snap Cap/dummy round was already in the gun when Competitor A handed it to Competitor B and did not inform him of the Snap Cap/dummy round until the exact second he was racking the slide. So who gets the DQ? Competitor B because he still “handled” dummy ammunition in the Safe Area? Competitor A because he had a loaded firearm ( Rule 10.5.13 ) ? Both?
  12. The way i understand it, and the way i make the call is that Facing uprange is defined, like you said. Facing downrange is not. If there is a target at the 179* mark, I will let the competitor face that target, because that target is downrange. Until someone can quote me a rule otherwise, that is the way I will call it.
  13. I use FrogLube exclusively now. Love it. But a lot of people will tell you it's snake oil. Whatever. I know it works, it lubes, and it keeps my gun less dirty. With that said, before I switched, i was using Hoppes Elite to clean, and CLP to lube. The CLP will clean also, but the Hoppes Elite does a better job. Plus, Hoppes Elite has little to no smell. Since you're a big #9 fan, I think that is best bet.
  14. I think you are thinking of Brag Engmann. He was the guy that kept saying he was an IPSC GM and every time he messed up a challenge he blamed the gun because he shoots a Glock.
  15. Back in high school I worked in a movie theater. A lot of movies you would get a couple walk out for various reasons, always shaking their heads and mumbling to each other, they would look at us with that “I know it’s not your fault that movie sucks, but I’m still pissed” look on their faces. Hands down though, there was one movie that had so many people walk out of it EVERY night, that we started taking bets on the number. It was so bad that people would actually ask for the manager and ask for their money back. Most would just walk out, but a large number wanted their money back. They never got it, but it was always amusing for us to hear the complaints. The stinker in question……Raising Arizona.
  16. CZinSC


    Remove firing pin Put PFB and FPB spring in the hole in the slide ( should be pretty obvious how it goes in ) Put FP and FP spring back in. You will need to slightly depress the FPB to get the FP in. The FP goes in with the notches facing up ( up being towards the top of the slide. ie: where the sights are ). Replace the FP retaining pin. This all assumes that the FPB lifter is in the Sear. If it is not, you will now not be able to shoot the gun! So make sure the lifter is in there.
  17. Is that a picture of your gun at the :03 mark? If it is, you need to remove the grip tape on the slide that is just forward of the slide stop.. That is illegal for production. The tape on the grip itself is fine. Check out the rulebook, Appendix E4 for further clarification.
  18. Yep, I have that gun. It's just very hard to take that guy out and a few of his buddies and then the RPG's all coming at you. I guess my reflexes are not that good. Still a pretty fun game.
  19. I got up to Day 11 wave #1, can't get any further. Damn Aero gun guys take way too many bullets to kill.
  20. Thanks everyone for the responses. That was what I was hoping to hear. Sorry Cecil. I'm going to use it.
  21. Area 6 did have a scale, although i don't recall what it looked like.
  22. From what i've been able to pick up on the interwebs, HRTRS is Herters, and its a Cabelas brand. They are the sole vendor's of the ammo. I think i will use it, but for practice only.
  23. No, the Fiocchi says "Fiocchi USA". But i do have a boat load of GFL in this same batch. I've loaded GFL before with no issues.
  24. I've been reloading for a few years, but have never come across these, all three are 9mm: FIOCCHI USA HRTRS AGUILA They all look good physically, they are brass, not steel, and the primers are not crimped. Just curious if anyone loads these, or makes an effort to toss them. I've got 5000 cases to sort, and I've come across enough of these in first couple hundred where I need to make a decision to use or toss. TIA
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